Desolate Hunter

Chapter 233

“The man took the order of the 13th inning and asked me to cooperate with his actions. But this person, I have never seen it before, and I can be sure that it is not the 13th inning at the Dongling base. He was originally a subordinate.

He suddenly appeared and asked the owner for the specific location. It must be a bad person. The owner must be careful, he may appear in the villa area at any time.” Hua Wuying said what he knew and reminded Liu Kai pay attention to safety.

Becoming Liu Kai’s servant, Hua Wuying is already 100% loyal to Liu Kai, and naturally she will not watch Liu Kai in distre . More importantly, she is connected to Liu Kai’s life and death. If Liu Kai has an accident, she will not escape death.

The other party came and already had certain information. Although Hua Wuying pointed the wrong direction, she couldn’t delay it for much time. Liu Kai did not dare to delay, and immediately brought his family into the Independent Space.

The guards of the villa were also ordered by Liu Kai to a emble, and they all stay in the Independent Space. They knew this existed, but they wouldn’t be surprised and flustered.

After arranging them, Liu Kai contacted Black Hawk again. Let him come down to the members of the action team and all retract the training base. Although the target is himself, Liu Kai is worried that if he cannot succeed, he will attack the Black Hawks and have to take precautions in advance.

As soon as the arrangements were made, Liu Kai Spiritual Consciousness found a strange silhouette near his villa. It was a man who looked in his thirties and looked very ordinary.

In normal times, Liu Kai would not have the slightest impre ion even if he met such a person. But now, this sudden appearance of silhouette has instantly aroused Liu Kai’s alertne .

Liu Kai did not feel the breath of his cultivation base, but instinctively felt danger. Don’t be carele , step back to the channel entrance first. Once you find an abnormality, you can immediately dodge in.

The channel entrance has a defensive prohibition set by Black Mountain, and non-approved people cannot enter. There is also the Black Mountain Avatar sitting inside. As long as Liu Kai hides inside, safety naturally does not need to be considered.

When Liu Kai spotted the person, the person also noticed Liu Kai. lifts the head looked towards the villa, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Is it Liu Kai! I’m here for you. You walk out obediently, and I promise you won’t hurt the innocent. Otherwise, when I do it, neither you nor your family will escape.”< /p>

“The tone is not small, wait until you catch me!” Liu Kai snorted, turned and entered the Independent Space.

Black Mountain fends off the enemy outside, and Liu Kai has no protection. In this situation, he did not want to take the risk easily, and entered the Independent Space for a while to escape, waiting for the return of Black Mountain.

“Want to be a coward? Then I will break your tortoise nest and see where you go.” The man sneered, and a flash entered the villa room and came to the independent channel entrance.

The man knew that he didn’t have much time, he immediately started his hand after breaking into the villa, strikes Liu Kai’s Independent Space. If you want to break in, grab Liu Kai who is hiding inside.

The booming sound keeps on, and the Independent Space can’t help shaking. But it is a space after all, not easily destroyed.

The man made more than a dozen shots in a row, but failed to break through the defense of Independent Space. But the villa couldn’t bear this kind of spread, the walls were full of cracks, and it had reached the edge of collapse.

The man saw that he couldn’t break through the defense, knowing that delaying it would be against him. After a moment of pondering, he suddenly disappeared from the place and disappeared.

“Gone?” Inside the space, Liu Kai looked cautious.

He can’t see through the other party’s cultivation base, but judging from his strikes independent Space Power, it must be a Nascent Soul realm.

With this kind of existence, Liu Kai simply has no thoughts to provoke. Had it not been for Independent Space to dodge, he would have called Black Mountain back to support.

The opponent left, Liu Kai did not rush out. First explore all around with Spiritual Consciousness , and after confirming that there is no danger, then carefully walk out and check.

all around There is no silhouette of that person, who seems to have given up leaving here. Liu Kai was slightly relaxed in his heart, and he was about to call Black Mountain to ask him about his situation.

I didn’t know that he hadn’t waited for him to call Black Mountain, and a sense of crisis appeared again in deep in one’s heart. Liu Kai heart startled and immediately returned to Independent Space.

As soon as he stepped in, a palm appeared where Liu Kai just stood. If he is one second late, he will fall into the control of the other party, and life and death will no longer be his own.

“Boy, you escaped very quickly! But if you escape, don’t you care about your little lover!” The man appeared again before, with a woman in his hand.

Liu Kai glanced, and his heart sank. The hostage in the hands of the man turned out to be Lei Ling, who had just met.

Liu Kai didn’t regard her as a lover, and he didn’t mean it in his heart. But if Lei Ling loses his life because of his involvement, Liu Kai also finds it difficult to accept.

But there is one thing that Liu Kai is puzzled. Lei Lie had already returned to the base. Could it be that he let the other party commit a ault, regardle of his niece Lei Ling.

Although he is a fake Lei Lie, Lei Ling called him Uncle after all. Based on what Liu Kai knows about Lei Lie, he is not such an indifferent person.

Confused, Liu Kai opened the communicator and dialed Lei Lie’s number. Strangely, no one answered at that end, and only a boring waiting tone came.

“Did the teacher have an accident? impossible! He is a base man. If he is so easily suppre ed, then what is the point of him sitting in the base?” Liu Kai was puzzled, but for a while. Can find the answer.

The people outside, but didn’t want to give Liu Kai more time, pushed Lei Ling forward, sneered opened the mouth and said.

“Liu Kai, you coward, do you want to watch your lover die?”

“You are also a Nascent Soul power, if you threaten an innocent woman, dont Do you feel shamele and mean?” Liu Kai yelled, but did not dare to walk out easily.

Although the opponent captured Lei Ling, he was trying to force Liu Kai to get out. For a while, Lei Ling will not have a mortal danger. However, Liu Kai himself, if he dared to walk out easily, he was afraid that his life would be lost.

All he can do now is to wait for Black Mountain to return. Only when he comes back can he solve the fundamental problem.

Liu Kai has ordered Black Mountain to return, but he just went to capture the last man. The two are entangled, and it will take a while for Black Mountain to return.

The other party also seems to know that Black Mountain wants to leave, but instead of running away, he desperately entangles Black Mountain. For a while, Black Mountain couldn’t get away easily. Space fluctuation, even teleportation cannot be used.

In desperation, Black Mountain can only kill this person first, get rid of his entanglement, and then return to help Liu Kai. But it takes time. Liu Kai’s man in front of him will not give him this opportunity.

The subordinates slowly applied force, Lei Ling’s face flushed red, and she was about to suffocate to death. The man’s face was full of coldne , and his men continued to increase their strength. With this speed for another ten seconds, Lei Ling will undoubtedly die.

“Stop!” Liu Kai yelled.

“If you want to save her, then come out by yourself!” The man sneered.

Liu Kai frowned. Seeing that Lei Ling was about to stop living, he could only walk out of the Independent Space.

The man waited for a long time, then immediately shot, and grabbed Liu Kai.

Liu Kai wants to return to the Independent Space, time is no longer allowed. All he can do is call out the turtle shell, resist him, and delay the opponent as much as po ible.

“Are you a tortoise to become a fine?” The man was completely depre ed by grabbing empty space.

Liu Kai hid in the Independent Space and refused to come out. He once mocked Liu Kai as a coward. But that’s just a radical approach, trying to force Liu Kai out that’s all.

But now, Liu Kai is out, but he hides in the turtle shell. This made the man depre ed, and he wanted to smash the turtle shell directly.

He did that, but the hardne of the turtle shell was far beyond his expectations. The man shot a dozen times in an instant, blasting the turtle shell up and down, but he couldn’t open the turtle shell defense.

It was the villa that was affected. The cracked walls shattered and collapsed after a few breaths.

The previous movement has attracted the attention of surrounding villas. The collapse at this time shocked the entire villa area.

People were alarmed. Hundreds of calls entered the base building, asking them to send someone to deal with it immediately. The people living in the villa area are all people who have a certain influence. The base did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent someone to deal with it.

The base is very efficient, but it takes time to gather people, and it will take a long time to get to the base. They are destined to be unable to help Liu Kai.

Liu Kai was inside the tortoise shell. Although he was not directly injured, he was shocked to be confused. Within the body Qi and blood roll, and there is always the po ibility of spurting blood and death.

Where is Black Mountain, I feel Liu Kai’s emergency. Annoyed in my heart, I directly used the forbidden technique to raise my cultivation base again.

The opponent was invincible, and he barely prevented Black Mountain from rushing to help. After Black Mountain’s rage, he was even le of an opponent. He was caught by Black Mountain and tore in half.

The extremely precious Nascent Soul was also broken by Black Mountain. It is not only to vent the anger in my heart, but also not to delay time.

After handling this person, Black Mountain teleported and appeared directly in the base villa area. At the moment when Liu Kai was about to be shaken to death, a force of cultivation base was sent to stabilize Liu Kai’s breath.

“You are also a Nascent Soul power, use this method to deal with a Golden Core, don’t you feel ashamed!” Black Mountain looked towards the man, his face was very ugly.

This person has a very high cultivation base and has reached the Nascent Soul Late Stage, which is only one step behind Black Mountain. Compared with the previous five people, this person is much stronger.

This kind of existence did not go to besiege Black Mountain, but went here to attack Liu Kai. This made Black Mountain both irritated and fearful.

The man saw Black Mountain coming and knew that he could not get it today. Sneered, turned around and left, without even intending to respond to Black Mountain.

“Leave it to me!” How could Black Mountain easily let him go, catch up with the man, and want to leave him behind.

The man hummed lightly, not entangled with Black Mountain. Waved out a pearl and threw it under his feet. The beads flashed, turned into a small array, and disappeared instantly with the man.

Black Mountain frowned, but couldn’t resist. His cultivation base is not enough to block this kind of formation. That Formation is a one-time use, and he has no way to continue tracking.

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