Desolate World

Chapter 126 - Visiting Monster Tamer Barrack

That morning, Cloud, like usual, accompanied Geo to play. However, they wouldn't go to the lake, to the plaza, or to the forest. They would go to a facility in the Southwestern area of the elven block.

Walking slowly while enjoying the sight of a row of houses of the elves, she couldn't see anymore the elves that were busy doing construction. There were only some female elves doing their household matters. After a month of tireless construction, everything was done. She heard, even the goblin and the dwarven blocks had already been completed. 

While the town facilities construction was still undergoing, She heard from her daughter that it would only need at most a week for everything to be complete. Then the activation of the city core would be performed.

In fact, the townsmen had already started their normal activities. The farmers had already planted their seeds, the craftsmen had already been working at their workshops, the miner had started to mine in the newly opened iron mine in the North, the fishermen were still the same, catching the fish, and the town guards were patrolling and hunting in the forest.

As for their guild, the production personnel had started creating low-level equipment, potions, scrolls, and weapons. They were racing with time, trying to stockpile as many products as they could before the activation of the city core. Once the city core was activated, the guardians would start to appear. Then the demand for guardians' needs would soar.

The night guards had been starting their activities two weeks before. However, they were only guarding the North edge of the forest. As Ace was afraid to startle the undead, if they entered the prairie. 

Although Mars didn't mind if he started the 'beheading operation', the elders thought that the time was still too early. At last, until the activation of the city core, they asked Ace to not enter the prairie.

"Grandma, I heard from Tifa and Tira that the town guards had caught a group of horned wolves yesterday. I want to talk with them. Maybe I can get a new pet," Geo said.

Although they rarely went hunting for more than a month, they didn't stop trying to increase their strength. After consuming many monster cores while meditating, Geo had leveled up to level 25. As for Cloud herself was still level 23. 

The reason was because Geo's skeleton platoons had been borrowed by the guild to hunt at more dangerous spots in the forest. 

Every time they killed a monster, Geo would get a very small portion of the experience. However, he had 40 skeletons. So, he got a decent amount of experience from them.

"I don't mind actually. But, I don't know about your mother. After all, she is very selective about the monster that can become your pet," Cloud said.

Geo then wore a pleading expression and said, "Come on Grandma! Just for this time, I want to pick the monster by myself."

Cloud's face then softened, she then said, "Ok. But just this time. And the monster should not be too bad, alright?"

"Okay!" Geo said enthusiastically.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived in front of a barrack. A few elven rangers were guarding on the top of the tall wooden wall. As they saw Cloud and Geo, one of them said, "Oh, Mrs. Cloud and Geo. Don't you want to meet Miss Tifa and Miss Tira? They haven't arrived. But you can wait inside, if you want."

Cloud answered, "Sure! I heard the town guards had captured many horned wolves yesterday. We want to see them."

"Yes, we had captured 26 horned wolves yesterday. The sedative drugs that your guild produced are really good. Without them, it would be difficult to capture that many monsters at the same time. Oh, we also captured a few other monsters yesterday. You should check them out," The elf said enthusiastically.

"Sure," Cloud answered.

She and Geo then entered the gate of the barrack. Inside the tall wooden wall, there were some log houses that were used for the personnel on duty to rest. The largest house was the office of the monster tamers. As one of the monster tamers of the town, Geo also had an obligation to present to each of their meetings. However, because of his age, Cloud always accompanied him.

There were 12 monster tamers in all of the town. It was one of the powerful forces that represented a races' power in the town. In this case, it was the elves' power. The elf that became the captain of the monster tamers was at level 31. With his level that was 25, Geo was in the top three of the rank of the monster tamer.

However, the monster tamers' power was never measured by their level alone, but by the power of their pets. And Geo was easily the strongest monster tamer in the town. 

He had 2 elite monsters, which were Jumpy the golden assault spider, and Orochi the chimera snake, and his other monsters were also the rare spell caster type. Blue and Red the flying skates and Torch the fire crown. Each of them was a rare monster. It made the other monster tamers envied him.

It couldn't be helped. Geo's pets were chosen by Sofia who had a library in her mind. As a mother, she, of course, wanted her son to get the best. 

As for the other monster tamers, all of their pets were only ordinary monsters. And none of them were spell caster type. Most of them were close combat-type monsters. So it was normal for Geo to leave them behind in case of strength.

However, from a month ago, with the sincere request of Avril, Sofia had become the advisor for the monster tamer unit. She gave some monster tamers advice on how to make some of their potential pets evolve. By giving the correct diet of the pets, they had the possibility to evolve. 

Avril and the monster tamers were very thankful for her advice. As a result, one of the pets of a monster tamer just evolved. It made the credibility of Sofia's advice verified. It made the monster tamers worship her.


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