Desolate World

Chapter 69 - Regret

"Will my sister be okay?" Nila, the spirit, asked Cloud. Cloud could detect nervousness in her voice.

Cloud nodded, "Fortunately yes. She will be fine. You don't have to worry."

Cloud didn't know how else she had to answer her. She thought it was too cruel to tell her the truth. It's not about the condition of her sister. But the misconception that they had before.

After Cloud checked Mila's status a few minutes ago, she learned something that was regrettable. Mila was not unconscious because of some sort of drug or spell to keep her sleep, but because she was undergoing transformation. Vampire transformation.

However, considering the transformation was still in the early phase, she tried to heal it. To her surprise, Mila's HP didn't increase, instead, it declined. She immediately cut off her healing process.

It was clear that Mila's physique had been transforming into undead. So, her healing instead of treating her, harmed her. It made Cloud pessimistic about Mila's condition. She was unsure if she could help her.

However, she didn't give up right away. She then tried to use the 'cure' spell on Mila, despite her lack of confidence that it was helpful.

At first, she found out that Mila's body didn't reject the spell, her HP didn't decline. It made Cloud hopeful. As she continued to use 'cure', 2 times, 5 times, 10 times, she didn't find any change at Mila.

She thought it didn't work. However, she tried once again and it surprisingly worked. The transformation stopped and Mila's complexion turned better. Her pale face started to flush. Her cold body started to get warmer.

It of course made Cloud happy, as it meant Mila was saved. But, it also indicated that what they had thought before was wrong. The vampire transformation could be cured.

It just needed a healer to cast 'cure' spells to someone who was transforming several times to stop the transformation.

'We are wrong. We shouldn't attack them with AoE spells. We have killed so many innocent people. Ignorance is truly the most hazardous nature,' She thought.

"It's good if she is saved. Thank you. It's not wrong to believe in you," Nila said gratefully.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about her anymore. We will make sure to send her to the refugees after this," Cloud said with a forced smile. She realized that this girl was also the victim of ignorance. She was killed by her people because they thought she couldn't be saved and her existence was regarded as a threat.

'Poor girl… You shouldn't die. If only we met sooner…,' Cloud lamented in her heart. She then sighed.

"Are you okay, grandma?" Then Geo's voice woke her up.

She turned to Geo who was sitting next to her. She could see a concerned look in his big eyes.

"Yeah, you looked not okay, Cloud. Are you tired?" Nila also asked.

Cloud shook her head, she forced herself to give them her best smile to reassure them, "I'm really okay. I'm just too tired."

"Are you sure?" Geo asked with a probing look.

"Sure, You don't have to worry," Cloud said. She then looked at the unconscious Mila.

"I need to heal her. I hope she will wake up soon," Cloud said while starting to heal Mila.

Geo and Nila then kept silent. They didn't want to disturb her. As Cloud had finished healing Mila, Ace came to them with a huge grin.

"Guess what? I got some good things," Ace said cheerfully.

Cloud then looked at him, 'Should I tell him?'

"Really?! Show me!" Geo jumped immediately.

'Not now. Not with Geo here,' Cloud decided.


Ace told them the new skill that he got. Geo protested him because he also wanted it. He promised to give his son one if he got a skill crystal. He also said to Geo that he needed to be at least level 20 to learn a skill from a skill crystal.

"Okay, I want sword skills. It would be cool if I can learn it," Geo said with dreamy eyes.

"Y-yeah… That will be great," Ace said with a guilty look. He thought it was impossible for Geo to learn sword skills, as he was basically a magic caster and his age was too young to learn any combat skill. However, he didn't say it as it would hurt his son's feelings.

Ace then realized that his mother-in-law was too quiet. She was somehow distracted by something.

He thought it was because of the girl's condition. Then he checked Mila. But she looked fine. Her HP was full and there was no abnormal status in her.

He then asked, "By the way, Ma'am, how is the girl?"

Cloud looked startled by Ace's question. However, she then succeeded to calm herself in an instant and looked at him. She said, "She is fine. I hope she will wake up soon."

Ace felt that she hid something. However, he didn't want to pursue it, "Oh… that is great."

He then continued, "I will dig a hole to bury them. At least they deserve such respect. What do you think?"

She then looked at him with approval. She then said, "Yeah, that is good. I will help you. It will be too long if only you, who do it."

Ace wanted to say that it was unnecessary. But, knowing his mother-in-law's character, he gave up.

Cloud then looked in a direction that no one was there and said, "Nila, could you stay with your sister? I need to help them to dig the grave."

After she seemingly got an affirmation, she said without looking at Ace, "Bring her with us! We can not leave her here."

Ace sighed, "Yes ma'am."

"I want to help too!" Geo said while walking after his grandmother.

He then took the unconscious girl carefully and followed them exiting the cave.


Meanwhile, deep in the cave.

Noah led some refugees walking deeper into the cave with hurried steps.

He had sent several men to go earlier to find the former nest of the vampires, while he gave some arrangements to some refugees to take care of the wounded.

He also ordered them to guard some transformed refugees. Although he still hadn't found solutions to cure them. He couldn't give up on them after knowing that they could be saved.

However, he also emphasized the selected refugees to be careful with them. He even ordered the refugees to tie them with ropes, to avoid any incident.

As he thought about how to deal with them, one of the men told him, "Someone comes. It should be someone who we sent to scout the vampire nest."

Noah then saw someone who he knew was striding toward them.


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