Looking at the empty treasure house, Kaiser Lian looked extremely unhappy.


"very good!"

"You pretend to be my nephew and even dare to steal my treasure house?"

""I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

Catherine shouted to the sky, her voice floating, and could be heard dozens of miles away in the suburbs.

However... Su Han had just left this area!

Just like that, he returned to the base.

At the same time, he didn't know, but it was also within his expectations that the entire Dark Council had launched a wanted order for him!

Back to the building where the team was located.

Now is not too late, but because the game will start early tomorrow morning, everyone has returned to their rooms to recuperate.

Su Han also returned to his room.

Opposite, Luo Shijiu's door was closed, and I think she had already fallen asleep.

"The Duke of the Blood Clan is indeed an old monster who has lived for hundreds or thousands of years. He has quite a lot of things!"

Looking at the things that were almost full in the storage ring, Su Han felt a little happy. He roughly counted them.

Among them, herbs were the most, and they were all rare species that were even extinct now.

There were even a few raw materials for refining Xushen Pills!

Seeing the medicinal materials piled up into a small mountain in the storage ring, Su Han couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it was really worth the trip.

Even if there were no other things, just these natural treasures, this trip would have made a lot of money!

What's more, there are many other things!

Su Han continued to count.

There were no top-grade magic weapons.

There were three top-grade magic weapons.

One of them was a whip, a scimitar, and a light green Chinese-style ancient sword.

There is no need to say more about the whip and the scimitar.

They are too ugly and useless, so I decisively gave them up.

Two top-grade magic weapons increased the range of cultivation by 1,200 points.

There is also a Chinese-style light green ancient sword left. I think it should be obtained by Duke Catherine who killed a Chinese monk some time ago.

The ancient sword looks good, very Handsome, with a pale green glow all over his body.

You can keep it and give it to Luo Shijiu as a token of love... ahem!

After the top-grade magic tools, there are eight mid-grade magic tools.

Among them, except for a piece of gold silk soft armor and two ancient swords, which were kept by Su Han, the other five were all fed to the bell.

The cultivation range increased by 1,000 points.

After the ancient bell was upgraded to a spirit bell, the cultivation range increased by devouring magic tools was much slower than before.

There was nothing left for the remaining ten low-grade magic tools, so they were all fed to the ancient bell, which increased by another 1,000 points. The ancient bell was humming, and the surface was even covered with a layer of pale yellow light. It looked like a dog that had just been fed a large piece of meat and was full and wagging its tail at its owner...

In addition to magic tools and spiritual medicines, there were countless ancient books.

Most of them were damp, and I think they were useless to vampires.

Su Han flipped through it and found out what was inside."A Few Tips for Vampire Hunting》,《How to keep blood fresh? Such things are really useless.

Fortunately, I found several Chinese martial arts secrets in it, which look pretty good.

Of course, in addition to books, magic weapons, and elixirs, there are many other things.

For example, diamonds the size of eggs, and the heart of the ocean pendant that sank to the bottom of the sea with the Titanic.

Another example is the imperial green jadeite raw stone with a part-time job of over 100 million yuan, etc.

The treasure house is naturally full of treasures.

And each of these things is a priceless treasure that can only be described as priceless!

Especially the jewelry.


When I go back this time, I will give some to the girls, and then my fairy life will begin again? The more Su Han thought about it, the more comfortable he felt...

Early the next morning.

In the center of the base, there is a huge arena of about 20 meters by 20 meters, surrounded by seats like a stadium.

On the left and right sides of the arena are the various teams preparing for battle.

In front and behind are the referees and the powerful masters from various countries.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the draw ceremony began.

At this time, the huge number of spectators was already full of people, as if they were watching a football match.

But the difference is that these"fans" are all top bosses from various countries, plus celebrities from the upper class!

On the stage, an old man in camouflage clothes appeared.

In his hand, he held a box.

The box was closed, and it contained small balls corresponding to the number of teams.

Each team began to draw lots, and then grabbed a small ball. Inside the small ball, there was a pair of labels 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

The two teams that first drew 1 will play against each other after the draw.

The winning team advances and the losing team is eliminated.

It doesn't matter which lot a strong team draws, but the weak team will be relatively scared.

If you draw 1, what if the opponent is very strong and you are eliminated on the spot?

Wouldn't your team become a joke?

How can you face the people of Jiangdong?

However, being scared is being scared. You still have to draw lots!

All teams drew their balls, and the old man in camouflage began to explain the rules.

Then, he asked all teams to open their balls.

"What is what?!"

"Brother Su, open it quickly!"

"It would be best if I could draw fifty, hehe!"

Su Han was the one who went up to draw the lottery for the Chinese team, so the ball he drew was naturally in his hand.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on his hand. He exerted a little force and the ping-pong-sized ball was broken into pieces.

Among them, there was a note with 50 written on it!

"Damn it!"

"Fifty indeed!"

"Wow! Su Jianshen's luck is invincible!"

Everyone exclaimed, attracting envious and jealous looks from many teams.

Among them, the worst was Ukraine.

A small country with a serious imbalance in the ratio of men to women, and a very good relationship with China.

Of course, unlike China, their ratio of men to women is imbalanced, with more women and fewer men.

It is said that the ratio of men to women has already reached 3:7...

For example, now.

The captain of their team is a white beauty, and two-thirds of the team are women.

And the reason why they are frowning at this time is because they have the No. 1 lottery in their hands!

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