Desolate World

Chapter 58 - Entering The Den

Zach's explanation was too doubtful. But some refugees including Noah chose to believe him. 

Although their reasons to believe were different. The refugees believed his story mostly because of their sentiment, as they knew him in the past but Noah chose to believe because it meant they had a chance to fight back the vampires and save the kidnapped refugees.

Zach also said that the vampires didn't treat the kidnapped refugees as food or something. They even would give them some blood in a little cup every day.

He thought that they kidnapped the refugees to transform them to be vampires not to eat them. As for the reason they only kidnapped a few people each time because each transformation needed some time to complete.

Noah then asked him to show the vampires' den. Zach agreed, but he refused to come himself. He said each vampire could restrict and control the vampire's servant to a certain degree when they were near their master.

With the information that he got, Noah decided to storm the vampires' den that day. Other than catching them off-guard, it also could minimize the vampires' opportunity to get the next batch of vampire's servants to reinforce their numbers. He also wanted to save as many kidnapped refugees as he could, including Mila.

After all, he had promised Nita —who he had killed because of her transformation— to protect her sister. If he knew back then that she wasn't completely transformed. He would take another way.

What he could do at the moment was to fulfill his obligation and save her sister. And find a way to cure the kidnapped refugees that weren't transformed fully to be vampire's servants.


Noah looked at the sky. It was still covered with mist. He couldn't even see the sun. However, he knew from the intensity of light, it was a mid-day. He couldn't wait any longer. 

The men only followed him, because they believed in him. With every doubtful word that appeared one by one, he was afraid their morale would be low when facing the vampires. 

He only brought half of the available power of the refugees at the moment, around 220 men. Any more, it would threaten the women and children in their temporary camp. 

However, he actually thought the number of men that he brought was too few. He couldn't trust all of what Zach had said. But it was their best chance to end all of their nightmares.

"Okay, let's go! Stay alert and prepared with your javelins," Noah said and then left the tree that he used as cover. He then lit a torch that he brought. The other men did the same.

With careful steps, they entered the large cave that led them underground. The sound of dripping water and their breathings were the only voices that they could hear. 

They tried to check every corner of the cave to reveal any possible ambush. However, they got nothing. It made them relieved and worried at the same time. They are relieved to know that there wasn't an ambush. However, they also worried if the vampires weren't there. They felt complicated feelings. 

They could only move deeper. Noah as the leader was always in the front. He knew that it was not a common tactic, where the leader was in the middle of the formation or even in the back. However, he used to do it this way. Rushing in the front with his outstanding strength giving the momentum for his subordinates to strike the enemies. 

After walking along a not too long passage, they arrived in a bigger room. Well, it could not be compared with the last room, it even couldn't be called a room anymore. It was a space. Many stalagmites were erected from the rocky floor everywhere. As for stalactites, most of them couldn't be seen from the bottom, because of insufficient lighting.

Looking at the high ceilings of the cave and the dark environment, Noah wanted to curse. Because it was the environment that benefited vampires greatly. 

Noah then shouted, "Not good! Everyone! Stand together and immediately connect yourself to your friends beside you with the rope. Now!"

As all of them were doing what Noah had ordered, a loud shout startled them, "Vampire!" 

Noah turned his head to the direction the voice came from. He saw several men stabbed their spears above. And a black shadow fell down. He didn't have to inquire what it was. It was definitely a vampire's servant. His or her fate had already been doomed to be awful.

"Good! Now, 30 people guarded the passage. Don't let the vampires flee! The rest, follow me!" Noah shouted.


"Kill them!"

"Hack them to pieces!"

The refugees shouted.

Looking at the enthusiastic men, Noah nodded. This was what he wanted to see. With such high morale, the later battle would be optimistic. He only needed to direct the men and their momentum would be unstoppable.

"Kill!" Noah then shouted to get their attention

"Kill!" The men answered while lifting their weapons.


A vampire's servant flew deeper into the cave. It was hard to detect because of the dark environment, but his pale face became paler.

After reaching some point, he flew down.

"Hold! Why are you in a hurry?" A woman's voice was heard.

The vampire's servant landed down and then saluted. Although he was nervous, he needed to show etiquette. He then said politely, "Baroness, I am one of the guards that watch the passage. I want to make a report."

Some bats then gathered and transformed into a woman with a black dress. Her skin was so pale, but somehow her figure looked so attractive that it would attract all the people who saw her.

"Go on!" The woman said.

The vampire's servant didn't dare to look directly at her. He was afraid he would be charmed and lost the words that he needed to say. 

He then said, "Many humans have entered the cave. It looks like they are ready to attack us as they are armed."

The woman frowned. It looked like she didn't expect the humans would know their den as she was silent for a few seconds. 

She then said to the vampire's servant, "Good job. I will tell the rest. You can come back to observe their movements."

"Yes Baroness. Excuse me…," The Vampire's servant then turned his body and flew back to the detection he had come from.

The woman looked at the vampire's servant's direction until he couldn't be seen anymore. She then gritted her teeth.

She murmured, "This is bad. They come when we are the weakest. How do they know our den? Is it just a coincidence?"

She then shook her head, "It's not the time to think about those. I need to report to Viscount."

She then transformed herself become bats and went deeper into the cave.


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