After leaving the girls' dormitory and standing outside the door,

Su Han was a little emotional as he watched the sun rising above the horizon.

He had to say, sometimes people are scarier than ghosts!

Thinking of this, he picked up his phone and called Professor Jiao.

Although Professor Jiao had only slept for a few hours, he was concerned about this matter and did not sleep too deeply.

The phone rang, and seeing that it was Su Han's call, Professor Jiao quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello, Xiaohan, how are you doing?"

"Everything has been resolved, but there is one thing, Professor Jiao, I would like to ask you for a favor."

Su Han told Professor Jiao about Chen Xuemei's situation.


Professor Jiao was furious.

"There are such scumbags in Jinling University!"

"Don't worry, Xiaohan, as you said, justice may be late, but it will never be absent."

"The principal is my student. I called him right away and asked him to investigate the matter thoroughly."

"No matter who it is, such a filthy person must pay the price!"

Su Han nodded.

Professor Jiao is such a righteous person.

But what Su Han did not expect was that the president of Jinling University would actually be Professor Jiao's student.

Su Han said:"Then I would like to ask Professor Jiao to give justice to all those who have been harmed!"

"Also, Chen Xuemei's family hopes the school can give some compensation"

"Not too much, but not too little either."

Since he had promised Chen Xuemei, Su Han would not go back on his word.

Professor Jiao agreed to this and hung up the phone.

Su Han unlocked the McLaren and prepared to go back to sleep.

It was only six o'clock in the morning, facing the rising sun, it was a good time to sleep.

"Mr. Su!"

"Please wait a moment!"

Just as Su Han was about to close the butterfly door and start the car to leave.

Suddenly, a shout came from the girls' dormitory building.

Su Han looked through the windshield and saw that it was Xia Lan in a police uniform jogging towards him.

Xia Lan was about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, and could be said to be a ripe fruit. Even the loose police uniform could not cover up her sweet breath.

She jogged all the way.

In front of Su Han, a tree seemed to appear.

There were two huge apples on the tree.

The wind blew the branches and leaves, and the two apples swayed up and down involuntarily!

The apples swayed until they were in front of Su Han.

"Mr. Su, can I leave you a contact number?"

Xia Lan asked Su Han.

Su Han came back to his senses from the apple.

He thought about it.

Leaving Xia Lan his contact number would only benefit him.

She must have come to him because there was something that the police couldn't solve.

When the time comes, I can come by myself and gain experience.

And it would be more convenient to find her by myself for some things.

Su Han nodded and gave his cell phone number.

After Xia Lan carefully wrote it down, she called Su Han.

After the two saved each other's cell phone numbers, Xia Lan said,"You've worked hard all night, so I won't bother you anymore."

"If you want to know the progress of the case, you can call me anytime."

Su Han nodded and drove away.

McLaren went straight to Century Ark Hotel.

Go back and have a good sleep first.

After Su Han left, Xia Lan took out her cell phone and made a call.

The note on the phone was"Father

"Hello? Lanlan, why are you calling dad so early in the morning?"

A full-bodied but smiling voice came from the other end of the line.

"Dad, I want to investigate a case.

Xia Lan said straight to the point

"Investigate a case? Investigate what?"

"Investigating a case that was suppressed three years ago may offend some people, so I'm calling you first to let you know."

Xia Lan told you everything that had just happened without missing a word.

The other end of the phone fell into deep silence.

After a long time, the voice sounded again.

"Lanlan, this case must be investigated"

"No matter what obstacles there are, Dad will help you solve them."

"That Su Han, you must get along well with him"

"Last night, the world changed"

"People like him are exactly what the country is eager for now!"

Xia Lan nodded in response, and after chatting about family matters for a few more minutes, she hung up the phone.

With her father's approval, no one in Jinling City, let alone the entire Jiangdong Province, could obstruct this case!

And her father's exhortation also made Xia Lan, who was already in awe of Su Han, respect him even more!

Originally, he was full of energy, but after returning to the hotel to take a shower and seeing his soft big bed, Su Han still felt sleepy.

He closed the curtains, fell asleep on the bed, and woke up again. It was already noon!

The first thing Su Han did when he opened his eyes was to take He picked up his phone to see if anyone had contacted him.

He found that there were three missed calls.

All of them were from Xu Lingyun.

Su Han didn't answer the call, so Xu Lingyun sent another text message.

The content of the text message was that she took the bus back to Yangguang County first.

Su Han called Xu Lingyun back.

After the two of them chatted quietly for a few sentences, Xu Lingyun, who was cooking at home, hung up the phone first.

It was exactly twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Han was not hungry at first, but after hearing Xu Lingyun say that she was cooking, a feeling of hunger swept over him.

Remembering the appointment he had with Jiao Lanxin the day before yesterday, Su Han picked up his phone and called her.



【The data has not moved for several days. I am a little suspicious that it is a stand-alone game. Can you cast some flowers and evaluation votes to let the author feel your presence?……】

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