Desperate Night

Chapter 118 118 Interval 4

The sound of the wind flashed by, but the silver talisman board was swung in vain. There was nothing behind him, only an empty mist.

Yu Hong stood up, looked around, and then quickly glanced at the detector. The value on it was still normal.

‘Trouble. ’ He knew in his heart that it must be another new ghost.

This style, this method, and it was still during the day, it was definitely not those rough blood tide monsters.

After thinking about it, he quickly walked out of the yard and looked back at the stone house for the last time.

The stone house was empty, as if nothing had happened.

‘I should ask Zhou Xueguang immediately, but the current situation, the environment outside may be very dangerous, so I just go there.’

‘No, even if I don’t go, he will definitely come out because he went out to collect firewood or move things, so why don’t I go there now to warn him first! ’

It’s not that he is kind, but if the one that just appeared is really a new evil shadow, then he must grasp as much complete information as possible, as a basis for the future strengthening of the black seal.

And Zhou Xueguang came from the front line, he is knowledgeable and may know a lot of relevant information.

So we must find him as soon as possible and remind him, so that he won’t get into trouble and won’t have time to give detailed information.

Yu Hong made a prompt decision and turned to walk towards the underground safe house where Lao Zhou, or Jenny, lived.

He walked very fast, almost running.

Mist passed by both sides of him, and the cold wind whistled.


Suddenly, a sharp sound came from the detector in his hand.

Yu Hong’s heart skipped a beat, and he looked around, but didn’t find any movement at all.

But the detector kept sounding the alarm.

He picked it up and took a look.


!!! !

Yu Hong’s face changed drastically, this value had exceeded his estimated safety range.

His heart was alarmed, and he quickly waved the detector, but the value on it didn’t change much.

‘Why is this happening? ? Is the detector broken? ? Or is the red value in this area particularly strong? ? ’

He quickened his pace and tried to move away from the original place to avoid the influence of the environmental red value.

But he walked to the vicinity of Zhou Xueguang's cave in one breath, and the detector in his hand was still constantly alarming.

Dong, dong, dong, dong.

Three consecutive knocks on the door formed the second code agreed upon by Yu Hong and the other two.

"Old Zhou. Don't open the door. It's me, Yu Hong."

Yu Hong looked around and squatted beside the cave and said.

"Something is wrong outside. I need you to ask a few questions!"

"No, I've already written it down. It's about the most common problems on the front line, and it's also the trouble we're about to encounter."

Zhou Xueguang's voice came from under the cave.

Soon, a rolled up white paper was stuffed out of the air vent of the wooden board of the cave, and fell on the grass on one side with a thud.

Yu Hong pinched the paper roll and picked it up.

"Something is wrong outside. Don't come out for the time being."

"I understand. Be careful. I feel something is coming. You'd better go back to your safe house immediately." Zhou Xueguang said quickly through the baffle.


Yu Hong immediately stopped hesitating, put the paper roll in his pocket, and ran away.

While running, he quickly unfolded the paper and checked the contents. The first one was what he wanted to see.

‘Intermittent person 1 - the person behind. ’

‘This is a kind of evil shadow that is always behind people. They usually let the attacked person see them three times. After three times, they will suddenly attack from behind. The attack method is unknown, and the prevention method is unknown.

Handling method: The person behind will only attack one person each time, and when this person dies, the next one will be attacked. When I was on the front line, two blood guides worked together to lead this thing to a remote and uninhabited underground cave. After the cave exploded, it was completely buried and isolated. ’

There was a second item on the back of the paper, but Yu Hong had no time to read it at this time.

Because the alarm sounded even more sharply from the detector in his hand.

The value above also started to rise from more than a thousand before, and rushed to more than three thousand in the blink of an eye!

3422.548! !

This exaggerated value made Yu Hong's heart tighten rapidly.

All the talisman plates on his body added together could not offset such an exaggerated red value! !




He ran quickly, and his back gradually began to feel cold, as if there was an ice cube, pressing against his back, cooling his whole body.

Not long after, the fog in front gradually dissipated, revealing the one-meter-high wall of the cave safe house.

And at this moment, Yu Hong suddenly stopped.

Because, just outside the circle of white walls, there was a blurry white figure, standing quietly outside the wall, looking inside.

‘How many times has this happened! ? ’ Yu Hong had guessed at this time that he might have encountered the evil shadow of the back man type in the intermittent people.

Fortunately, he was not panicked, this was not the first time he encountered an evil shadow, not to mention that he was carrying a silver talisman, and in front of him was his own small yard planted with pyroxene grass.


He took a deep breath and looked at the figure outside the wall with his back to him.

He suddenly grabbed a stack of talismans and strode forward.

Although the red value cannot be offset, it is still possible to resist for a moment and then quickly enter the yard.

Moreover, he still has that.

Beep beep beep!!

The detector's shrill sound became more piercing.

As Yu Hong got closer and closer, it became louder and louder.



The white figure suddenly disappeared silently. The second after Yu Hong approached, it suddenly disappeared completely, as if it had never existed in the first place.

He rushed into nothingness, the alarm on his body disappeared, and he jumped from outside the wall into the pyroxene grassland.

After rolling around, he slowly got up.

‘Where is that guy? ? ’ Yu Hong stood up straight and looked back calmly. Behind him was a circle of monotonous gray-white walls, and outside was hazy fog, with only a few nearby trees looming. There was no trace of the figure just now.

After making sure that everything was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly checked the talisman plates on his body.


The talisman plates were taken out one by one, and at this time Yu Hong discovered that these talisman plates had all turned into the gray-white color they had used.

Even the two silver talisman plates had all turned gray-white, obviously they had been used up just now.

Looking at these talisman plates, his mood suddenly became heavy.

‘It’s not even the official attack yet, and even the silver talisman can’t withstand it.’ Various signs indicate that the attackers this time are most likely high-level black disasters, and the ones who may appear at this time are probably the intermittent people who leaked in from the front line.

‘The black seal is still strengthening the entire safe house, and there is no way to vacate it. Now I can only rely on my own strength to hold on. ’

Taking out the paper roll, Yu Hong walked to the door of the wooden house and knocked gently.

“Lao Li?”


The wooden door suddenly opened, a hand grabbed him and pulled him in with force.


The door closed again.

Li Runshan made a hush gesture to Yu Hong, who was a little surprised.

The two leaned against the wall, squatted down and approached side by side.

“Lao Li??” Yu Hong was also nervous again because of him, and lowered his voice to look at this guy.

“Hush, don’t make a sound, listen.” Li Runshan whispered.

His face was full of sweat at this time, his lips were cracked, and his eyes moved abnormally around as if he was checking the surrounding situation every moment.

Yu Hong lowered his breath and listened quietly to the sounds around him.

Sure enough, after such a quiet moment, the movements around him suddenly became much clearer.

In addition to the voices of the two of them, there seemed to be a faint sound of footsteps behind them.

The footsteps seemed to be approaching slowly from not far behind them, and through the wooden door, the subtle sound of stepping on the soil could be heard.

Getting closer and closer.

"Since you left, I have heard this sound, and it will repeat every few minutes." Li Runshan lowered his voice. "No matter where I sit, the sound will come from behind me, even if I sit by the wall or even lie on the ground!"

"I feel something is wrong since I came back. Do you have any more talismans? Give me more!"

He took out the silver talisman that Yu Hong had given him before. Most of the silver on it had disappeared, leaving only a little bit of silver residue, which was obviously about to be consumed.

Yu Hong felt a chill in his heart.

Now the black seal is still strengthening. Once the silver rune plate is consumed, he will not be able to make a new silver rune plate in the face of the unknown new evil shadow. At that time, it may be really dangerous.

"You went out just now?" He thought for a while and asked in a low voice.

"I went out for a while. I wanted to test the rules of that ghost thing." Li Runshan nodded, "Using the silver rune array you gave me, I calculated one of the activity rules of this thing."

"What?" Yu Hong's heart moved slightly. Compared with other survivors, Lao Li really has some skills.

"This thing is different from the language man. The language man bursts out completely in one breath, but this one consumes people continuously. It attacks and erodes us all the time." Lao Li said quickly, "So just like Zhou Xueguang said, this guy started to erode as soon as he met, but the speed is not fast. If there is something that can offset it on the person, it should be able to support it for a while."

Yu Hong took out a pen and paper, and quickly added some of the rules summarized by Li Runshan on the white paper given by Lao Zhou to prepare for the subsequent black seal strengthening response method.

"You see if there's anything to fix first. I'll go out and get the talisman." He stood up and handed the paper to Lao Li.

So far, although the new evil shadow has given people a sense of danger, it has not completely erupted.

He must try to delay time as much as possible and wait for the black seal to be completely strengthened.

"Be careful." Lao Li took the paper and watched Yu Hong quickly open the door and go out. He lowered his head to check the contents of the paper.

Walking out of the wooden house, Yu Hong looked around and immediately found something wrong.

He stood in the middle of the pyroxene grass and looked at the ground from left to right.

'The lawn has become smaller.' The pyroxene lawn represents a small piece of pure land that was forcibly purified from the harsh environment around the pyroxene grass, and at this time, this piece of pure land began to shrink.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly entered the cave and took a new talisman board and put it on his body.

Back in front of the gate, Yu Hong reviewed the previous situation.

'First of all, everything started when Li Runshan came back, or it could be that he brought it back from somewhere outside. ’

‘Secondly, if the evil shadow this time is confirmed to be the person behind the intermittent people, then the danger level is at least level six. This level is almost impossible to resist, and can only be led away by blood. It just so happens that my black seal has not been strengthened yet.’

‘So, what can I use to temporarily delay the confrontation time? ? ’

He walked around the cave for a few times and searched out all the remaining talisman plates. There was still one silver talisman plate and more than 20 ordinary talisman plates. This was all the inventory.

Of course, this does not include the rune arrays and rune plates on the walls of the cave. These are used to complete the pyroxene chamber and cannot be moved.

'Trouble' Yu Hong's heart was tense. 'These things can't stop the new guy'

He walked to the front door and looked out.

Entering here, he clearly felt that the cold feeling behind him was no longer there. But he couldn't stay there forever. Water, food, and various materials needed for breeding, all of these must be obtained from outside.

Standing at the door and thinking, Yu Hong suddenly looked stunned, and his eyes saw that there was a circle of black on the outermost area of ​​the grass in the yard outside.

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