Desperate Night

Chapter 137 137 Development 1

"So, what do you want to exchange?" After a pause, Zhang Kaijun was the first to speak.

He didn't think Yu Hong would joke with them about this kind of information.

"I want to exchange detailed information about other types of black disasters that may be encountered in the vicinity where I am. There are also two types, and I will exchange at least two types." Yu Hong said. "Besides, since I don't have a computer here, I can't directly transmit information. I can only speak orally."

"You are in the Baiqiu Village Ruins Mining Area. The main blood tide creatures wandering around are big skins, elephants, and ordinary black bugs. The ghostly shadow creatures are withered women, language people, the back people among the intermittent people, and speed people. About four weeks later, there will be evil shadows of danger level eight approaching. The specific type cannot be judged from it. I can only see from the satellite radiation scan map that the concentration is very high and has an eighth level." Zhang Kaijun's cold voice told the situation in the area where Yu Hong was in a few words.

"Four weeks later?" Yu Hong's heart trembled. The types mentioned by the other party were exactly the same as the surrounding situation he encountered. From this point of view, the high-risk evil shadows that may appear later may really be consistent with what he said.

"If the movement of the radiation group does not change, it should be this time." Zhang Kaijun replied. "I can provide a more specific encounter time in exchange for the information you provided. Is this considered equal?"

"Accurate to the day?" Yu Hong understood what the other party meant. He wanted to trade intelligence with the evil shadow forecast.

"Yes. In addition, if the information you provide is of high quality, I will compensate you as appropriate. Here is a piece of information. A blood tide creature with a dangerous level of nine appeared in the Baihe Port near your area a few days ago. The creature completely blocked the port shipping and cut off the transportation channel between Baihe City and the outside world. I can provide detailed information about the horn whale. How about it?" Zhang Kaijun continued.

Yu Hong was shocked when he heard this.

"You mean, a level nine creature appeared in Baihe City!? What's going on there now?"

He didn't expect that he would receive such important information from the other party just to trade intelligence out of kindness.

Little Stutter is still serving in the army there.

"It has collapsed." Wei Song interrupted and sighed, "Baihe City's external contacts are completely cut off. It is obvious that there is not only the intervention of blood tide creatures, but also some special evil shadow attacks that can affect the signal. According to the information provided by a few survivors who escaped from the urban area, the urban area has been completely occupied by the black disaster, and only one in ten people survived."

"." Yu Hong's expression suddenly became gloomy.

He was worried that Xiao Jieba might be in danger, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

"Do you have any important people there?" Wei Song obviously heard the clue from the silence here.

"A friend." Yu Hong took a breath and answered in a deep voice, "Can you find a way to contact the joint army camp in the urban area over there?"

"No way." Zhang Kaijun said coldly. "The official sent three blood guides over, but they all returned in vain. Now the black disaster over there is very strong. Although it has not reached the war level, the number of black disasters of level nine and below is very large, occupying the entire port territory."

Yu Hong was speechless.

He wanted to go and see for himself, but once he left, the pyroxene grass here would disappear, and Aisina and Zhou Xueguang in the yard would die.

Without the pyroxene grass, even the cave safe house would not last long. Without the black seal for repair, as long as a large bird continued to attack the gate, it would soon be broken.

"You should worry about yourself. There is another wave of black disasters coming down from the front line. If you can't avoid it," Zhang Kaijun was right.

Yu Hong thought about it.

If he could leave alone now, the pyroxene grass could survive without him. If he had enough internal energy, enough radiation grenades, more intelligence, etc., he might be able to go and rescue the little stutterer in person.

In the final analysis, he was not strong enough, and the base was not strong enough, so he couldn't take care of both ends.

'If there were more good hands, maybe they could be equipped and go to Baihe City as scouts to investigate. ' Suddenly a thought flashed through Yu Hong's mind.

If he had many good subordinates like Lao Li, he wouldn't have to do it himself this time.

Thinking of this, he pondered for a moment.

"Where are the survivors? Can you help me hire some stronger enhanced people?"

"There are a total of twelve places that can be contacted around Baihe City, and most of them are teams with enhanced people. But I don't think they will be willing to go back to the city to investigate the situation and find people." Zhang Kaijun replied. "In fact, they themselves are also facing the pursuit of the black disaster."

"." Yu Hong felt the shortage of manpower more and more in his heart at this time.

If he could keep a few more good hands.

"Have you decided? Exchange of information?"

The question came again from the communicator.

Yu Hong paused.


In any case, he also has high-risk black disasters to deal with. The information must be mastered in advance.

With Zhang Kaijun's reminder, he can more accurately detect whether the black disaster is approaching in advance, so as to prepare.

After a while, the communicator was disconnected.

Yu Hong took a piece of paper for recording and looked at the specific information on it.

'The high-risk black disasters that may be faced are: speed people, tick balls, and insect people. ’

‘Speed ​​Man: One of the Intermittents, Danger Level 8, Characteristics: Secondary Attention. Once mental fear appears, he will be killed instantly.

Prevention method: Once you see a suspicious individual with slender limbs that looks like a speed person, you must remain calm and not have any fear. However, this method can only be used twice. After each time, the human spirit will be suspected of permanent damage, resulting in a serious decline in state, endocrine disorders, abdominal pain, dizziness, nose bleeding and other abnormalities. ’

‘Tick ball: Danger level seven, a huge sphere of blood ticks, with a certain low-level hunting intelligence, not afraid of negative damage with a radiation concentration of less than 100,000. Immune to physical attack damage, no matter what the injury is, it can regenerate in three seconds at super speed.

According to the feedback of the blood-leading team, the tick ball does not have a core in the true sense. It was ignited by a super-equivalent radiation bombardment. When only a little bit of residue is left, it regenerates quickly and completely recovers to its original state.

Prevention method: The attack cannot destroy the tick ball, but it can force it to change its course. You can make path adjustments in advance to induce it to leave in other directions. ’

‘Insect man: A special humanoid black disaster evolved from a blood tick, with a danger level of eight. It has a certain intelligence and is extremely fast. It can quickly increase its strength by swallowing blood. After hunting more than a thousand people, it can evolve into the second form and run at a speed of up to 230 kilometers per hour. The impact force of the attack can reach more than 3 tons. It can flash over short distances and cross obstacles to attack inside. The upper limit of the flashing distance is unknown. ’

“.” Looking at the information he just exchanged, Yu Hong was silent.

Although there is no specific way to defeat it, it is not as valuable as the two he provided, but these three pieces of information give detailed information on the high danger of the black disaster he may face.

No matter which of these three black disasters, they are worthy of the level seven and eight.

Especially the last insect man. What the hell is it that flashes into the obstacle? ?

This means that any external protection is useless in front of it. This kind of black disaster with terrifying ability is only level eight! ?

And the point is that the speed of the insect man is also very fast, 230km per hour. Converted to 63 meters per second. This speed, let alone directly hitting it, is an extremely terrifying impact.

Yu Hong didn't think his protective suit could block it. No matter how much it was strengthened, it couldn't block the flash of the insect man.

'According to the exclusive principle of the black disaster, only one kind of black disaster will appear in the same area at the same time, unless it is a rare slave-type black disaster. But none of these three are, that is to say, I can only encounter one of the three alone.'

What he feared most was the insect man. Although he had chased the car and ran very fast, it was in the woods and the car itself couldn't run fast. At most, it was 70 or 80 yards.

It was completely different from the 230km per hour of the insect man.

'There are still four weeks. We must do everything we can to prepare. '

Standing up, he walked around the room with a paper.

'By the way, I can try to use the black lizard for long-distance reconnaissance to see how far I can detect danger in advance. If it is far enough, I can try to use traps to guide it to turn. 'Yu Hong thought of the idea of ​​the blood-drawing troops, and suddenly there was a glimmer of hope in front of him.

If the black lizard is powerful, maybe it can be used to replace people as a blood guide to lead away the black disaster. After all, a few days have passed, and now he has three black lizards, and the hatching speed is still acceptable.

Immediately, he walked to the door and looked at the sky outside through the vent.

It was still morning, around eleven o'clock, and Zhou Xueguang and Aisina were teaching how to maintain the breeding box in the yard.

It was obvious that Lao Zhou was not teaching completely according to the enlightenment teaching in peacetime.

Aisina's little face was quite serious, with her hands on her waist and asking a few questions from time to time. She seemed unusually precocious.

Yu Hong exhaled and looked at the misty mountains and forests in the distance.

Picking up the paper, he roughly determined the direction, then closed his eyes and concentrated on the second mark black lizard.

Suddenly, a map of a cave safe house surrounded by darkness appeared in his mind.

On the left side of the cave safe house, there was a straight road extending out, like a thin gray line, leading to a white stone house.

This was the road he had asked Black Lizard No. 1 to patrol before.

The slightly larger area around the yard was the map of the patrol expansion of Black Lizard No. 2.

However, the expansion of Black Lizard No. 2 was extremely unsuccessful.

In the past few days, a large number of ghosts have been encountered almost every day. In the vicious cycle of being injured, recovering, and then being injured again, Yu Hong found that a black lizard could not expel the ghosts around.

Because the ghosts will also revive and reappear, the speed of their appearance has exceeded the cleaning speed of Black Lizard No. 2 due to the number of ghosts.

‘Then let’s try how far the longest distance is.’ Yu Hong had not tried to control the black lizard to go far away before.

Thinking of this, he immediately controlled Black Lizard No. 2 with his mind and crawled towards the road.

And over there, it was also the direction where the new black disaster on the front line was about to come.

In the mountain forest filled with gray fog.

A black lizard like a wooden stick crawled forward quickly and silently.

There were no insects on the ground, only fallen leaves. It seemed that the black lizard was the only living creature in the whole mountain forest.

Dead and desperate.


A breeze blew, and a piece of withered yellow fallen leaves fell, and the branches shook and rubbed, making a sound.

The black lizard quickly moved two hundred meters away from Yu Hong.

It crossed over hills one after another, and soon the distance was shortened to five hundred meters.

The induction transmitted back from here was still clear.

The black lizard continued to move forward, sprinting quickly towards a range of one kilometer.

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