Desolate World

Chapter 107 - Mars And The Elders

As his sister launched her breath, the barrier could withstand it perfectly, which made him relieved. Because he felt if his sister harmed them without Mars's consent, she would be in big trouble.

As his sister's dragon breath finished without harming the barrier, Eric was relieved. 

He then said to his sister, "You were being reckless just now. Although Ace's action was wrong, you can't just attack without Boss's order."

"You, stupid brother! What do you know? They are undead. We can't let them loitering outside of the village. Boss will also do the same. Now, help me attack them. You are an elite dragon. Your attack is stronger than mine," Erica scolded him.

"But…," Eric tried to reject. However, his sister cut his words.

"No but! Help me! Now!" Erica shouted.

Eric couldn't help but nod. He had never won against Erica.

"Your sister is right. It seems we have to go full power," Uriel also said to Erica.

"Uuh…," Eric knew that what they did was wrong, but he couldn't back down now. He was afraid that his sister would be angry.

Then with Uriel's order, the angels and sacred beasts began their attacks to the black barrier. As for Eric, he didn't attack seriously, as he was in a dilemma between his worry about Mars's anger and his sister's insistence. All he could do was attack casually.

As for his sister, because her dragon breath was still in cooldown, she could only attack with 'droplets barrage'. It was a weak skill but had only a second cooldown. She comprehended it from the crayfish's monster core besides massive amounts of experience that unfortunately still not enough to make her leveled up, as she was just leveled up.

Uriel and the other angel sharpshooters continuously barraged the barrier with their arrows. As for the sacred beasts, they used their skills to help the angels. The angel light mage on another hand shot light arrows. But the barrier could still operate without an indication of weakening for 20 minutes.

Eric wasn't too consumed like the others, who attacked the barrier with their full power. However, he was anxious as he found many villagers came to watch them attacking the barrier, but he didn't see any village hall personnel like Aria, Ace's wife Sofia, the elders, and Mars among them. As if they were watching from a hidden place without having attention to interfere. 

Even if many people said he was too naive, but he was not stupid. It only needed three or five minutes for Mars and the other to arrive at their place. So, he was sure they were waiting while watching 'the show' nearby. But why?

Eric was confused and somewhat afraid. He didn't know why, but something was definitely wrong. Then he heard a voice that made him stiffen.

"I think the show was enough," It was Mars's voice. His majestic voice made all who attacked the barrier stop their actions at once.


Listening to Mars's loud order and then the stop of the attacks to the barrier, made Ace relieved. He then saw many shadow knights struggling to even lift their shields. Most of them were knights that had levels below 20. But, Ace admired their persistence very much. Without Peter's order to stop, they were still standing while gritting their teeth.

Well, Ace and Cloud also made many sacrifices just now. They didn't know how many bottles of mana potions they had given to them to maintain their mana. As the barrier used a massive amount of mana to withstand the bombardment of attacks from the angels and sacred beasts.

"You can turn off the barrier. I guarantee no one will attack you," Ace then heard Mars's voice.

Ace then nodded to Peter and said, "You can turn it off. He is Mars. He will keep his word."

Peter nodded, then said, "Shadow's protection, dissolve!"

As the barrier became thinner and thinner and finally dissolved completely, many of the knights collapsed on the spot. Especially some knights that had levels between 10 to 15.

As for Peter and a few knights that had levels above 30, they looked fine. They still stood up without indication of being tired.

Ace then saw Eric, Erica, Uriel, the angels, and the sacred beasts started to land not far from the other villagers who seemed to enjoy the show. For some reason, their expressions were terrible.

He didn't know what had happened, but surely it was bad for them. He guessed they got reprimand or even punishment from Mars for not waiting for his order. He could only say in their heart, 'serve you right,'

From the forest that was not too far from them, Mars, Sofia, Aria, and the elders came out. Actually Ace had gotten information about it from Sofia before. Mars, who saw the angels wanted to attack the shadows, wanted to let the battle go on for some minutes. 

It made Ace who heard it, felt relieved and bitter. He felt relieved as Mars surely wouldn't let any accident occur. But, on another hand, he felt bitter because Mars seemed to regard it as only a show.

Ace then saw the expressions of the elders varied. Aria seemed to feel worried and angry. Noah, Phil, and Kira wore serious faces but then smiled at Ace. Ace nodded to them.

Ace also saw some new faces. He then checked their information.

[Avril] (elite)

Race: Elf (druid)

Level: 32


Race: Dwarf (blacksmith)

Level: 40

[Ali] (elite)

Race: Gnome (earth mage)

Level: 50

Avril was a beautiful tall woman. Although she had a slender figure, her chests were an attention grabber. Their size was really not proportional, but, in a good way. As a normal man, Ace couldn't help but stare at them for a few seconds. If not because of Sofia's glare, he would be reluctant to avert his eyes.

In her face, Ace saw a thoughtful expression when looking at the shadows. It seemed she realized Ace's gaze. As she then winked at Ace. 


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