Desperate Night

Chapter 13 013 Experiment 1 (Leader Xie Tianli)

Soon, Little Stutter came back with a small bag of dried vegetables, which seemed to be plants such as ferns and mosses that were dried and stored.

The two of them used a wooden barrel in the house to filter some water, which was considered as inventory for the high-growth period.

The next morning, Little Stutter went out to collect firewood. Today's task was heavy, and the high-growth period would come in two days.

They had to make all preparations.

After Little Stutter left, Yu Hong came to the cave safe house alone and checked the situation everywhere.

After confirming that there was no problem, he picked up the bag of jerky that was being strengthened before.

He and Little Stutter divided the jerky into many small packaging bags, and opened a bag separately when they wanted to eat it, so as to prevent it from getting damp.

There were only ten small pieces in a bag.

The light outside the door now illuminated the cave.

The light was mainly refracted from a small mirror placed at the ventilation point of the cave entrance. The original cave was quite dark, and even if the sun was shining outside, it was cold and dim inside.

But the reflection of the mirror at this time improved the cave environment a lot.

Yu Hong took out the water-absorbing charcoal in the corner and put it outside the cave to dry in the sun, then closed the door and picked up the bag of reinforced meat jerky.

Outside the gray cloth bag of meat jerky, a line of numbers was displayed: 0 day 0 hour 5 minutes.

‘Almost. Almost.’

Yu Hong sat down with some expectation and waited quietly.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.


Suddenly, there was a slight noise outside, as if the grass was being pushed aside.

Yu Hong's face changed slightly, and he quickly stood up and walked to the entrance of the cave, looking out from the viewing window.

The viewing window with smooth edges was made very roughly, with only a thin and long gap to see outside.

But at least you can see in all directions, which can meet basic needs.

The reinforced wooden door is now much better than before.

There are many more reinforced places on the edge details, and the material looks much harder than before.

In other words, the little stutterer has a mental defect and did not notice the changes in the door. There was no one else nearby, so the changes in the front and back of the door could be concealed.

The rustling sound came from the outside again.

This time it was very small, and it was obvious that the other party also found that he was making too much noise.

Yu Hong stood at the window and looked carefully.

He happened to see two men in camouflage uniforms, their clothes and pants were torn and full of stains.

The two waded through the weeds from a distance and looked at the path in the woodland.

These days, Yu Hong and Xiao Jieba often came here, and also trampled a line on the grass here.

Seeing the two stop, Yu Hong's heart paused, knowing that the other party had found traces.


The two began to look around, looking for something everywhere.

They followed the path and came to the open space at the door of the cave safe house.

Standing more than ten meters away from the door, the two stopped hesitantly and waited quietly.

Yu Hong did not move or make a sound.

He was waiting to see what the other party was going to do.

Standing at the visit window, the 180-degree view outside was clearly visible.

On the dark green sloping grass, the two looked up at the cave.

One of them was a frail adult man with a thin complexion and yellow skin.

The other was older, about 30 or 40 years old, much stronger, with a palm-wide machete hanging from his waist.

The two waited outside the cave for a while, making sure that no one was around and no one was moving, or perhaps because they judged that they could not open the door, they turned around and slowly left.

Their figures gradually sank into the woods and disappeared.

Yu Hong was relieved.

In this environment, there were dangers everywhere and supplies were in serious shortage. When he met other strangers, the first thing he thought of was not asking for help or greeting, but being alert.

‘It’s almost the peak period, and these two people can’t seem to be unaware of it. They are not me, and they didn’t come here suddenly. They don’t know a lot of things.

So, knowing that the peak period is two days away, they are still wandering around with weapons. There is no need to guess what these two people want to do. ’

Yu Hong stepped back and returned to the cave.

Only then did he notice that the jerky that had just been waiting for the strengthening to end was already finished.

His eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to pick up the jerky bag from the ground.

The cloth bag at this time was actually quite different from the previous appearance.

The original cloth bag was off-white, with a broken cartoon rabbit pattern printed on the outside.

The rabbit had big front teeth, two long ears standing up high, and wore a black leather jacket.

This was the Bandit Rabbit, the protagonist of the cartoon that Xiao Jieba liked the most.

All their bags were this kind of Bandit Rabbit packaging bag, but after a long time of use, the image of the rabbit was a little broken, after all, it was just printed with some kind of offset.

The Bandit Rabbit bag was used to pack dried meat before.

But now, after strengthening.

Yu Hong held the bag and looked at the neat words printed on the outside.

‘High-energy protein bar’

Below are some small instructions.

‘One bar of calories meets the needs of the day! It is rich in a large number of trace substances needed by the human body, and has a combination of ingredients that can quickly replenish physical energy needs. Carbon water, fat, protein, dietary fiber.’

The instructions are extremely comprehensive, with ingredient list, production process, and one-year shelf life.

Except for the lack of a manufacturer, everything else is available.

Holding the bag of dried meat, Yu Hong was silent for a while.

‘This enhancement seems to be directly using a standard template to improve the original item. ’

He frowned slightly, thinking of the wooden door that had just been enhanced, and the pyroxene before, combined with the bag of dried meat in front of him, he had a subtle idea in his mind.


He simply opened the package.

The bag was still made of cloth, but there was a layer of sealing paper inside, which kept the inside dry by using the structure of the sealing strip.

He reached out and took out a piece of dried meat from the bag.

Yu Hong observed it carefully.

The dried meat at this time was also different from before.

The previous one was gray and slightly black, and the cutting was irregular, which was obviously a handmade product.

But now the dried meat is a whole rectangular block with soft edges and some white sesame seeds sprinkled on the surface.

It smells full of meat fragrance and a hint of sweetness.

Yu Hong broke a small piece with force and put it in his mouth.

His expression changed immediately, and his whole face wrinkled.


Too sweet!!

No wonder one piece can be equivalent to a day's supply, and no wonder the shelf life is as long as one year.

'If it was before, I would dislike it, but now, this concentration of sugar is a good thing. '

Although it is unpalatable, Yu Hong is in a much better mood.

The previous small bag of dried meat was only enough for him and the little stammer to eat for two meals at most, but now, this bag can last for at least five days.

The food problem was solved at once!

The black mark gave him a big surprise.

Although the specific effect still needs to be tested to see if it can really last a day.

But according to this sweetness, Yu Hong thinks it is not a big problem.

He stuffed the protein bar into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and drank a big mouthful of water. His stomach soon felt full.

‘The results of strengthening the dried meat are obtained, and then there are other things.’ Yu Hong’s eyes quickly fell on the water cup.

Drinking water is the most troublesome problem for him when he came here.

The stench really makes drinking water a punishment every time.

‘It would be great if the filter device could be strengthened. Unfortunately, there is only one filter device. The little stammer will definitely not let me move around. ’

He carried the high-energy protein bar and walked to the wooden door. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly thought of a question.

‘This is all woodland with lush trees, and trees and weeds need water the most. So, where do their water come from? ’

As soon as this thought came up, it stopped in his mind and kept rolling.

Coming back to his senses, he turned his head and looked at all the items in the cave.

Then his eyes fell on the water cup.

A number suddenly appeared on the outside of the wooden water cup: ‘3 days’.

‘It’s too late. Change one. ’ Yu Hong glanced around and soon fell on the candle again.

The upcoming high tide period is a test for every survivor, and the candle is the top priority.

Because it is related to the length of time to resist the blood tide bugs in the black disaster.

This arm-thick candle was given to him by Xiao Jieba. The wax is yellow-brown, equivalent to the length of a pencil, and only a quarter of it has been used at this time.

At this time, Yu Hong's eyes fell on it, and a new strengthening number suddenly appeared: 1 hour and 12 minutes.

‘The time is so short? You can try. ’ Yu Hong's heart moved, walked over, picked up the candle and held it in his hand.

‘Do you want to strengthen the tree oil candle? ’ The question came again.

‘Yes. ’ Yu Hong was sure in his heart.

This time, there was only more than an hour, and he didn't wait long before it was almost over.

Sitting in the cave, Yu Hong held the candle and stared at it without blinking.

There was only one minute left on the time.

He observed carefully, wanting to see how this enhancement appeared and happened.



Suddenly, the candle became blurred, and after a moment, it quickly became clear again.

The original yellow candle turned into a pure white brand new candle with a brass shell.

'It also comes with a lamp? ' Yu Hong was surprised.

The enhancement of the black seal gave him a strong sense of concept.

That is, this kind of enhancement does not follow the principle of material invariance, and the contents of the items before and after enhancement may be very different.

Just like the candle before enhancement, there are only wax and wicks, but the enhanced candle

He picked up the new candle. This thing is still as thick as an arm, but it is wrapped with a layer of brass windproof structure. There is also a small bowl at the top to collect oil smoke, which is connected to the brass base.

It's a pity that the volume has not changed.

'Interesting. Then can the enhanced things be enhanced again? ’

Yu Hong thought in his heart, looking at the brass lamp candle, and tried again.

But unfortunately, there was no movement.

He looked down at the black mark on the back of his hand, still no fluctuation.

‘Can it only be strengthened once, or what conditions are required? ’

Leaving this question in his mind, he looked at the sky outside, it was already noon.

The light was also at its strongest.

His eyes turned and fell on the dirty quilt.

As the idea of ​​strengthening came up, a huge black number suddenly appeared on the quilt: 0:56 on the 1st.

After thinking for a while, he looked at an axe placed by the wall, which was the tool used to chop trees before.

A black number appeared on the axe: 3:12.

‘It seems that everything can be strengthened, then’ Yu Hong lowered his head and looked at his body.

‘What about me? Can I strengthen it? ’

Thoughts rolled in his mind, staring at himself closely.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Thirty seconds.

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