Desolate World

Chapter 34 - Jumpy's Evolution

"Greetings, your Majesty!" Mars and Gon said in unison.

"It has been a long time, Mars. How have you been?" The enormous dragon asked.

Mars smiled, "I have been well. It's all thanks to your grace, His Majesty."

"Okay, I will to the point. Just like you have seen. The undead becomes rampant. Some of them even dared to attack us. It's not a good sign. I heard they have infected the Northern Prairie. Two human kingdoms have been destroyed by them. Consequently, their number had soared tremendously. Maybe, their quantity had reached 10 million. What do you think?" The enormous dragon said.

"It will be a tragedy if they are left unchecked. However, for me who doesn't know how much the world has changed, I don't know how to help the clan. Please instruct me," Mars said politely.

"You don't know? Hahaha… Don't think I don't know. You were promoted to be a dragon lord 10 years ago. You are too naive if you think that there is something that can be hidden from me in this clan," the enormous dragon said.

Mars sighed, "So Your Majesty has known it all along."

Mars then transformed himself to become bigger. There was no dragon that was bigger than him at that place except the enormous dragon.

Gon was surprised to his core when hearing and then seeing that. Cold sweat started to wet his back. He never thought the old dragon that he often fought with within the prison was a dragon lord.

However, it seemed not only Gon, but that also surprised the others. The event also made dragons and dragonlings amazed and trembling.

The enormous dragon didn't care for the reaction of the others, "Don't call me that way again. I hate to admit it, but you are equal to me. At least in status. Call me Dragna from now on. 

The only reason I pretended not to know because I was waiting for your initiative to tell me. However, you seemed to prefer hiding it. So I chose to be silent. 

According to our tradition, you can choose to be an elder of the clan now. Your position is only lower than mine. Or…

You can choose to make a new clan. I must facilitate you with some dragons and dragonlings as followers.

That's if the situation is normal. Just as I said before, they dared to attack us. Three undead lords led more than 500,000 undead to attack us. Of course, they were not our matches. I could kill one lord, but the other two were able to retreat successfully. 

Fortunately, Lord Gabriel, our ally's leader, could intercept one of the two lords. With the angels' help, we could eradicate most of them, with a few of them running towards the misty forest.

I and Lord Gabriel agreed we must restrict their development. So I need your help."

Mars then stood up. He then said, "I was young and capricious back then. I hope you forgive me."

"I have forgiven you years ago. So, you don't have to mind that thing again. So, what do you think?" The enormous dragon, Dragna said.

"I will do everything for the clan," Mars then said.


"Continue to heal your brother. It's fine if your mana is empty. We have many mana potions. You don't need to worry to use them," Cloud instructed a little girl at her side. 

"Yes!" Mia said. She then took a bottle of blue potion and drank it. Her mana was restored more than half. She then continued to restore her brother's HP, who must face two ants. 

+ 44

After Adrian and his family signed the contract and used 4 minor ant chores as offerings to the system, Sofia gave Mia a healer job-changing scroll. It needs 2 major ant chores as offerings to activate it. 

After activating the scroll, Mia officially became a healer. Her family could only be dumbfounded when they knew the process was done. They never thought the process could be that simple.

Mia got one active skill. It was heal. It could restore someone's HP equivalent with her magic. Adding the 10% healing bonus, caused by her trait that boosted all of her recovery skills. With skill cooldown that was only 5 seconds and mana consumption that was only 5, it was way better than Geo's Mega heal or Cloud's continuous heal, at least in a normal situation. She needed to catch up to everyone's level to maximize her role.

Derek was a little bit overwhelmed battling two ants at the same time. Although they couldn't deal much damage to him, and 2 healers behind him always made sure to keep his HP above 50%, he still couldn't hold them perfectly.



His mother, Nara rained one of the ants that attacked him with arrows from a distance. She had the longest range in the group. If Ace could only attack with a maximum range of 10 meters, she could attack from 30 meters. However, to stabilize the accuracy of her attacks, she attacked the ant from 20 meters.

After finishing an ant, Sampson pointed his spear to one of the ants and pulled it to him. He then said, "Don't panic while facing enemies. Trust your companions. Panic will only stiffen your movement and dull your judgment."

"Yes!" Derek said while trying to calm himself.

Adrian who held three ants couldn't help but smile. With a combination of shield and sword, he seemed to dance with the ants. Before the fight, he and his son were briefed to only hold the ants, and then Sampson, Sofia, and Nara who would slowly consume the ants. 

As for Jumpy and Ace, they had a role to single up every ant that came afterward and maintain the number of ants that were fought by the other party members. That role was easy for them as they were already far stronger than level 3 ants.

As for Geo, Mia and Cloud, they became support. Mia mainly focused on his brother, but she would heal anyone else if Cloud ordered her to. Geo as always, focusing on Jumpy. As for Cloud, she would command the rear and healed anyone that needed treatment.

It was the first time Ace's party fought the ants in the daytime. Ace had chosen a secluded place that only passed by a limited number of ants. 

Although it was a pretty secluded place, ants would come periodically, so they had to fight continuously. It had been 5 minutes since they had fought, but none of them was tired. It was because of Sampson's trait. 

The trait made all Sampson's allies that fighting in the 100m radius from him get a 10% increase of health and mana recovery and their stamina would be consumed slower. In the previous battles which would end quickly, this trait didn't show its use, because its effect would end when the battle was finished. However, it helped the party to fight for a long period.



Once again an ant was killed by Ace. In the back row of the party Mia's body suddenly glowed. She had leveled up to level 2. 

"Congratulations!" Cloud said kindly to the little girl at her side.

"Thank you," Mia said with an excited tone.

The time passed. After defeating more than 50 ants, Geo, Sampson, Cloud, and Jumpy finally level up to level 10. It made them excited. However, they were woken up by Sofia's shout, "Protect Jumpy. He is about to have an evolution."


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