“Is it like a demon?”

“Yes, Luffy, Roronoa · Zoro, also known as Pirate Hunter, is a very scary guy. I heard that he is like a cheetah who has always been bloodthirsty. Under his men, I don’t know how many bounty criminals have died…” When mentioning Zoro, Coby couldn’t help but frowned. “So, you must not consider him as a partner…”

Luffy: “I didn’t say I want to take him as my partner.”

Chen Qi: “Come on, I met him some time ago and played against him.”



“He is simply not as scary as you said…”

while speaking, the three arrived in Shelz Town.

Luffy raised his fists high, looking a little excited: “Finally reached the destination. Coby, you are really good.”

Coby tied the boat to the pier:” This is a necessary ability for those who go to sea.”

If Luffy is allowed to find a way, it will take a lot of work, and Chen Qi, not to mention, has just come to this World, and he has a share of him. There are no charts. Therefore, Coby temporarily acts as the Navigator.

“Luffy, Chen Qi, you must find a Navigator as your partner if you are Pirate.”

Luffy: “Okay, let’s go eat first!”

Obviously, he didn’t listen to Coby’s words at all…

Finding a restaurant, the three of them began to gorge themselves. Their appetite was so amazing that Luffy alone ate five of them. Individual servings.

After drinking and eating, Luffy touched his unfinished belly: “Coby, then let’s not pass it, I wish you success in joining Marine and becoming an outstanding Marine warrior.”


Coby cried his nose and burst into tears: “Luffy, Chen Qi, you two will also become excellent Pirates. Whenever I think of meeting me in battle one day…”

Luffy: “By the way, the guy named Zoro doesn’t know if he is here.”

As soon as the name of Zoro was mentioned, the people in the restaurant seemed crazy. Even when the plate fell to the ground, the tables and chairs also fell in all directions, and many people hid in the corner in fright.

Chen Qi spread out both hands: “It seems that Zoro is taboo here…”

Coby said to everyone again: “That… just now I saw here Announcement of the conscription, Captain Morgan…”


Before Coby’s voice, those people all ran away like rabbits, including the boss and the waiter. It’s gone.

Chen Qi: “Well, we saved another meal…”

The three walked to the Marine base.

Remembering the reaction of the group of people just now, Luffy clutched his belly and laughed heartily: “haha, this shop is really interesting, I will go there to eat at night.”

Coby’s look But a little nervous: “But, I feel uneasy.”

Chen Qi patted him on the shoulder: “What’s uneasy, you go to be your Marine, we go to be our Pirate , I’ll talk about it when I meet in the future.”

Coby: “Chen Qi, I’m not talking about this. People here are afraid that Zoro is normal, but why do you hear the name of the base Captain…”

Chen Qi: “Heaven knows, he must have done something bad, right?”

Coby: “This is impossible! Marine is just, impossible to do bad things!”

The three finally reached their destination, at the gate of the Marine base in Shelz Town.

The door was closed tightly, not even a soldier standing guard was seen. But from the outside, there are dozens of soldier dormitories lined up inside, with a tall tower like a chimney in the middle, with a seagull flag on the top. This is a fort used by the base to defend against the enemy.

“Wow! It looks really magnificent here.” Luffy sighed, putting his hand on his brow.

Chen Qi: “Coby, what are you doing in a daze? Go ahead.”

At this time, Coby squeezed: “But…but…I still I didn’t prepare myself…and what just happened to me…Hey! Luffy?!”

While Coby was talking, Luffy climbed up the perimeter wall of the base regardless of “Where is that’devil’?”

Immediately, he found a cross standing on a large area of ​​the base with a person tied to it: “Look, where is he!”

“No way is such a coincidence?” Coby said, climbing up the wall with Chen Qi.

“Green’s turban, green’s girdle…yes…yes, he is…” Coby just looked at Zoro’s eyes and fell from the wall in shock. Come down.

Chen Qi said to Zoro over there: “Pirate Hunter, didn’t expect us to meet again.”

Since the last battle with him, ten years have passed. For a few days, Zoro was not too surprised by the appearance of Chen Qi, but a faint smile on his face: “It turned out to be [Fiend], can you help me untie the rope? I have been tied here for nine days. It’s too tired.”

Coby climbed up the wall again, trembling with fright, as if he saw some scourge. Hardly dared to look at him.

Luffy: “I haven’t eaten for so many days, I’m still laughing…”

“Okay.” Anyway, sooner or later, Chen Qi wants to become a partner, and Chen Qi is ready to overcome the wall without thinking Go and untie the rope for him.

“no! No! Absolutely not!” Coby directly grabbed Chen Qi with a look of lose one’s head out of fear, “You are a bounty offender now, if you loosen him up , He will kill us and run away!”

In East Blue, mentioning the name of Roronoa · Zoro is almost synonymous with Ghost God. Almost no one is not afraid of “Pirate Hunter” title. People like Coby are even more afraid.

At this moment, a cute little girl suddenly came. She put her index finger to her mouth and made a silent gesture, and then crept over the wall with two rice balls in her arms.

“Hey, that’s dangerous!” Coby reminded the little girl.

Luffy is indifferent, he wants to see what little girl is going to do.

“little demon, are you courting death? Get out!” Looking at the rice ball sent by the little girl, Zoro’s face was extremely cold.

The little girl didn’t care about Zoro’s explosive swearing: “Big Brother, you must be hungry after being tied up for so long?”

“I’m not hungry at all. Take your horrible thing and get away!”


“I said I don’t want it! Get out of me immediately, or I will kill you! “

Their voices alarmed Marine, when Morgan’s son Helmeppo walked over with several Marines.

Helmeppo took a bite of a rice ball in the little girl’s hand, threw the rice ball on the ground, and stepped on it.

“It’s too much…I did it with hard work…” The little girl cried very distressingly.

Helmeppo did not move the slightest compassion: “Aiya, stop crying, I hate the little child crying the most…you, throw this little demon out of me!”

The sergeant next to him did so, Luffy immediately stretched out his arm to catch the little girl…

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