Desolate World

Chapter 21 - War

"So, do you know the function of the core?" After logging in the game again, Ace gave the ant's core to Sofia. 

"Yes. I have read a glimpse about it in a book. Monster's core is used to be an additional ingredient for crafting, for example, for making potions, pills, or making equipment. It will give a certain boost to some aspects of the final product," Sofia said.

"That's cool. So this core should add a defense bonus if it is used in equipment production. Their hide is very tough," Sampson speculated.

"Yes, that's a big chance to get a defense bonus. By the way. The carcasses also have some use. The hide could be processed as armor. And Jumpy could eat the rest. It will help him get a defense bonus when he evolves at level 10. Although We need more elemental monster's carcasses, so it will evolve to a certain species that can evolve to lord monster at level 50," Sofia said.

"That's a good idea, honey. Okay, jumpy, here Is your food," Ace then put out a carcass of granite ant.

"Hey, didn't you hear your wife? The hide can be used to make armor. Let's skin it first before Jumpy eats it!" Sampson complained.

"Nah! We didn't need to. Look at Jumpy, You will understand," Ace smirked.

Sampson then looked at Jumpy who should be already bored after being left by everyone to have dinner. He strode quickly to the carcass, after showing his excitement to Ace, he held the carcass of the ant, and from a hole that should be made by Sampson's spear, he bit its hide to make a bigger hole, and then he was starting to suck its internal.

"That! He is sucking it?!" Sampson said in surprise.

"Of course, how else does a spider eat a bug? He sucks it," Ace smiled.

"He said, he is happy and it is delicious. He also thanked you, Dad," Geo said while watching his pet's activity.

"Say to him, you are welcome," Ace answered.

"Ok! By the way, dad, it looks tasty. Can I try it?!" Geo asked with glittering eyes.

Ace startled, he then said, "Don't! It's for Jumpy. Not for us."


After explaining to Geo not to eat Jumpy's food, they discussed what they should do next. Sofia wanted to practice creating some scrolls. She would use 10 pieces of low-level magic papers to practice making low-level scrolls such as shining sphere scrolls. It was a simple and low mana consumption scroll that could summon a low-level creature, shining sphere. 

Sofia explained that the shining sphere was a low-level light elemental golem that hadn't had consciousness. It didn't have a concrete body. Its body only consisted of a small light sphere. It didn't have a long lifespan, only 8 hours. The one that activated the scroll would become its master and could control it by his will. The ancient mage used it as an alternative to a torch or lantern.

Everyone exclaimed at its usefulness.

Everyone then decided to exit the cave, so they wouldn't disturb Sofia. Because writing a scroll was a job that required concentration. A mistake in the process would spoil the ingredients.

"So, what will we do now? The ants should be sleeping now, and entering their nest is definitely not a good idea, at least for now," Sampson said.

Ace was amazed at his brother's swinging mood. It was just this morning, he complained like there was no tomorrow. And now he had a plan to enter the nest of the ants later.

"I want to inspect the West. The closest human settlement was in that direction. I want to see what was there. So, please play with Geo for the time being," Ace said.

"Ok, we will see the night sky. How about sighting the stars, Geo? You haven't experienced it, right?" Cloud asked.

"Can't I go with you, Dad?" Geo looked at Ace with pitiful eyes.

'What a tough opponent!' Ace sighed.

Ace then crouched down and looked at his son's eyes, "It's pretty dangerous, you know."

"Then, don't go!" Geo said.

Ace smiled, "Have you ever seen your father lost?" Ace patted his son's shoulder.

"No! Even the fierce uncle was defeated by you," Geo said while looking fanatically at Ace.

Ace then felt a sharp gaze behind him. However, he ignored it.

"So, you don't have to worry about me. It's like in the movie. When a spy tried to inspect the situation, he would do it alone, right? It's the same. I will go alone so the ants won't find me out. So, you will go to the top of the hill with grandma and uncle to learn more about the stars, okay?" Ace tried to explain it to his son.

"Okay," Geo nodded.

After saying goodbye to his son, his mother in law and his glaring brother, Ace started his night adventure.


Ace had never felt that free. After parting with everyone, he ran down the hill at a fast speed. There were many busses and small trees in front of him, but he used his agility to pass it, and sometimes with his gliding skill, he made a maneuver.

'It's so refreshing!' Ace said in his heart.

Some seconds later, he left the hill and entered the ant's area. Just as he thought, he couldn't see any ant. With his sensitive senses, it was impossible to miss any sound and clue around him. However, at the moment he couldn't find any ant. It seemed they were sleeping inside of the nest.

After moving for about 2 km, he still didn't feel any presence. He started to think if all ants were sleeping. 

But a minute later the scene in front of him made him realize that they were too naive. Their starting point was defined as hell difficulty because of a reason.

It was war if he must define the spectacle in front of him. Hundreds of ants that were bigger and looked stronger than the ones that he and his family defeated were fighting with dozens of dragon-like creatures.

[Granite Ant (major), Level 8]

[Earth Dragon (minor), Level 25]

Although the level of earth dragons was three times of the granite ants, they didn't have much advantage over the ants that had a superior number. The ants were fighting crazily as if they didn't consider their own lives.

The carcasses of the ants with burning traces were everywhere. Ace estimated more than 200 ants were killed in the battle. On the other hand, the dragons looked like they still didn't have casualties, as Ace couldn't find any dragon carcass.

The size of the dragons was about 4 meters tall. They were fighting like an army with discipline formation. They were fighting with their claws and fangs. However, the ants' hides proved to be very tough as they could withstand some of the dragons' attacks.

However, the dragons on the back of the formation seemed to want to do something. It looked like they were inhaling some air. Their actions made the ants alarmed. With messy coordination, they were retreating. However, the front row of the dragon formation seemed to let them do it. They just looked at the retreating ants with indifference.

The dragons in the back row of the formation then exhaled. A wave of fire came out from their mouths, swept every ant that was within 15 meters radius from the dragons' formation. Dozens of ants were killed instantly.

'Dragon's breaths?!' Ace said in his heart. Fear started to engulf him. Never did he imagine he would see a dragon, no dozens of those mystical creatures in his first day playing the game.

'This is insane!' He started to sweat.

However, the wave of fire breath of the dragons seemed could only make the ants panic not too long. After the fire subsided, the ants started to approach the dragons again. Furthermore, hundreds of ants were appearing from North and South as the reinforcement. The new round of battle was about to start.


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