Desolate World

Chapter 119 - Let Them Venting

The power that gnomes had made Ace alarmed. He never thought inside their small bodies, they had such great potential.

Ali then explained that besides fighting, the earth mage also had a great talent in the art of magical engineering. They knew naturally how to enhance equipment, weapons, and pure magical items. In this field, they weren't restricted with their earth attribute. If they had the materials and the blueprint, they could make it.

Ace's eyes were shining when he heard it. As what he needed at the moment was enchanters. As only they could strengthen already finished products. He desperately needed to upgrade his equipment and his card deck that was still a beginner deck. He planned to ask Ali for a favor to upgrade some of his equipment that he was reluctant to part with. 

Ali also offered his people's help to the town hall in building a town wall enclosing the town. He said, they could just erect soil and stones to form a crude earth wall, then the craftsmen could craft it into a qualified fortification.

Aria was grateful for his offer. She said she would prepare everything that was needed to build it. Ali said that they only needed some diracs to do that. When he said it, Ace could see that the usually calm gnome was a little enthusiastic.

Ace could only sigh. As a person who used to be casinos' regular customer, he knew that behavior well. It was a sign of a gambler who anticipated a windfall.

He had a gut feeling that hiring this gnome would be expensive. However, for him, a problem that could be solved by money was not a problem. If somehow his money was not enough, he could just do a few days of hunting. 

Afterward, it was Andrea's turn. Unlike others, she offered 10 of their best shadow stalkers including Jordan to work under Ace's night guards, while the other stalkers could do surveillance work for town guards. 

Her reason was, because of their trait, shadow stalkers were the best spies that they could find. As, when they were in the shadow realm, almost no one could find them. 

She said that the shadows had poor production ability, so it was best for them to do combat tasks. However, she ensured Aria, if needed, they would learn about construction to help the construction project.

The meeting then ended with Aria's emphasis to prioritize the construction of the town until the activation of the city chore.

Before the two left the room, Mars told Ace and Noah to list what they needed for their divisions and then submitted them to Aria. They promised to submit it soon.


As he was outside, three people had been already waiting for him. 2 dragons and an angel. Ace could see that they were still gloomy, but surprisingly they didn't try to taunt Ace like the day before. Even Erica was only standing silently.

After sighing, Ace asked them, " Follow me!"

He then transformed into bats and flew in the East direction. The three were surprised, but they chose to follow the bats.

While flying, he formulated plans to educate the three. As Mars gave him the task, he wouldn't do it half-heartedly. Of course, he didn't know how to do it properly, as he had never learned to be a teacher or anything like that. But he was a father. So, he would educate them like how he did to George. 

First, whenever George was just scolded by his mother, Alex would take him out to the park and let him vent his emotion in a place where no one was there. Usually, George would cry while riding a swing or digging the sand.

So, he brought them to the middle of the forest to do whatever they wanted.

At first, they didn't know what Ace meant, but as expected of Erica, who was the most unrestricted in showing her emotion. She then took a deep breath and released her dragon breath to the big tree in front of her. Her action made it frozen solid instantly. 

As she seemed to have not been satisfied, she then hit it with his claws several times. However, because it was frozen, it could withstand her attacks for several minutes before it fell down.

Uriel looked at what she was doing with a frown. Then he glanced at Ace several times. As if to ask him if he would let her do whatever she pleased.

Ace then said to him, "You can also do it, if you want."

At first, he shook his head, but looking at Erica was wreaking havoc while something roared. He then asked Ace, " Am I allowed to do that?" 

Ace nodded.

Uriel then flew and held his long bow. Without an arrow, he then pulled the string. Then a light arrow was formed in his hand. As he released it, an explosion occurred about a few hundreds of meters from them. 

As Ace found that the angel had pulled the string once more, Ace then asked Eric, " Do you want to do the same?" 

Eric said, "No. I'm fine."

Then Ace was silent. It had been half an hour. Erica had fallen many trees down, as well as Uriel. Although he seemed to be out of breath, as if didn't want to be outdone by Erica, he took an arrow from his inventory to continue firing.

Ace then asked Eric once more, "Do you really not want to do it?" 

Eric answered, "I don't want to."

Finally, Erica and Uriel stopped to wreak havoc in the area. Many trees fell down, frozen, and burned. Until the last moment, Eric didn't want to do it. Ace didn't say anything about it.

After the two came back to him, Ace said, "You three! Come to Aria tomorrow to help with the construction of the facilities. Work with the townsmen until I call you."

Without waiting for the three's answers, Ace then transformed into bats and flew back to the forest. Uriel and Erica then followed him. As for Eric, he seemed to want to stay there a little longer. 

Ace only smirked in his heart after knowing it.

'What a shy dragon,' Ace said in his heart.


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