This huge chopping wave not only surprised everyone on the Krieg boat, but even the people in the Barati restaurant stayed there.

“What happened?” Krieg’s expression was exaggerated, his eyes staring.

“Boss! Our ship… has become two halves!”

Krieg’s men shouted. At this time, the restaurant was also rioted. They were afraid of being affected by this energy that did not know where it came from. Zhepu also shouted: “Hurry up and pick up the anchor, or our ship will suffer too!”

At this time, Yosaku and Johnny came over from the sea.

Chen Qi thought they were also affected by chopped waves, and “ge-deng” in his heart, thinking that the [Golden Meri] was also destroyed.

Didn’t expect the two said that Nami had taken away the ship and everything on board!

When they heard this, the three of them had exaggerated expressions, and they couldn’t believe it.

The Navigator who got along day and night actually betrayed everyone to do this kind of thing.

Only Chen Qi is a little calmer, because he thinks of the plot.

Luffy looked intently. The ship hadn’t gone far yet, so he asked everyone to chase it quickly.

Zoro waved his hand: “What is that kind of female thief chasing back for?”

Usopp retorted loudly: “That ship is very important!”

No matter what everyone said, Luffy’s face was as firm as a lack of one: “I only want her to be our Navigator, must!”

When Luffy said, Chen Qi covered his face and said, “I understand. What a troublesome captain, Zoro, Usopp, let’s go!”

“Zoro big brother, the boat is ready!” Although the [Golden Meri] was stolen, Yosaku and Johnny’s boat was still in.

Usopp: “Luffy, what about you?”

Luffy pointed to the restaurant behind him: “I have to stay here, there are still some things.”

Today can be said to be one wave after another. Just as everyone was preparing to chase Nami, a small coffin-like boat floated slowly over the sea.

For some reason, Chen Qi felt an extremely powerful breath at this time.

“The leader! Just… the man who defeated all of our fleet!”

“He actually came here!”

“Then…that bastard!” Krieg’s expression changed when he saw the man on the coffin.

The strongest swordsman in the world, [Hawk Eyes] Mihawk! Like a ghost, it came slowly in a coffin boat.

Krieg’s Pirate saw Hawk Eyes, so he was so angry: “Asshole, what is the deep hatred between us and you, want to chase us all over the world like this?”

Hawk Eyes just said indifferently: “It’s just boring.”

“What are you kidding?” Pirate hearing this, watching Hawk Eyes, said casually, and was even more angry and pulled out The two guns from the waist came, aimed at Hawk Eyes, and pulled the trigger continuously.

Hawk Eyes didn’t even look at him, so he pulled out the [Black Knife·Night] behind him, sword edge pointed directly at the direction of the bullet, and slightly deflected, didn’t expect the bullet The ghost flew to the sky.

“I…I clearly aimed, why didn’t I hit it?” Pirate’s eyes almost fell to the ground.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you shoot. His sword edge has changed your trajectory.” Zoro didn’t know when he came over.

“Who you are?”

Zoro did not answer Pirate, but looked at Hawk Eyes: “I have never seen such a soft sword.”

Hawk Eyes glanced at him: “A hard sword is not necessarily strong.”

Then Zoro looked at the battleship that had been chopped to pieces by Hawk Eyes just now, showing a smirk of excitement. “Did you use this sword to cut the ship? As expected…the strongest!” When Pirate saw it, they did not dare to step forward, but they discussed spiritedly and got up: “Three knives …That guy is…”

“Zoro! Santoryu’s Roronoa · Zoro!!!”


“Pirate Hunter?”

Sanji also watched the game in the restaurant: “So that guy is…”

It seems that Zoro is still very famous in East Blue.

To be honest, when at first Hawk Eyes came over, Chen Qi already knew the end of Zoro. Not to mention Zoro, even Chen Qi and Zoro are not Hawk Eyes opponents, but he still wants to watch the duel quietly, because this battle will have a considerable impact on Zoro in the future.

Although Usopp urged to chase after [Meili], Luffy seemed to freeze, watching the upcoming duel over there with straight eyes…


On this side, Hawk Eyes condensed his gaze, and Fei had some broken deck on his body: “What a sad weak, if you are really a swordsman, then you can know the gap between you and me without fighting. Challenge me directly, do you mean you have the courage? Or stupid?”

“It is for my ambition!” Zoro dipped [Hedao Yiwen] in his mouth, “There are also friends with A promise! To be honest, I really didn’t expect to meet you so early!”

“It’s no good.”

[Between the world’s strongest swordsman and Pirate Hunter Who can win the confrontation? 】

Didn’t expect At this time, Hawk Eyes took off a small cross knife under the neck-this is a knife smaller than a fruit knife, maybe Hawk Eyes Toys for leisure time.

Zoro’s face turned pale when he saw this: “Hey, what do you mean?”

“I’m not the kind of wild fool who tries his best to hunt rabbits beast, you are just a swordsman with a small reputation here. You know, this is the weakest Sea Territory in the four seas…East Blue!!!”

Hawk Eyes said “East Blue” At the time, I deliberately emphasized the tone, “It’s really sorry, this is the smallest knife I have.”

“There must be a limit for underestimating people? Don’t regret it if you want to die. !” Zoro yelled, waving three knives and rushing up, “Ghost chop!”

The three knives cut staggered, three sword lights flashed in the air, and Hawk Eyes were just casually With a wave of his hand, the small knife stretched over and blocked Zoro’s three knives.

In this way, the knife that looks extremely unremarkable makes all three of Zoro’s knives seem to be nailed!

[How is it possible? Just relying on that toy knife… why is the gap so big? The world impossible is so far away! 】

At this time, Zoro was unwilling to reach the extreme. He waved three knives, like a violent storm and launched a fierce attack on Hawk Eyes, and Hawk Eyes took a knife to block from side to side, like a leisurely garden. Walking like a walk, there was a constant whistling of gold and iron in the air, and Zoro couldn’t hurt him at all.

“What a riotous Sword Art!” While blocking easily, Hawk Eyes did not forget to comment on the opponent’s sword, “What are you carrying? What do you want after becoming a powerhouse? Weak.. .”

When he said that, Zoro received 10,000 critical hits in an instant, but his skills were not as good as others, and the next moment was directly bounced off by Hawk Eyes’ knife.

Zoro will fight to the death, and put his swords behind him: “Tiger…” (Remembering what Luffy and what he said)

[The strongest in the world swordsman, really good! Pirate King’s partner, at least have such a title! 】


Zoro rushed away, and the Hawk Eyes knife directly pierced his heart…

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