Desolate World

Chapter 131 - Restart (Part Two)

It was a kind of penalty for deleting your character. The system would only allow you to enter the game after the timer ended. 

At first, this setting wasn't there. People could restart their characters as they please. But some profiteers' actions of abusing the initial setting, made the developer enforce the new setting on the second day of the game service. 

The profiteers bought the pack and then sold them to the players in the game several times more expensive. As it was impossible for them to do transactions with dirac coins at that time, they used credit directly. This kind of behavior of course caused a massive loss of profit to the developer, so the developer added the penalty system.

In your second time of creating a character, they would penalize you with 3 days of waiting time. In your third time, a week. In your fourth time, a month. After that, the waiting time would stay at a month.

Troy was helpless about it. He couldn't help but recall why he decided to restart.

After being targeted by Sunny Gulf Guild, his day in the game was bleak. Although he somehow could make his shop survive with the support of his NPC customers, he was isolated from the other players. No one dared to help him or even came close to his shop.

No, actually he had no real friends in the town in the first place. He didn't trust the other players from the start. While he was busy developing his business, who he met and had interaction with were always NPCs. Although they looked real, he knew that they were just data. So, in his opinion, being close with them didn't count as having friends.

And when he was targeted by Sunny Gulf Guild, it was too late for him to ask for help. At least in his opinion.

Day by day facing harassment from the members of Sunny Gulf Guild made him uncomfortable to the point he couldn't enjoy playing the game.

So, he started to consider his time in the game as a job. No more no less. 

After some time, he somehow had been used to being targeted by the Sunny Gulf Guild. He started to think his situation wasn't that bad anymore. Even if he was killed many times, and sometimes some players attacked his shop, he was no longer angry. 

He thought he had become numb from his suffering. One time, some players were attacking him, but he no longer scolded them or insulted them. He just smiled at them and showed them his middle finger. Then he died while giving them a mocking smirk.

He felt elated after he was ejected from the game. He thought he was cool. Seeing their annoyed expression when they killed him, had given him a sense of victory.

As he thought his days couldn't get better, he got a big customer. A new NPC came and purchased all of his goods in his shop. He was out of stock, causing his usual customers couldn't buy their needs. 

He apologized for that, and promised to deliver their order after he got the goods. Then he camped at the auction house for restocking for almost 2 days. He made a lot of profit so he could buy more materials to sell. 

However, he knew he had to be careful at that time. To minimize the loss of being robbed by the members of Sunny Gulf Guild, He bought a vault access scroll, so he could save them directly to his vault. The reason he didn't use the scroll before was because they were pretty expensive. 150 dirac per scroll in his opinion was too costly. Usually he took a risk to deliver his goods by storing them in his inventory.

Fortunately, he didn't meet Sunny Gulf Guild guys along the way to his shop that time. 

After arriving at his shops, he took his goods from his vault and then delivered the goods to his customers directly. The transaction definitely tired him out, but he felt the profit was worth it.

After that, the business went normal for a few days. But on the 5th day, the NPC came again to buy his goods in larger quantities. Learning from the past, he tried to keep some amount of his goods prepared if his old customers came. 

However, the NPC forced him to sell all his goods. He was even willing to pay 5% more. Based on him, they were cheaper than the another shop. 

Troy assumed that 'the another shop' was the shop next door that was owned by Sunny Gulf Guild. As a capitalist, he believed that profit was everything. So he agreed with the NPC's purchase.

After that, he closed his shop and checked the NPC's saying that the price of the materials was increased at the next door shop. Then, he found that it was true. Almost all goods at the shop were more expensive than his, although not more than 10%. 

It made him ecstatic. He thought maybe as their usual customers were contracted with them, they felt it was okay to increase their price as they pleased. He thought that he could finally take revenge on them. His plan was to take back his old customers that were 'stolen' by them by offering them a much cheaper price. 

He then came back to camp at the auction house. To ensure the success of his plan, he was going to buy two times the amount of the goods he used to buy. He was sure his plan would succeed and maybe he would be able to turn things around. 

Because he needed to buy more goods, he spent more time in the auction house. Without him realizing it, he had spent his time in the auction house for 4 days. As he opened his shop, he got many complaints from his customers because he closed his shop for four days. 

He could only apologize, and gave them a small discount for their troubles that were caused by his absence.


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