Desolate World

Chapter 115 - Finally A Quest

"I agree with Ace's suggestion, boss. I reflected that I have been too lenient to him. So, such punishment, I think is good for him. So he can be more responsible in the future," Aria said while looking at Mars.

"I think that's too light, isn't it?" Mars said while frowning. 

He appeared in thinking for a few seconds and then said, "I have a better idea. Let them kill an undead lord. Then, their mistake will be forgiven. How is that?"

Ace and the rest looked at the dragon lord with dumbfounded expressions. Of course, everyone knew the meaning of lord. Lord was an existence that couldn't be casually challenged. 

When an elite creature had around 10 times more HP than an ordinary creature's. The lord creature had 10 times of that amount. So, their HP was 100 times more than an ordinary creature. They usually also had an ultimate skill that could deal a massive amount of damage, but had a certain hard condition to use. 

The Lord also had better stats than elite or ordinary creatures. And usually, they had a number of subordinates. In short, challenging a Lord was an almost impossible thing, if only to rely on 2 elites and an ordinary people. Even though they were two dragons and an angel.

"Boss, isn't that too hard? I mean to kill a lord undead with only three of them is almost impossible," Aria said.

"Don't worry. I will give them 3 months to do it. And, Ace!" Mars said, and looked at Ace. 

Ace had a bad premonition.

Mars continued, "I agree with your suggestion. They need a mentor to guide them. So, I ask you to guide them to become better people. Don't you agree?"

'Damn you, Mars!' Ace cursed the irresponsible dragon fiercely in his heart.

"Yes, I agree, Boss. Ace has never failed to do his missions. I'm sure the three of them can learn many things from him," Aria said with a smile.

'You too, Aria!' Ace complained in his heart.

Then, one by one of the elders expressed their support for the idea. Ace, with a bitter smile, could only agree in the end.

"I will do the best I can. But it depends entirely on the three. As for fighting with an undied lord, uh… boss! I don't know for now," Ace said helplessly.

Ace then looked at the three convicts. He didn't know what they were thinking, but he didn't see any reluctance from them. 

"I will work hard. I'm sure I can do it," Erica declared.

"I will do my best," Uriel said.

"Sure boss. I get it," Eric said.

Ace liked their spirits. He thought, maybe it wouldn't be impossible to do it with a certain preparation. Then a system notification made him pleasantly surprised.


[You triggered a quest: Lord Killing]


Assisted Eric, Erica, and Uriel to kill an Undead Lord. 


• Grade A equipment that you can wear

• 20,000 exp

• 1,000 reputations in the Laketown village.]

Finally a quest. He was tired of working for free. Although this mission was hard, as he hadn't gotten restrictions on how they would kill the undead lord, it's not impossible.

"Good, Your time is 3 months, I believe that in three months, the dungeon of the village will be completed. So, I hope you listen to Ace's order well and kill an undead lord. Or you will spend some years in prison. Now you can leave," Mars said coldly.

The three of them then left the building. After a short pause, Mars then continued the meeting.

He then looked at the ten elders and said, "Next, I will appoint you in several positions. This village, like a kingdom, should be managed professionally. So, the governance of the village can run effectively."

The meeting then started to have a relaxed atmosphere. Not like the last section, which was pretty heavy as Aria's brother had become one of the convicts.

Aria's mood seemed to improve, as she was the one that talked the most in the entire meeting. She then reported the progress of the village development until that day. 

At first, he reported the total population of the village. She said that dragons had dominated in quantity with 1,004 of them. The one thousand number here was the quantity of the dragonlings that were given by Dragna to Mars to follow him. As for the four dragons were Mars himself, Eric, Erica, and Gon. They would inhabit the area in the East of the central area. Just below the cliff. 

Next was the humans. There were 735 people, including 4 guardians, which was Ace's family. They inhabited just the South of dragonlings' dwellings and central area, next to the lake.

After that, the goblins. According to Aria, their number was 517 people. They lived in the upper North on the West side of the river. 

The dwarves were 375 people. They built their houses on the East side of the river on the cliff.

Next were elves. There were 354 people. They lived in the West of the Human block.

The Angels were 296 people. They would reside on their floating island. After the discussion with Sofia, Aria knew a way to include the floating island into the barrier. Based on the information of a book in Sofia's library, it could be done by installing a big chain that connected it with the village's hall. 

Because of that, the central area of the village was built next to the lake, so it could be easier to connect the floating island and the village hall. The reason for placing the floating island above the lake was so it would be safer and more artistic. 

Although the floating Island —in theory— wouldn't fall down, Aria and Sofia thought of the what-if scenario. After all, such a possibility could happen.

And they thought the scenery of a floating Island above the lake was beautiful and mystical. The villagers also appreciated the idea, as they often gathered on the beach of the lake before dusk to enjoy the beautiful scenery while watching the children playing on the shore.


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