Seeing this, Su Han smiled even more.

He waved his hand, signaling everyone to stand up, and then turned his gaze to Duke and continued to ask:

"You are very good"

"Even Bingjie's rebirth knows"

"In that case, let me ask you another question."

Hearing Su Han's praise, Duke was flattered and said,"Please speak, Marquis!""

"Since you know that I am a reborn marquis after death, can you guess my true identity?" Su Han asked.

Good people should do good things to the end.

You have arranged the marquis for me, why don't you do it in full and arrange an identity for me?

Su Han chuckled and waited for Duke's answer.

Of course, all the vampires in the bar were listening quietly with bated breath.

Duke pondered for a moment, bowed his head and replied to Su Han respectfully:"Sir, if Duke's guess is correct, you should be the third-generation vampire from Beiou, Lord Marquis Will!""Marquis Will


The bar fell into a brief silence. Everyone looked at each other, as if they didn't know where the name Marquis Will came from.

Duke also noticed the confusion of the crowd.

He first looked up at Su Han.

Finding that Su Han was looking at him with an admiring look, he hurriedly said:"Greetings, Lord Marquis Will!"

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at the people behind the bar:"Marquis Will is the nephew of Duke Catherine, the third generation of the blood family. Because of some things hundreds of years ago, he moved to Beiou and lived in seclusion. He has not shown up for a long time."

Everyone understood and immediately saluted Su Han.

"Meet Lord Marquis Will!"

Hearing everyone's cheers, Su Han was delighted but also wanted to laugh.

This blood clan was too sloppy!

He hadn't done anything since he sat here, but his identity was clearly arranged.

The plan seemed to be going surprisingly smoothly!

Remembering the identity Duke mentioned, Su Han motioned for everyone to stand up, and then said to Duke:"You are very good."

He went up and patted Duke on the shoulder, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear:"Wait for me outside this bar at nine o'clock tonight."

After that, he patted Duke again, stood up and strode out of the bar.

This Duke is simply a talent!

The perfect tool man!

Su Han grinned and left everyone's sight.

"Farewell, Lord Marquis Will!!"

Hearing Su Han's words, Duke was flattered and felt so happy.

If he could be appreciated by a Lord Marquis, why would he have to stay in this shabby place all day?

Duke thought, with an excited smile on his face.

At this moment, the owner of the bar, a baron, came out.

Behind him, there was the man in the hat who had just hurried into the bar.

"what happened?"

"What Marquis?"

The man in the hat was reporting to him that the Templars had appeared in the round squat, and then he heard everyone shouting and walked out.

When Duke saw the bar owner, he first bowed respectfully, and then told him everything that had just happened.

Of course, he concealed Su Han's whisper to him. The more the bar owner listened, the more frightened he became.

"The Templars are coming!"

"The Marquis of Will, who never came to the world, was reborn and came to squat"

"Could it be that the Knights Templar are hunting Lord Will?"

"No! We must report this to the Viscount immediately!"

He thought, patted Duke's shoulder with appreciation, and turned to leave.

When the bar owner left, everyone in the bar surrounded Duke.

The female vampire who had just said that she wanted to catch Su Han to quench her thirst, flirted with Duke...

When Su Han returned to the base and entered the building, he saw everyone gathered together.

However, everyone had a sad face, and they didn't seem very happy.

Su Han walked over, his footsteps were very light, and it seemed that no one noticed him.

"What's going on?"

""Isn't there any egg in the tomato scrambled eggs for lunch?"

He laughed and teased everyone.

Everyone replied without turning their heads:"It's not that there is no egg, something worse happened"

"I originally thought I could win this time without any effort, but I didn't expect that Mr. Su came here just for vacation and had no intention of participating in the competition at all!"

"This time it's terrible, Gao Cuiran is dead, there's one less person on the team, maybe they won't even make it to the quarterfinals and will be eliminated, then they probably won't even have the face to return home!"

A burst of lamentations, one after another

"When did I say I didn't plan to participate in the competition?"

Su Han asked with a smile

"What’s the point of you participating in the competition? We are talking about Mr. Su’s participation in the competition!"

"That is, if Mr. Su can participate in the competition, we definitely don’t even have to play on the field. We can win the championship just by lying down and bring glory to our country!"

""Oh, it's all my fault. I didn't communicate with Brother Su in advance!"

Zhang Daoyuan sighed, but his voice suddenly widened his eyes and turned his head.

Behind him was Su Han!

He said why the voice sounded so familiar!

But this is not the point.

What is the point?

The point is that Su Han seemed to have said just now that he did not say that he did not plan to participate!

"Damn it! Brother Su, are you really going to join us in the competition? ? ?"

He exclaimed, and everyone turned their heads.

Lu Tingshan also squeezed out from the crowd.


He looked at Su Han with surprise:"Mr. Su, are you really going to join us in the competition?"

Su Han stood with his hands behind his back and smiled:"Of course it's true. Since I'm here, I feel pretty good to take first place."

After that, he waved his hand and walked upstairs to his room.

This sentence made everyone excited and a little confused at the same time.

Take first place...

After the baron returned to the room, he grabbed his mobile phone and called the most powerful person he knew.

Before, he always wanted to call to say hello, but he was afraid of causing trouble.

But this time, he can finally dial the number in the dark with confidence!

""Hello? What's up?"

A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone, mixed with a few sharp female wails. It was self-evident what they were doing.

"My Lord Earl! It's the turn of the Marquis of Will to squat, and many Templar Knights have also come.……"

When the call was connected, the Vampire Baron's self-righteousness suddenly disappeared, replaced by a nod of respect.

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