Desperate Night

Chapter 114 Prevention 2

"Speaking of which, Yu Hong, I heard from Lao Zhou that you met Du Chengtao when you came back?" Li Runshan listened to Zhou Xueguang's story about how he was rescued, but he still felt dubious.

After all, he knew best what Yu Hong was capable of, and he bought the basic kicking skills from him.

To be able to deal with ordinary masters, combined with firearms and equipment, he can figure it out. But directly dealing with Du Chengtao would be a bit exaggerated.

He knows how troublesome Du Chengtao is.

Before Yu Hong had to deal with so many people, he knew that he relied on weapons and equipment, but Du Chengtao was different.

This guy is a completely enhanced person. He can wear whatever equipment he wants. Ordinary bulletproof suits cannot stop him at all. Unless it is a high-end customized suit on the market, such as the Blue Whale suit, he may be able to fight the opponent for a while and escape with his life. .

But it can only be used to escape.

He didn't think Yu Hong's equipment and protection could handle it when he encountered a monster that had a ton or two of strength with its bare hands and could punch through a wall with one punch.

"I was lucky too." Yu Hong sighed, "Then Du Chengtao thought that I was not as strong as him, so he was a little careless. I used a special weapon to fool him. Moreover, when I met him, he was not wearing any equipment. With any weapons, completely unarmed."

Li Runshan suddenly understood.

“It’s no wonder”

Without equipment, even fully enhanced people are still flesh and blood. They are just stronger than ordinary people. It does not mean that they can resist bullets and bombs with flesh and blood.

Only when equipped with corresponding high-end equipment and weapons, will it become a war meat grinder and a killing machine.

No matter how strong the enhanced person is, he can be shot down without equipment.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. This time, Lao Zhou's news came very timely. We must work together to prepare as soon as possible." Li Runshan said.

The three quickly reached a consensus.

The coming huge danger forced them to quickly prepare for future evacuation without having time to think about anything else.

After making the agreement, Zhou Xueguang decided to temporarily live underground in the post office to recover from his injuries while writing down the key points for protection.

Yu Hong quickly returned to the safe house.

When we returned, new dense pyroxene grass had grown on the ground inside the courtyard wall outside the cave.

Looking at the newly born aphrodisiac grass, a faint sense of security filled his heart again.

After entering the house, Yu Hong quickly took the solar panel, rushed to the car and put it aside, then returned to the safe house and started digging the third basement.

In a month, he plans to dig another basement as a special spare room to house nuclear power motors and water systems.

Time quickly passed slowly in cutting stones and practicing exercises, and more than two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Runshan has already set off for Yuanfeng City. It was further than Baihe City, about three hundred kilometers away from here. Without the solar car provided by Yu Hong, it would have taken Li Runshan at least half a month to get back.

But with a car, the time spent on the road is at most two days.

Of course, this is under the premise that nothing unexpected happens.

Boom, boom, boom.

In the wooden house in the yard, large pieces of pyroxene were smashed by Yu Hong and crushed into powder in a metal bucket, which was used as a reserve material for strengthening Dahui graphite juice later.

As he sat in the house, he could occasionally hear the strange calls of multi-eyed birds in the distance.

Fortunately, these strange birds rarely appear anymore. They call once in a while, and the sound becomes farther and farther away.

If it were before, he would still be happy, at least the surroundings were safer, but now after knowing some of the laws of the black disaster from Zhou Xueguang, he understood that this meant that the large-eyed birds with danger level four were trying to avoid the concession ratio. It is more dangerous than high-risk black disasters.

Bigger trouble is coming

‘Fortunately, today’s food is almost finished fortifying. ’ After grinding the pyroxene powder for a while, he counted the time, stopped, stood up, picked up a bag of ground powder, and quickly crossed the grass and returned to the cave.

Opening the door with the key, putting down the bag, closing the door, Yu Hong couldn't wait to enter the basement.

In the basement, the previous pile of food cans and the like had completely disappeared, replaced by a total of three neat white cardboard boxes.

Printed on the outside of the carton is black writing: Emergency Nutritional Cream.

With a trace of curiosity, Yu Hong came to a box, used his nails to cut open the transparent tape sealing the box, and opened the lid.

Inside were long green plastic strips filled with some kind of paste.

Each of these strips is as long as a palm, as thick as two fingers side by side, and has fine instructions printed on the green surface.

‘Standard balanced nutritional paste: one tablet per day for adults over 18 years old, which can replenish all the trace elements needed by the human body and provide the basic calories required for daily activities. ’

'Warning: Please be sure to consume it within the shelf life. Nutrient paste cannot replace fresh food. Long-term use may lead to anorexia. ’

‘Shelf life: 1095 days. Storage conditions: cool and dry, protected from light. ’

"Tsk tsk. One box is one hundred pieces, three boxes is three hundred pieces, awesome!" Yu Hong read the instructions carefully and felt great when he saw the quantity mark below.

Three hundred bars is enough for three hundred days. If he only uses it by himself, it will be enough for ten months.

'Considering that my food intake has increased a lot now, and I need to eat more to practice, even if I eat two people a day, I can last for five months! And the most important thing is that it can supplement all the required nutrients. Even if there are no mushrooms and wild vegetables, I should not have a big problem here. ’

Yu Hong quickly opened the other two boxes. After checking, he found that they were all the same. The nutritional paste even contained a small amount of water, and the packaging was sealed and perfect.

After thoroughly checking the food security, Yu Hong carefully moved the box to a corner, then moved the nuclear power motor to the third small basement newly dug in the past two days.

This third basement is located directly behind the second and first basements, parallel to the two basements, and connected by passages.

That is to say, Yu Hong's strength and endurance are now much greater than before, and he dug out a small 3x3x3 cube space in just two days.

This small space is perfect for storing nuclear power motors and water supply systems.

Soon, after Yu Hong moved the things, he exhaled, stood in front of the third basement door, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the wall.

‘Strengthen the safe house direction: integrate nuclear power motors, water supply systems, improve pipeline lines, and increase the thickness of the safe house walls. ’

He quickly laid out the requirements he wanted to achieve.

This is actually a simple installation of nuclear power motors and water supply systems into safe houses using black seals. Just like the original fireplace.

Soon, the black mark rushed out a black line, and then feedback came out.

‘Should the safe house be strengthened? ’

A countdown appeared on the wall in front of Yu Hong: 15:07 on the 26th.

"26 days?" Yu Hong felt relieved. What he was afraid of was that too much time would be needed, which would lead to a more dangerous black disaster, but he was not prepared. It was tragic then.

Now that there is enough time, then

'yes! ’ He must have agreed in his heart.

The countdown flashed slightly and started counting immediately.

Yu Hong stood up, looking forward to it.

After this time, he will have stable energy for at least twenty years and a stable water supply system.

When the time comes, I will build a basement to raise my own food. No matter how dangerous it is outside, I will be self-sufficient in the safe house and no longer have to worry about those messy dangerous threats.

The pyroxene secret room can ensure that it does not enter the sight of most black disasters and is completely hidden.




Baihe City.

The third suburban underground passage.

In the dark, wide passage, a group of fully armed coalition soldiers holding firearms and talisman boards were exploring the depths of the passage little by little, carrying some dazzling high-power lighting equipment.

"Linzi, where are you?" a man at the front asked in a low voice.

"There are still two hundred and twenty meters away from today's patrol mission point." Another person following behind quickly answered.

"Fortunately, it's almost over. After today's patrol, I'll invite everyone to the Rat Bar for a drink." The leading man breathed a sigh of relief, with a slight smile on his face in the helmet.

"Thank you, captain!"

"Long live the captain."

The atmosphere among a group of six people suddenly became lively. Drinks are not so expensive these days, and they couldn't bear to have a drink with their small salary.

However, when everyone was quite happy, a member of the team at the end showed no reaction. His fat face under the helmet was soaked with sweat, and strands of hair stuck to his forehead.

"Old An, why haven't you made any move? The captain is a tough guy who rarely treats guests to drinks. If he hadn't been about to get promoted and get a raise this time, we wouldn't have been able to wait for this good opportunity." A female team member with a red ponytail said in a low voice.

"Yeah, I. I." The fat man smiled and raised his head, his face in the helmet showing an inexplicable dullness.

"Lao An? What's wrong with you?" the red-haired female team member asked worriedly.

"What did you just say?" Fatty Lao An suddenly answered the question.

"I mean what's wrong with you?" the female team member repeated.

"I" Lao An lowered his head, "I just... want... freedom!!"

Beep beep beep.

Suddenly, a clear electronic sound came from him.

Several team members around him immediately noticed something, their expressions changed, and they wanted to disperse.

But it's too late.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, Lao An's entire body was torn apart by huge orange flames and submerged.

The flames expanded rapidly, creating a huge shock wave that filled every corner of this passage.

It also drowned and disappeared the entire coalition army that was still exploring just now.

"What? Suddenly heard a voice again, was bewitched, and then blew himself up!?"

The Baihe City Joint Army Headquarters is located in the underground civil defense directly below the city center.

A white-haired man was answering the phone with sweat on his forehead, panting rapidly.

He was wearing a purple-black officer uniform, with two military emblems embroidered on his shoulders. The military emblem consisted of a ribbon composed of tiny star particles surrounding a simple silver sunbird.

This kind of military emblem belongs to the major general level within the United Army, and can only be worn by the highest military officer in charge of the entire prefecture-level city of Hope City.

The man anxiously answering the phone in the underground office is Chen Xingzhao, the current top commander of the coalition forces in Baihe City.

"In just two days, three patrol teams were bewitched, killed and injured. Have all the places where the corpses died been isolated!? Have they achieved absolute silence from a distance? Evil shadows like the Whisperer are easy to prevent as long as you understand its principles. How did you end up like this?"

Chen Xingzhao was quite angry.

As long as the speaker is not infected by it and is isolated in time, it is not very harmful. This is why it is only classified as level four even though it has killed so many people.

"Chief, now is not the time to find out how the infection came in, but to take measures as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading!" The voice of a middle-aged woman on the other end of the phone was decisive.

"Immediately broadcast a repeat notice and send out the Silent Action Team to start screening. The light-locking tracker sent from Aurora City should be able to barely detect the subtle fluctuations of the Speaker at close range." Chen Xingzhao gritted his teeth and said quickly.

"Yes! But how to deal with the places where the Speaker attacks have occurred?" the middle-aged woman asked again.

"Let the reinforcement team go out and get close to the sound-absorbing foam as quickly as possible. Completely block the corresponding area." Chen Xingzhao said.

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