Desolate World

Chapter 51 - Love's Protection

"Yes, please," Ace said. Actually, he didn't think the old man had a better idea. For him, looking for people in the North was easier than roaming inside of the misty forest. The thick mist that covered the forest made him uncomfortable. It forced him to lose his superior sight. And he predicted Phil would suggest he continue looking around inside the forest.

"I think you don't have to find randomly around the forest. It will be enough to look along the river. You know, there is a river going to the East. I believe most of the refugees lived not too far from the river. You just have to find further," Phil said.

'See! Just like I thought,' Ace said in his heart.

"But, that would take so much time. Like you know, the forest environment makes it difficult to venture. On another hand, the prairie was much easier to navigate. With my speed and strength, I don't think the undead could be a problem," Ace said.


With a helpless smile, Phil then said, "You will only attract the undead by doing so. Remember, what we need the most is time. If possible, I don't want anyone to provoke them for the time being. At least until we have a certain confidence in our strength. Please don't reveal our place for the time being."

Then everything clicked, Ace understood what Phil was afraid of. The battle with the undead made him fear them to his marrow. However, Ace couldn't laugh it off. Because he also understood it. Wasn't he the same? These days he was always worried about the real world's situation. He feared if the dome of his sanctuary caved in.

'Sigh… Maybe it was not only him. The majority of the villagers had trauma with the undead,' Ace said in his heart.

He himself didn't consider the undead as a threat. His survivability aside, the misty forest itself was a natural barrier. He thought it was impossible for the undead army to enter the misty forest if not forced to, as the environment and density of the monsters in the misty forest would hinder the advance of a big army.

'Furthermore, with Mars staying here, I doubt the undead have a chance. His last move can obliterate any army,' Ace said in his heart. He still couldn't forget the energy ball that the dragon had launched to finish the gigant.

Ace shook his head, 'Forget it! It was better to give peace of mind to the people. Let them working peacefully for the time being, while gradually building their morale. 

And searching along the river is not too bad of an idea. Maybe, I can get a result faster than searching aimlessly in the North.'

Ace then looked at the old man. He found that Phil was quite nervous waiting for his reply. Didn't want to make him feel insecure anymore, Ace said, "That's a good idea. Let's do that!" 

Ace's reply seemed to alleviate his worry by much, as Ace saw his complexion became better.

"So be it! I need to prepare for the journey. It would take me a few days in the forest. anything else, Phil?" Ace asked.

"N-no… That's enough. Thank you for listening to me," Phil said with gratitude.

"It's okay. Then, see you…," Ace then left the old man.

'The plan has changed. It seems I need to talk to Sofia,' Ace said in his heart while walking towards the place his wife was to be. These few days, she was always beside Aria to create the city plan. 

She had explained to him that they not only need to make the near future design of the city, but they must think about how the city must develop in the distant future. 

looking at his wife's seriousness, he knew she would do her best to build a majestic city with Aria. Ace could only support her. It was rare his wife was earnest about something. It was also because he felt guilty. These years he had made her busy taking care of their son, while he wandered around casinos to gamble. Once again, he felt he was a failure as a husband. So he wanted to help her to build the city with all his strength.

However, after taking a few steps, he heard Phil called his name, "Wait Ace. There is one more thing."

it made him stop his step. He then turned around, "Anything else Phil?" 

He seemed to just make a hard decision. After taking a deep breath, he said, "Oh, I just thought that you need better clothes to venture into the forest alone. You see… There were many powerful monsters in the forest. You need more appropriate protection, I mean armor."

Ace then looked at his equipment. Actually, they were pretty decent clothes. Because he rarely received damage, they were in a way better condition than his brother's, at least in appearance. 

However, he understood what Phil meant. They were just a set of basic equipment. they really weren't suitable anymore for his level. He indeed needed better equipment. But he must wait for the craftsmen to arrive. He heard dwarves and gnomes were good at making equipment. He needed to commission one of them to make him better equipment.

"Well, you see… I don't have a choice right. Everyone is busy with the construction of the village.

Actually, I want to commission a tailor to make me better equipment. I'm sure a few weeks later when reinforcements from the Dragma valley arrive, I can find a good one," Ace said.

"Oh, Right… But I think you need them now, don't you? If you don't mind, Do you want to wear mine? I used to wear them in my prime. They were good hunter armors. I paid an expensive price for the materials decades ago," Phil then took some clothes from his inventory.

They were all made from brown leather. They consisted of a leather vest and pants. They looked like they had been maintained well. 

Ace didn't know their properties, but just from their looks, he was sure they were good equipment. He then asked, "Are you sure, do you want to give them to me?" 

"Yeah, I am old, I can no longer fight as good as when I was young. If you don't mind, you can have them. At least, until you get better ones, I hope they can protect you," Phil said.

"Th-thank you… I like them," Ace said excitedly. He then checked their properties. 

Fine Leather Vest (blessed)

Grade: D (special)

Block: pierce: E

blunt: E

slash: E

Physical Defense +20

Strength +15


Love's protection (passive): the damage that is received can not make the wearer die instantly. The wearer's health will stop decreasing at 1 HP and be immune to all damage for 5 seconds. cooldown: 7 days.

Durability: 1,000

Requirement: All Jobs, level: 10

Fine Leather Pants 

Grade: D

Block: pierce: E

blunt: E

slash: E

Physical Defense +20

Agility +15

Durability: 1,000

Requirement: All Jobs, level: 10

Ace was shocked after knowing the vest's special effect. What was the meaning of can't instantly die after receiving damage? 

It meant he had a one-time immortality moment. Even if he received the deathly ultimate skill of Mars that had killed the gigant, he could survive with only 1 HP. After that, he could recover his health with a potion.

The effect of the equipment could be one of the best protection he could get. Fortunately, it was a vest. It could be put on top of shirts. So he could always wear it. However, it was too precious. Ace didn't think he deserved anything this valuable.

"Are you sure you want to give them to me? they should be important for you, right?" Ace asked.

Phil smiled, "They were made by my deceased wife. They had protected me for years when I was a hunter. So, I hope it didn't stop protecting someone. 

It was impossible for me to fight anymore, but I want them to protect the protector of the villagers. It is also to thank you for everything you have done."

Ace raised his eyebrow, he then asked, "What do you mean?"

Phil then smiled, He then said, "It was you who saved Adrian and his family. It was you who then initiated to came here. It was you who got the approval of Lord Mars and it was you who brought us here. All of those circumstances allow us to came once again to the surface, basked the sunlight. We really grateful to you."

While hearing that, Ace couldn't help but be embarrassed. He did almost all those actions because of the quest. Not because of kindness or stuff. 

"It's okay, you know. We also want to build our home. And we thought the cave that was described by Adrian was really wonderful, so we thought it would be a good place to visit. And about our meeting with Lord Mars, it was just a coincidence," Ace explained.

"Whatever it is, it was because of you. Please accept them," Phil said.

"Then, I take them, thank you!" Ace said gratefully.

After chatting for a while, once again Ace said goodbye. He was in good mood because of the gifts. He even forgot about the real world's condition. He then walked away to find Sofia.


Looking Ace walked away, Phil took a deep breath. He murmured "Please protect us, Mr. Guardian. I hope this time we can finally settle down." 


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