Desolate World

Chapter 172 - Aiden The Gambler Of Fate

After reaching the front line, Sampson, who was in front with the other close combat guild members that could wield shields like warriors, shadow knights, dwarven heavy infantries, and some rarer professionals shouted, "Brothers! Full offense! Crush them!"

"Ho~!" A dwarf with full plate armor, shield, and war hammer shouted while swinging his hammer to the coming skeleton.

"Kill!" Ruby shouted while hitting her opponent with her war axe.

"Come on!" A human warrior shouted while hitting her shield to a skeleton who would swing its sword. Making the skeleton staggered. Then a dragonling stabbed his spear toward the eye socket of the skeleton. 

"Hey… It is mine," The human warrior complained. He continued to attack the skeleton's chest.

"Hahaha… What's yours? It's a war brother. Everyone should help each other," The dragonling answered. He also didn't stop to stab the skeleton.

"Damn!" The human warrior couldn't refute except to curse. He then swung his sword to the neck of the skeleton. It was critical. Because the skeleton's HP was just a third of the normal humanoid and its level was only 4, it died just like that.

"Hey! You killed it. That is not fair," The dragonling then complained.

"Hahaha… This is war. It doesn't matter who killed the enemy. The important thing is it is dead," The human warrior laughed hard.

"Damn it!" The dragonling cursed.

Emily captured all of the moments on the battlefield with her camera while giving her allies buffs to their stats by playing guitar. There were also some bards in their army, but not like her who could make the volume of her playing much louder, so more allies were affected. So she became the main bard in the guild. Because of it too, her contributions in the battle were always the highest or at least at second place in the party. 

However, in a war like this, she didn't dare to expect to get top 5 or even top 10 in contribution, as she knew that there were many people who had abnormal abilities and powers that could affect the whole situation of the war.

Like their commander, Sampson. With his halo, he could buff allies 100 meters around him. And then Cloud, who had a weird way to heal her allies. She could continually heal allies at the same time. It was such a superb way of healing in Emily's eyes.

Then there was a 'monstrous' kid, Geo. The monsters that continuously harassed the skeleton army from above were his pets and the thousands of undead that became their allies were also his resurrected skeletons. He was easily the strongest player in this guild, no maybe in Laketown, or even in the continent. Because she couldn't imagine there were players that had so many pets like him.

So the top three should be them. At the moment, she still didn't know Ace's power, as he had never actively fought in front of his guild members for some reason.

And there was Aiden. The only member in the guild who had an S rarity job. Her job was gambler of fate. At the moment, she also didn't know that Sofia had an SS rarity job.

Emily then directed her camera to the fight of Aiden the elf girl. At the moment, she was in the second line of the guardians together with the thieves and other close combat professionals that didn't have high HP and defense. Their task was to deal massive damages to the skeletons that were tied by the tanks in front of them.

However, Aiden was different from other DPSs, as there were many skeletons around her that for some reason got 'bad luck'. Yes, like at the moment, when a skeleton tried to swing his sword, suddenly it stumbled because it stepped on the skull of its defeated friend. Or before that, a skeleton failed to pull out its sword from a guardian's shield, so the guardian could defeat it effortlessly.

It was one of her traits. All enemies that were in a radius of 10 meters from her would be inflicted in bad luck debuff.

She was a chatty and honest girl. One time, she was asked by Emily, why did it seem so effortless for her to defeat her enemies. She then revealed her traits. Her first trait was that her luck stats couldn't fall below 5 in any situation. And her second trait was all enemies that were in a radius of 10 meters from her would be inflicted in bad luck debuff.

Luck was a hidden stat that had no fixed number on every creature. Sometimes it was up, and sometimes it was down. When it was up, the creature would be in a good luck state and when it was down, the creature would be in a bad luck state.

Originally, luck wouldn't affect the fight too much, as even if a person was in bad luck status, he wouldn't be defeated easily. As he also had his own battle sense, power, and skills. But, when he had a too low luck stat, as if the world itself went against him. Like the two skeletons that for some reason had bad luck, and then were slain by the guardians.

The reason for someone having extremely low luck was because initially, he was in a bad luck state, then after getting bad luck debuff, his already low luck became 2 or even 1. So he would experience an unusual moment that would put him in a disadvantaged situation.

For a note, the luck stat would never become 0 or 10, as it was always in the range of number 1 to 9.

1 was extremely unlucky

2 was too unlucky

3 was unlucky

4 was slightly unlucky

5 was normal 

6 was slightly lucky

7 was lucky 

8 was too lucky

9 was extremely lucky

Aiden explained to Elimy, normally a person's luck stat was in between 3 to 7. But, for some reason like her trait, it could go down to 2 or for a very rare time would become 1.

As for getting 8 or 9 luck stat, she also didn't know how it could happen. But she believed that only on rare occasions someone could have 8 luck stat. As for having 9 luck stat, it was like someone winning a lottery. It was only a once in a lifetime experience.

After her traits were known by others, many guardians wanted to enter the same party with her, as it would make their hunt or mission easier. And they usually also got more loot, as she was never unlucky.

However, there was something that made Emily didn't think too highly of Aiden. It was not that she looked down on her. But because she had found a luckier person than her.

In fact, the person who made her talk with Aiden was Cloud, because the old woman was curious about the elf girl who had an S rarity job. At first, she didn't know that Aiden's job had an S rarity. As stuff like the rarity of a job was usually not something that everyone knew, except if you were told by someone who had gotten a chance to pick the job but not pick it, or someone who had picked the job himself.

And it was very rare for common people to be able to access such rare jobs, as only people who had made achievements and were rich enough to buy the rare job could encounter a chance to pick it. And such people were very rare.

And the fact that Cloud could know the rarity of the 'gambler of fate' job explained that she knew someone that had a chance to pick the job. 

So, after she reported her talk with Aiden to Cloud, the senior only nodded with a slight smile. As if she didn't regard the information that she had brought to be so special. It made her curious about the reason for her indifference.

She didn't answer directly. She then asked her to treat what she would say as a secret. Emily easily nodded. As she regarded herself as a part-time agent, she knew what she could say and what she couldn't say.

Cloud then told the journey her family had experienced, from being summoned in a dangerous place more than 1,000 km from the nearest settlement, to being the ones who contributed to the construction of Laketown and then founding Nightglow Guild. 

Cloud then emphasized her story on the lucky encounters that Ace, her guild master often had. Emily then understood why Cloud wasn't too surprised when she explained Aiden's job. Because in her eyes, what she had achieved was not comparable to Ace's achievements. For a note, Cloud had hidden many things from Emily, and only told the bard the information about their family that could also be found easily if the streamer asked them from the townsmen. As they were pretty famous.

But such a story had already opened her eyes wide. That there was someone who had a protagonist halo in real life, making her admire her mysterious guild master even more. 

She thought that Ace was mysterious because he had never shown most of his skills in front of other guild members. They only knew Sampson's, Geo's, and Cloud's abilities, as they actively participated in the battles with the other members. They only knew that Ace had an extra-long distance skill that he only showed if someone was in a dangerous situation.

In fact, it's not that Ace wanted to hide his abilities, but because he didn't want to steal the experience of the new members of his guild. Because his damage was too high, he was likely to get the most experience if he actively participated in the battles.


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