Desolate World

Chapter 142 - The Four Elements Deck

Upgrading a piece of equipment would increase the level requirement of it for 10 levels. For example, he decided to upgrade his beginner deck that didn't have level requirements. Once he upgraded it, its level requirements would increase by 10, to be level 10. So he only upgraded it 3 times to level 30, so Ace could use it. 

Another thing that should be taken into consideration was, the grade and the type of an item. They were also became deciding factors on how many stats it would. The monster cores that were used to upgrade the item also decided how much and what stats that would be increased.

After knowing the stats difference between the beginner deck that had been upgraded 3 times and the four elements deck that was originally a level 30, Ace considered his new deck as heavy rain that had ended his drought. Although it was not a special weapon, its value was several times higher than the master thief's cloak. Furthermore, it was an S-grade weapon. 

The addition of 350 magic itself had blown his mind. It was just a little bit lower than his original magic stats. The addition of the effective range of his card attack to 20 meters and 200% addition of the card's flying speed were also very useful bonuses.

One thing that made him have a headache was the effective range of his attack. 18 meters was a little too dangerous for him. As at his level, many ranged attacker's attack speed was so fast, especially archer. Even their ordinary attack could reach that distance in less than 0,5 seconds. Something that was really difficult for him to avoid, even after knowing it beforehand.

He had seen how fast Uriel's arrow was. And it made him nervous. But, with 48 meters of effective range, he believed he had a little room to maneuver if he faced an opponent like Uriel.

He then checked the cards on the deck one by one. It almost stopped his breath. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was a really different deck. As Ace couldn't find any diamonds, clubs, hearts, or spades cards. Although he could still find the Jacks, Queens, Kings, Ace, and Jokers.

The four kinds of normal poker cards were changed to four element symbols. They were Fire, Ice, Earth, and Wind. 

For ordinary cards, those were cards that had numbers 2 to 10, the damage values of them were similar to the previous cards from the beginner deck. Well, in fact, all cards' damages were still following the previous settings.

The mana consumption of the number of cards was still equivalent to its number. As the number cards used a formula: (0,2 x card number) x magic value for the base damage.

The fire element cards could cause an explosion which was AoE damage. The ice element cards could cause slow debuff. The earth element cards could cause a knockback effect. As for the wind element cards' attack speed would be two times of other cards'. 

Besides the wind element cards, the chance of the effects of the other cards to happen was only 10%. And the mana consumption of each throw was increased by three times. For example, a number 2 fire card needed 6 mana to launch, and an Ace of Ice card needed 45 mana to launch.

Then, The jack cards became really different compared to the ones in the beginner deck. Each element had a different effect. The Jack of fire card would summon 3 fire serpents that would hold the target while dealing fire damage for 5 to 10 seconds. 

The Jack of Ice, Earth, and Wind, they also would summon 3 serpents that would hold the target, ice serpents would cause ice damage. Earth serpents didn't cause any elemental damage, but the serpents wouldn't dissolve except were broken by the target itself or someone else. 

As for the wind serpents wouldn't be able to hold the target, but they would cause the target to suffocate for 15 to 30 seconds.

The queen cards were basically the same, except the element that healed the target would be different according to the card that was used.

The King cards were pretty special. The king of fire would create a wall of fire. it could be used to surround an area that would burn anything that tried to pass it. However, it couldn't completely block any ranged attacks.

The king of Ice and earth would create a permanent wall of Ice and earth. They were really sturdy, but they would be affected by gravity. So Ace couldn't make a floating barrier with them, as they would fall immediately.

As for the king of wind, would create a wall of wind that surrounded the target for 30 seconds. It would deflect anything that touched it.

As for Ace cards, like the beginner cards, they would launch AoE attacks. Ace of fire would cause a massive explosion. Ace of Ice would make a 10 meters diameter ice spears field. Ace of Earth would make a local earthquake around 15 meters in diameter for 10 seconds. Ace of wind would cause a moving tornado for 20 seconds.

As for Jokers cards, they had the same function as the ones in the beginner deck. Which was to copy the other cards.

Ace felt that he was dreaming. The four elements deck was really a powerful deck. Each of their cards was really extraordinary. He felt that he became four elementalists at the same time by using this deck. Although elementalist was just an E rarity job, they had many powerful spells that could wreak havoc on the battlefield. 

However, they were really shitty at the stats distribution. They indeed had extremely high magic stats, but their other stats were really 'meh'. This situation forced them to always team up with other professionals. In short, They couldn't be used to 'play' solo. They were similar to the healers and the bards in this aspect.


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