
a foot down.

The coconut tree, which was already crumbling, fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, there is no dust on the beach, otherwise it would have been dusty.

Ling Mufeng hurriedly trotted up, because a few coconuts had already washed into the sea.

Fortunately, he ran fast and picked up several of them.

"Iron, let's taste whether this fresh coconut is sweet or not.

Ling Mufeng picked a relatively large one, took out the axe in his hand, and cut the shell of the coconut with one axe.

Then he poured the coconut juice into his mouth.

"I'll go, it's so cool.

"But isn't it, I really yearn for this kind of life, the seaside, the island, the coconut, just the beauty."

"What do you want? It's still beautiful, this is a desert island to survive, if there are beautiful women, is it still called a desert island to survive? It's better to call it a desert island vacation." Soon

, the audience in Ling Mufeng's room increased from dozens to five hundred, because this live broadcast is relatively new, and people living in the city are oriented to this kind of life, so as a rookie anchor, Ling Mufeng's results are already good.

"I just came, what's going on?The title is Desert Island Life?Is this on a desert island

?""What's going on with this coconut tree?Cutting it down indiscriminately?Chainsaw

?"Upstairs, this is the anchor

who cut it himself with the axe in his hand!""I'll go, it's impossible, such a thick coconut tree, cut it with a small axe?It's impossible in two hours!""If you don't

believe it, go see the replay yourself!"

After opening two coconuts in succession, Ling Mufeng was finally full, and if he drank again, it was estimated that his stomach would bulge, which was not conducive to action, so he hurriedly stopped.

In order not to waste it, he buried the few remaining coconuts in the sand, and the other animals on the island took them away for himself.

"Anchor, what are you burying it for? How good it is to send it to fans

!" "Yes, anchor, you can bid for it, I bought it, but I want free shipping!" Looking

at these barrages, Ling Mufeng couldn't cry or laugh.

I'm stuck on this island, I can't get out, where can I send you a courier.

I'd rather send myself back if I could!

, but for the sake of the popularity of the live broadcast room, he still has to reply to these viewers from time to time.

"I'm sorry everyone, please respect my

live broadcast room, my live broadcast room is called my desert island life, that is to say, in the next few days, I will be alone in the desert island, and I will not communicate with the outside world, the only way to communicate is through this live broadcast room!"

"Hehe, who are you fooling? It's the same as the real thing." "

Those who want to buy coconuts, can't you buy them yourself?Do you have to buy them in the live broadcast room?"

"The anchor doesn't sell them, and you still have to force people to sell coconuts?"

"Don't make any noise, let's go deeper, and before it gets dark, find a place to stay, preferably a cave.

Ling Mufeng took out the axe in his hand and continued on the road.

And inside the barrage, all kinds of people also began to make moves.

"It's better to build your own house, there may be beasts and snakes in the cave."

"Are you playing too much in my world? Build your own house? It's not realistic at all.

"Yes, agree with the upstairs point of view, it's not realistic to build your own house at all, some Internet addicted teenagers, please don't speak, expose your IQ." It

took almost an hour to find it, and during this period, Ling Mufeng also kept introducing the scenery of the island to the people in the live broadcast room.

There were also some unripe bananas, Ling Mufeng secretly noted down the location, and planned to wait for a few days for the bananas to ripen before picking them himself.

There were also some small fruits that even Ling Mufeng had never seen, and he didn't know what those things were, but he secretly wrote them down, maybe he wouldn't eat them in the future, and he would come to eat them.

After walking for so long, he was also going to find a shady place to sit down and rest, so he hurriedly wiped the sweat beads on his head, found a relatively large tree, and sat down under the shade.

took out his mobile phone, Ling Mufeng looked at

the popularity of the live broadcast room, there were already more than 1,000 people! And with the increase in popularity in his live broadcast room, the live broadcast value is slowly increasing, plus the live broadcast value of 10,000 sent by someone swiping the rocket before, it has reached

50,000! There is still 50,000 left, and the lottery can be drawn again, I hope to draw a useful skill this time.

Just when he was thinking to himself, there were people in the live broadcast room who had sharp eyes and found something wrong.

"Look, what's that in the tree?"

"I'm going, it's a snake!

"Snakes? I look at it like a piece of bark, where are the snakes?"

"These snakes are disguised, so ordinary people can't see them at all."

"Suona is ready. "

The music of the black man carrying the coffin is playing!" Ling

Mufeng took out his mobile phone and looked at it, only to find that there was indeed a hidden snake in a place on the tree.

The color of this snake and the tree are one, and they are secretly watching themselves, ready to launch a fatal blow

! If they are bitten by this snake, then they will definitely die with a whimper!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly rolled and rolled out, and the snake behind him also flew towards Ling Mufeng like an arrow flying out at this time.

Fortunately, he reacted in time, so he dodged the past, and if he was too late, he would probably have fallen to the ground by now.

"I'm going, it's too dangerous, a high-risk occupation.

"It seems that this is really a desert island survival, and I believe it now. The

snake knew that it had been discovered by Ling Mufeng, so it didn't hide in the shadows, but stared at Ling Mufeng with a pair of eyes, twisted its body, and crawled towards Ling Mufeng.

"Anchor run, if you don't run, you'll die.

"Don't panic when you encounter a snake, don't run, you must face it head-on, because it is more dignified to die in this way."

"It's cold, it's cold, the anchor I just followed is going to be cold this time, and I may not see such a good quality outdoor live broadcast in the future." In

the live broadcast room, some people persuaded Ling Mufeng to run quickly, and some people persuaded him to give up resistance.

And Ling Mufeng was abnormal, he thought of the skill of the beast tamer he had obtained, this snake was also one of the beasts, maybe he could tame it.

"Old Tie, let me show you this long-lost stunt, my snake taming Dafa can tame this snake, do you believe it or not?"

After listening to Ling Mufeng's words, the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"This anchor is crazy, and he wants to tame a snake?".

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