Desire Of The Call Girl
Chapter 174 - 174. Aurora
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Edwards and I had gotten off the helicopter, several other bodyguards greeted us. I think Edwards is really concerned about my safety at this point. there are so many bodyguards, I don't know when Edwards planned all this. with just one phone call, he was able to plan everything.
This is the first time Edwards and I have visited Russia. to be precise in Northern Russia, the city of Monamour Mask
"You know choon-Hee? Here a year is divided into a polar night and a polar day (or also called the midnight sun). A polar day occurs when the sun never sinks behind the horizon, but only appears to "rotate" around the sky for days on end. days (May 22 – July 22). So it's no wonder people will keep looking at the clock, because they want to know what time it is. Is it night or day?.
In this city, the night can last for 40 days and the sun shines for 63 days.
Even though the night is as bright as the morning, the nightlife goes on as usual. We can also see young couples walking down empty streets, there are parties at local bars, and taxi drivers arguing — everything we usually find in the middle of the night." Edward said at length, I just nodded as I listened. his words.
I was told by one of my friends several times, so I understood a little what was happening and what the residents were doing. My friends taught me many things.
Yes, at least all that information made me not so stupid when I visited here.
"then?" I asked Edward, I loved it when he told me.
"So, for the 307 thousand people who live here, the city of polar nights, piercing winds, icy slopes, this North is home to them. They even call their city with affectionate names: Monamour Mask. Meanwhile, surrounded by tundra, taiga, mountains, fjords and sea, this city presents more than extraordinary views.
In addition, Murmansk is considered a strategically important port city and a key link in a variety of different transport systems. In short, this city contributes to Russia in various ways," he said.
I took Edwards' hand again, and we walked leisurely towards the hotel he had rented. actually I don't want to stay in a hotel, I just want to stay in a warm tent and see Aurora while hugging Edwards, but my husband said we have to be ready first. Several bodyguards and maids will prepare my wish.
So I obeyed again, it was nice to have a husband like this. all the things you want can be fulfilled with just one word, or one point? Either way, the most important thing is that I get to go on vacation with my husband. and most importantly what? no Violet, huh.. that damn woman is all that matters is not around me, and that's enough..
Ah! finally free from the poisonous snake.
oh yes, he said if you want to stay here, you can choose to stay at the historic 3-star Artika Hotel in the city center, or right next to it at the Meridian Hotel, another 3-star hotel in Five Corners Square. Another popular hotel in the center is the 4-star Park Inn Poliarnie Zori.
And here we are, At the Park Inn Poliarnie Zori hotel. not too expensive but very comfortable for me, I never mind which hotel I will stay. The most important thing is to have a comfortable bed and a hot bath.
Edwards and I went inside, were greeted by the hotel staff and helped to check-in. We took the elevator straight away and were going up to the top floor.
"This is a hotel belonging to one of my friends, I was going to rent another hotel. But I think there is nothing wrong here, as well as promoting this hotel.. Do you like it?" Edwards asked me.
"I like it, as long as you're here. I think all the places are my favorite." I said quietly, so the staff behind us wouldn't hear too much.
The elevator opened and we got out of there, we were ushered into one of the most luxurious rooms possible here.
After that some of the staff delivered food and drinks for us, they also prepared some toiletries which I liked. ranging from soap, shampoo and also different other fragrances.
After the staff came out, I lay down on the bed. I glanced at Edward who took off his thick jacket and opened the curtains around us.
"It feels like this holiday is different, I can just stay with you, it feels like a vacation to me." Edwards said sweetly, I turned my body onto my stomach. then support my chin with one hand.
I noticed clearly what Edwards was doing this time, he just took off his clothes looking handsome in front of me. He took off his shirt and changed to a longer one, then put on a knit sweater and ruffled his already neat hair.
"Why the messy hair? Just more handsome." I told him.
"If it's too neat, you can look at me all the time and you could just rape me." Edwards said with a laugh, I who heard that could only smile a little.
"Ish! You want to be handsome or ugly, I still love and care for you. You're my husband, I will accept you always... Just look now, you've ruffled your hair but still look beautiful in my eyes. You're really handsome, I'm proud to have a handsome husband, who can do everything, kind, rich, and caring !!!" I said very excitedly.
We then laughed together because we felt funny with what I said.
"You are also beautiful, great, kind, smiling, polite, and rich at heart. I am also proud to have a lover like you." Edwards said over my words.
"If I don't have everything? Would you still want to be with me?" I asked as I looked at his face.
"Of course, you're different from most of the girls out there. I still want to be with you. You know why? Because when I'm with you, I feel warmth and comfort all the time." Edwards explained in a low voice.
Then he climbed onto the bed and hugged me gently. "You don't need to be beautiful, as long as you are the Choon-hee I know. Then I will still want to be with you. You understand?" Edwards said again.
I nodded in understanding, just hearing what he said made me calm down.
"So what should we do this afternoon? We can still see the Aurora at night." I asked Edwards, he just shook his head and instead lay down on the bed.
"Don't know, I don't have any plans.. Cuddling with you till the night is fine too." Edwards said really while hugging me. I find it very funny with his adorable behavior.
at night...
Edwards and I were already together with several bodyguards, one of whom became our guide on our journey to find Aurora, we drove the car and it was already night.
I wore a very thick jacket because the farther we were from the inn, the colder it became. I several times took pictures of the streets we passed, there was only snow and lights..
Several cars were also seen, it's not the holiday season.. So not too many people will be hunting Aurora. Maybe, I actually don't really know because I've never hunted Aurora.
Hunting for Aurora is like fishing for fish, we have to find the right place and wait for Aurora to appear.
The best time to see the Aurora in Europe is around March and April in the spring, then September and October in the fall.
These are the most geomagnetically disturbed months so the Aurora is often seen. But actually we can still see in other months, as long as we are patiently waiting for it to appear. That's why we can call it hunting, because we are lucky to be able to see directly quickly. and it could be unlucky that Aurora won't show up.
I love seeing Aurora on video, I've never actually seen it in person. because you know I rarely vacation right..
I grabbed Edwards' hand and we leaned against each other. The car we were in stopped in front of a large lake. We are still waiting for the arrival of Aurora, said the Guide who escorted us. This is the best place where Aurora often appears, so we just have to wait and stare at the night sky.
Actually, Aurora or "polar light" is a natural phenomenon that resembles a glowing glow in the ionosphere layer of a planet as a result of the interaction between the planet's magnetic field and charged particles emitted by the Sun (solar wind).
"The night sky is already very beautiful when I see it with you." Edwards spoke, after a while we were speechless
I smiled at him. We decided to get out of the car after the guards made us the special tent I asked for. In front of us there was also a bonfire.
The temperature here is really cold, I just don't want to let go of Renand's hand. We then entered the tent, the top of the tent looked transparent. So we closed the tent and sat inside hugging each other.
I don't know where the bodyguards are, but I think they made another tent or got into the car to warm up.
Inside the tent is also provided with heating, pillows, bolsters and folding mattresses which are quite comfortable. Is there warm water and cup noodles, Cup Noodles? I looked at Edwards and smiled at him.
"You're the one who definitely asked for cup noodles, huh?" I asked, I know this cup noodle has a very good taste when eaten, when the weather is very cold like this.
"You know, I purposely asked the guards to provide. It seems delicious to eat cup noodles while waiting for Aurora to come." Edwards said I hit his arm and started making cup noodles.
just need to open the seasoning and pour it over the noodles, then douse it with the warm water that has been provided.
Made with care, I feel this holiday is really special.. Because Edward and I seemed to remember the past.
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Edwards and I had gotten off the helicopter, several other bodyguards greeted us. I think Edwards is really concerned about my safety at this point. there are so many bodyguards, I don't know when Edwards planned all this. with just one phone call, he was able to plan everything.
This is the first time Edwards and I have visited Russia. to be precise in Northern Russia, the city of Monamour Mask
"You know choon-Hee? Here a year is divided into a polar night and a polar day (or also called the midnight sun). A polar day occurs when the sun never sinks behind the horizon, but only appears to "rotate" around the sky for days on end. days (May 22 – July 22). So it's no wonder people will keep looking at the clock, because they want to know what time it is. Is it night or day?.
In this city, the night can last for 40 days and the sun shines for 63 days.
Even though the night is as bright as the morning, the nightlife goes on as usual. We can also see young couples walking down empty streets, there are parties at local bars, and taxi drivers arguing — everything we usually find in the middle of the night." Edward said at length, I just nodded as I listened. his words.
I was told by one of my friends several times, so I understood a little what was happening and what the residents were doing. My friends taught me many things.
Yes, at least all that information made me not so stupid when I visited here.
"then?" I asked Edward, I loved it when he told me.
"So, for the 307 thousand people who live here, the city of polar nights, piercing winds, icy slopes, this North is home to them. They even call their city with affectionate names: Monamour Mask. Meanwhile, surrounded by tundra, taiga, mountains, fjords and sea, this city presents more than extraordinary views.
In addition, Murmansk is considered a strategically important port city and a key link in a variety of different transport systems. In short, this city contributes to Russia in various ways," he said.
I took Edwards' hand again, and we walked leisurely towards the hotel he had rented. actually I don't want to stay in a hotel, I just want to stay in a warm tent and see Aurora while hugging Edwards, but my husband said we have to be ready first. Several bodyguards and maids will prepare my wish.
So I obeyed again, it was nice to have a husband like this. all the things you want can be fulfilled with just one word, or one point? Either way, the most important thing is that I get to go on vacation with my husband. and most importantly what? no Violet, huh.. that damn woman is all that matters is not around me, and that's enough..
Ah! finally free from the poisonous snake.
oh yes, he said if you want to stay here, you can choose to stay at the historic 3-star Artika Hotel in the city center, or right next to it at the Meridian Hotel, another 3-star hotel in Five Corners Square. Another popular hotel in the center is the 4-star Park Inn Poliarnie Zori.
And here we are, At the Park Inn Poliarnie Zori hotel. not too expensive but very comfortable for me, I never mind which hotel I will stay. The most important thing is to have a comfortable bed and a hot bath.
Edwards and I went inside, were greeted by the hotel staff and helped to check-in. We took the elevator straight away and were going up to the top floor.
"This is a hotel belonging to one of my friends, I was going to rent another hotel. But I think there is nothing wrong here, as well as promoting this hotel.. Do you like it?" Edwards asked me.
"I like it, as long as you're here. I think all the places are my favorite." I said quietly, so the staff behind us wouldn't hear too much.
The elevator opened and we got out of there, we were ushered into one of the most luxurious rooms possible here.
After that some of the staff delivered food and drinks for us, they also prepared some toiletries which I liked. ranging from soap, shampoo and also different other fragrances.
After the staff came out, I lay down on the bed. I glanced at Edward who took off his thick jacket and opened the curtains around us.
"It feels like this holiday is different, I can just stay with you, it feels like a vacation to me." Edwards said sweetly, I turned my body onto my stomach. then support my chin with one hand.
I noticed clearly what Edwards was doing this time, he just took off his clothes looking handsome in front of me. He took off his shirt and changed to a longer one, then put on a knit sweater and ruffled his already neat hair.
"Why the messy hair? Just more handsome." I told him.
"If it's too neat, you can look at me all the time and you could just rape me." Edwards said with a laugh, I who heard that could only smile a little.
"Ish! You want to be handsome or ugly, I still love and care for you. You're my husband, I will accept you always... Just look now, you've ruffled your hair but still look beautiful in my eyes. You're really handsome, I'm proud to have a handsome husband, who can do everything, kind, rich, and caring !!!" I said very excitedly.
We then laughed together because we felt funny with what I said.
"You are also beautiful, great, kind, smiling, polite, and rich at heart. I am also proud to have a lover like you." Edwards said over my words.
"If I don't have everything? Would you still want to be with me?" I asked as I looked at his face.
"Of course, you're different from most of the girls out there. I still want to be with you. You know why? Because when I'm with you, I feel warmth and comfort all the time." Edwards explained in a low voice.
Then he climbed onto the bed and hugged me gently. "You don't need to be beautiful, as long as you are the Choon-hee I know. Then I will still want to be with you. You understand?" Edwards said again.
I nodded in understanding, just hearing what he said made me calm down.
"So what should we do this afternoon? We can still see the Aurora at night." I asked Edwards, he just shook his head and instead lay down on the bed.
"Don't know, I don't have any plans.. Cuddling with you till the night is fine too." Edwards said really while hugging me. I find it very funny with his adorable behavior.
at night...
Edwards and I were already together with several bodyguards, one of whom became our guide on our journey to find Aurora, we drove the car and it was already night.
I wore a very thick jacket because the farther we were from the inn, the colder it became. I several times took pictures of the streets we passed, there was only snow and lights..
Several cars were also seen, it's not the holiday season.. So not too many people will be hunting Aurora. Maybe, I actually don't really know because I've never hunted Aurora.
Hunting for Aurora is like fishing for fish, we have to find the right place and wait for Aurora to appear.
The best time to see the Aurora in Europe is around March and April in the spring, then September and October in the fall.
These are the most geomagnetically disturbed months so the Aurora is often seen. But actually we can still see in other months, as long as we are patiently waiting for it to appear. That's why we can call it hunting, because we are lucky to be able to see directly quickly. and it could be unlucky that Aurora won't show up.
I love seeing Aurora on video, I've never actually seen it in person. because you know I rarely vacation right..
I grabbed Edwards' hand and we leaned against each other. The car we were in stopped in front of a large lake. We are still waiting for the arrival of Aurora, said the Guide who escorted us. This is the best place where Aurora often appears, so we just have to wait and stare at the night sky.
Actually, Aurora or "polar light" is a natural phenomenon that resembles a glowing glow in the ionosphere layer of a planet as a result of the interaction between the planet's magnetic field and charged particles emitted by the Sun (solar wind).
"The night sky is already very beautiful when I see it with you." Edwards spoke, after a while we were speechless
I smiled at him. We decided to get out of the car after the guards made us the special tent I asked for. In front of us there was also a bonfire.
The temperature here is really cold, I just don't want to let go of Renand's hand. We then entered the tent, the top of the tent looked transparent. So we closed the tent and sat inside hugging each other.
I don't know where the bodyguards are, but I think they made another tent or got into the car to warm up.
Inside the tent is also provided with heating, pillows, bolsters and folding mattresses which are quite comfortable. Is there warm water and cup noodles, Cup Noodles? I looked at Edwards and smiled at him.
"You're the one who definitely asked for cup noodles, huh?" I asked, I know this cup noodle has a very good taste when eaten, when the weather is very cold like this.
"You know, I purposely asked the guards to provide. It seems delicious to eat cup noodles while waiting for Aurora to come." Edwards said I hit his arm and started making cup noodles.
just need to open the seasoning and pour it over the noodles, then douse it with the warm water that has been provided.
Made with care, I feel this holiday is really special.. Because Edward and I seemed to remember the past.
You can read the novel online free at LatestNovel.Net or NovelGreat.Net
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