Desolate World

Chapter 56 - Thirst

No one could stop the vampires. They used to come when all people weren't ready. The fog in the forest helped them get some cover from the refugees' eyes.

Five to seven people were missing every day. People got desperate. However, one day Noah came up with an idea. He asked the refugees to make ropes from vines. He asked to make many of them. 

His idea was simple. By tying 5 or 6 people with a long rope, everybody could help each other when vampires tried to kidnap them. The next day all people were linked with 4 or 5 people every time. 

The next night, the unaware vampires tried to kidnap the people like before, but a surprise was waiting for them. As one of them tried to grab a sleeping girl and take her away, the girl was unexpectedly heavy. The vampire then realized that a rope tied the girl to another woman besides her.

Noah and dozens of brave men chose to didn't tie themselves with the others. Because they wanted to always be ready when the vampires attacked. It was somewhat risky for them to do that. Because if one of them was targeted, they would be hopeless, as no one could help them timely. But they didn't have much choice, because there should be some people who could fight and had the mobility to rush to the places that were attacked by the vampires.

Some screams from several directions were heard by all the refugees. However, at that time the refugees were ready. They no longer curled in fear. Some men immediately ran towards the source of the scream. 

They then battled the vampires that tried to get away with their targets. However, their targets were tied together with some people. 

One of the vampires' targets was Nila. Fortunately, she was tied with Mila, her sister, and some other refugees. The refugees tried to pull the rope with all of their strength. 


The one that wanted to kidnap Nila was a vampire's servant. He used to be one of the refugees. However, at that time, with red eyes and a creepy smile, he wanted to take his former comrade. But his attempt was hindered by the other refugees' action. With an angry roar, he tried to escape with his target, but it was useless. 

The other women didn't want to give up their colleague and continued to pull the rope to drag Nila and the vampire's servant down.

As he wanted to attack them, a man jumped high behind him and struck him with a war axe. It made him and Nila be thrown down among the refugees. 

As the vampire's servant wanted to give up his mission and fled, it was too late. The angry refugees ganged up against him. Feeling his HP declined fast, he made a decision that every vampire's servant would do.


Nila, who despaired the moment the vampire picked her, was glad to be saved. However, being thrown down made her a little dizzy. So she was still near the vampire that was ganged up by the refugees, unable to move for a while. However, she thought it was the end. The vampire was finished and she was saved.

However, the next development made her brain blank. The supposed to be helpless vampire pounced on her and bit her neck. It made the people around her, including her sister, freeze on their feet. 

She felt her vitality was drained fast. Grief enveloped her. She knew that she would die.

However, once again he saved her. With his big axe, Noah came and hacked the vampire from the side. Making him to be thrown out.

She didn't know what happened to the vampire after that, as she lost consciousness.


As she woke up, she saw her sister was crying next to her. She wanted to say that she was okay. However, it was too hard for her to even open her mouth. 

However, seeing Nila opened her eyes made Mila happy. She then said that Nila had been unconscious for two days. She also asked her if she was hungry. 

As she didn't have the strength to even say anything, she only nodded weakly.

Her sister then took a clay bowl from her side and tried to feed Nila a spoonful of porridge. As Nila opened her mouth and let the spoon enter her mouth. However, as she tasted the porridge, it was so horrible that she vomited it with all her strength. It made her lose consciousness once again.

The next time she woke up, Mila wasn't by her side. She was lying in a large tent. She then knew that she was in a tent that used to nurse the wounded.

The refugees seemed to move again. For a note, they never stayed in one place for more than three days. They continued to move East following the river.

They did that because they didn't have any more choices. As they easily lost direction if they roamed in the misty forest without guidance. She knew that from some conversations outside of the tent. Some women were talking about it.

Nila felt her body become weaker and weaker. He felt an unbearable thirst for something. Instinctively, she knew that she didn't want any water. She needed something else. Then she smelled something delicious. She never smelled something so good.

She then looked in the direction the smell came from. Not far from her, a man had his head wrapped with a cloth. She saw some red marks on the cloth. It was the stain of blood. 

Then two men came inside the tent while carrying an unconscious man. Two women followed them with serious expressions.

Didn't know why, a more appetizing smell came from the unconscious man. As they passed her, a drop of blood from the unconscious man dropped on her cheek.

Nila then felt uncontrollable desire engulfed her. Yes, she yearned for blood, fresh blood.

A power then came from her supposedly weak physique. Her finger then reached the blood on her cheek and immediately she entered it into her mouth. Instinctively she sucked hard on her finger, as if didn't want any blood left behind.

It was the most delicious food she ever tasted. She wanted more, needed more.


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