Desperate Night

Chapter 128 128 Hope 2

"Move it in batches!" Yu Hong decided.

Immediately, the two of them picked up a box and left.

One trip after another, the person behind him finally couldn't bear it anymore and tried to attack Yu Hong again at a slower pace than before. It was obviously very vindictive and ignored Li Runshan and only stared at Yu Hong.

In the middle, Yu Hong once again used a radiation grenade to freeze him up. After blowing it up once with his bare hands, the guy finally stopped.

The two moved eight times at a time, taking some sundries from the post office with them, and finally ended this thrilling moving journey.

At noon, Yu Hong told everyone to rest and eat, then he entered the cave and came to a plastic box containing a red lizard and a cockroach.

The box was divided by partitions. One side contained a red lizard as short as an arm, and the other contained several black cockroaches the size of walnuts.

Yu Hong closed the shutter to avoid revealing any secrets.

Then he stared at the lizards and cockroaches carefully.

The big lizard had rough skin, bulging eyes, and an umbrella-shaped red flesh crown on the back of its neck.

‘A simple fixed protection area cannot withstand the high-risk evil shadows that may appear later. I have to know a lot of information in advance. Only in this way can we make preventive preparations in advance. ’

‘Since Black Seal can synthesize pyroxene and weeds, why can’t it synthesize pyroxene, cockroaches and lizards? ’

He was going to give it a try.

What he wants is a synthetic creature that has the survival and reproduction capabilities of a cockroach and the strength and regeneration of a lizard.

‘Just give it a try. ’ Yu Hong took out a large piece of pyroxene and placed it on top of the box.

Then hold the box with one hand.

‘Strengthen the black lizard, direction: gain cockroach reproduction and adaptability, retain the lizard’s regeneration and growth, and integrate the radiation of the pyroxene to the shadow. ’

After confirming the requirements, Yu Hong was prepared to strengthen the synthesis for a long time.


The black line flashed.

‘Do you want to strengthen the black lizard? ’

The feedback from the black seal rang in his ears.

Yu Hong glanced at the countdown on the surface of the box: ‘18:41 on the 5th. ’

Phew. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay okay okay.

The time was shorter than expected, and he suspected that it was due to the increase in his internal energy.

'yes! ’ He definitely responded in his heart.

hiss! !

In an instant, a terrifying attraction completely sucked away the two inner qi in his body. Not only that, this attraction also began to swallow up his physical strength and spirit.

His consciousness slowly became more and more exhausted. The body becomes increasingly weak.

He hasn't encountered such a situation for a long time since he broke through the second level of skills.

After a few seconds, the devouring power ends.

Yu Hong almost fell to the ground with a snap.

There were stars in his eyes, and his field of vision was full of white dots flashing and flying. It was almost the same as the last time when synthesizing pyroxene grass, and it was even more difficult.

After lying on the table and relaxing for at least ten minutes, Yu Hong slowly came back to his senses.

Looking at the countdown numbers on the box, he breathed a sigh of relief, moved to the stool with difficulty, and sat down.

The excessive consumption of mental and physical energy made his eyelids constantly fight and he hung down, wanting to sleep.

Yu Hong simply stopped resisting and just lay down on the table, slowly falling asleep.




Baihe City.

New ships formed into cargo ships one after another, transporting most of the supplies in Hope City.

Inside a research institute in the park.

Wei Hongye held an investigation report in his hand and looked at the burly one-eyed dragon waiting respectfully in front of him.

"Yu Hong, aged between 20 and 30, over 1.7 meters tall and weighing 67 kilograms. He suddenly appeared in Baiqiu Village a few months ago and was rescued by Lin Yiyi, who lived alone in the village. He later went out to live alone. His suspected discovery He found a nearby hidden research institute. The large pyroxene, talisman plate, and suspected luminous weeds are all probably the results of the research institute he discovered."

Wei Hongye looked quite dissatisfied after reading the report in his hand.

"I want comprehensive information about your investigation, and you just give me this?"

"Based on what you mentioned about the special luminous weed that can repel ghosts and blood tide bugs, we have applied for and checked multiple biological laboratory projects, but we have not found any research projects, so this result is by no means a recent research project. "The one-eyed man said calmly.

"Too little, this is not enough." Wei Hongye should have left by boat long ago, but he delayed it until now because of something. The purpose is the result mastered by Yu Hong.

"What about Lin Yiyi? According to postal records, she has a certain amount of correspondence with Yu Hong." Wei Hongye asked again.

"We don't need to take any action at this point. Madam has already gone to visit Miss Lin Yiyi." One-eyed Dragon said respectfully.

"Okay, can you send someone to Baiqiu Village?" Wei Hongye asked reluctantly.

"I'm afraid not, sir. Now that the Whisperers are raging outside, no one wants to go out. Except for the sea lanes, we may encounter the Whispers on other land roads. None of our brothers want to go out." One-eyed Dragon refused calmly.

"Okay, what about Lin Yiyi's information?" Wei Hongye changed his target.

"This is quite complete." One-Eyed Dragon took out a new report again and handed it over.

Wei Hongye took it and looked at it carefully. This time the report was very comprehensive, including Lin Yiyi's origin, parents, family, birthplace, abilities, etc. It was quite comprehensive.

Wei Hongye originally planned to investigate Yu Hong before going to investigate Lin Yiyi, but when he saw the end of the report, his eyes lit up slightly.

"Enhanced advanced version of the red value detector?"

At the end of the report, it was mentioned that Lin Yiyi relied on an enhanced red value detector given by a friend to successfully survive with several members of his team, together with the captain.

"Is there any research institute to take over the research on this red value detector project?" Wei Hongye thought at a glance that this must be related to Yu Hong.

It is impossible for a person with intellectual problems and full-body augmentation to build such a high-speed detector.

"Yes, according to the rules, Chen Jinbiao from the Fifth Research Institute will take over, and the client is the Third Team of the Allied Forces Reinforcement Force. But there is no one at the Fifth Research Institute, and Chen Jinbiao left yesterday. You can take over on your own initiative." Cyclops replied.

"Strengthen the troops." Wei Hongye took the report and thought about it. "It's not easy to mess with. I know about the third team. The captain has some background. And Yu Hong may have some research ability. There is no need to completely turn against him."

The one-eyed dragon saw that the director wanted to study the enhanced red value detector, and he immediately smiled.

"Director, it is extremely dangerous outside now. Yu Ren is just the first wave. The high-risk black disasters leaked from the front line one after another. Even we dare not deal with it, let alone Yu Hong staying in the wild, so he can basically be sure It's dead.

In that case, why would you even consider that guy? Whatever you want, just call it over. "

"You are right, but that woman from the third team is not a sister to be trifled with." Wei Hongye frowned.

"What exactly are you worried about?"

"Xue Chengjing. One of the aces of the strengthened troops, the guy who ranks third in the comprehensive actual combat competition in Baihe City. That guy has a bad temper and is difficult to deal with." Wei Hongye shook his head.

"She." One-Eyed Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, "All the top ten experts in the reinforced force took the freighter to escort the big shots away three days ago. Xue Chengjing, as the ace, must be among them. Now there is only a small amount left in the city. People, we are the last batch to set off. Wait for the last ship to arrive the day after tomorrow. Then we can get the things quietly without letting anyone know. Then you can change your appearance and re-establish the project with enhanced detectors, and you will reap the benefits."

Wei Hongye's eyes lit up after what he said.

"Well said!"

Having said all that, his core goal is actually to get the enhanced detector technology for himself. The pyroxene grass can't do it, so it's good to change the target first.

"So what about Lin Yiyi? How to deal with it?" He said and looked worried again.

"When you have achieved results and your status is higher, who in the United Army will care about the opinions of an enhanced person with low intelligence? And as long as we act quickly and covertly, she won't even care whether the things are with you or not. You will know." One-Eyed Dragon thoughtfully gave the follow-up plan.

He is very clear about his role and position. Wei Hongye can definitely plan these things clearly, but as the director and his character and status, he will never say such things.

"Go ahead and do this." Wei Hongye finally showed a smile on his face.

I am leaving soon, in order to climb higher in the future, in order to obtain more status, power, and resources in the future.

Sometimes people always have to do something that they have to do.

When he thought of this, he felt helpless.

"Looking at it this way, it would be better for Yanxi to not get it smoothly. Harris, go and inform them." He whispered.

"Yes." One-Eyed Dragon smiled and nodded. He is the security captain responsible for security and dirty work for Wei Hongye's research institute. He is already very skilled in such dirty hands and feet under the table.

"Also, take back the detector by the way. Be careful not to use one of your own people in the name of Chen Jinbiao. Otherwise, if he is discovered, Xue Chengjing will not be easy to mess with." Wei Hongye ordered.

"Yes. I will never let you down." One-eyed Harris said confidently. "Let's get it and leave. In this chaotic environment, no one will find out."




The dazzling sunshine shines on the earth, the emerald green grass stretches into the distance, and the hills are rolling and covered with emerald green.

An off-road vehicle with the words Shanxi Lvge Travel Agency printed on it was driving slowly on a yellow road between the hills.

"You know it's a waste of money. I told you to just stay at home, but you insist on dragging us out for a trip."

A familiar male voice with a hint of old-fashioned voice sounded from Yu Hong's right.

"I've finally saved up enough for the holidays. Dad, please don't be a spoiler. It's time to go out." Yu Hong replied casually.

"It's rare for Honghong to come out with me, so just say less. When he gets married, there will be even fewer opportunities to come out together." A familiar older female voice came from the other side.

"The main reason is that I think it's a waste of money." Dad said helplessly.

"Honghong is different now. Making money and stuff will definitely be no problem for him." Mom comforted, "Look at the weather being so nice and the outside so vast, let's sing."

"What are you singing?" Dad asked.

"Quiet village, it is snowing~~~"

"Under the hazy sky, pigeons are flying"

Boom, boom, boom.

Yu Hong opened his eyes and saw the flat stone wall on the roof of the safe house.

The black gritty metal paint applied on the stone wall is thick and deep.

He lay on his back on the ground beside the table and slept for who knows how long.

"It turns out that I sang wrong. It's just my father's fault." He stood up and sat on the ground. My mind felt numb.

Boom, boom, boom.

The door is still being knocked.

Yu Hong stood up and looked at the countdown on the box, dusted himself off, walked to the door, and opened the flap.

“Here he comes!!” Li Runshan’s face, twisted with joy and surprise, appeared outside.

“My buddy is here!! He’s here to deliver the sunshine materials!!!” He held onto the door with both hands, and the joy in his eyes seemed to be emitting light.

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