Desperate Night

Chapter 139 139 Development 3

Carrying Dr. Xu up the slope, Yu Hong stepped on the smooth road surface.

The two heavily armed women behind him also followed.

"You can return to the camp with me, but you are not allowed to enter the main camp, and your weapons must be handed over. After all, we have not established basic mutual trust yet." Yu Hong said in a calm voice.

The two men were silent for a while. The taller man spoke.

"No need, we will just set up a temporary camp near your camp. Just give us as much food and drink as we can."

"." Yu Hong frowned, this man's tone was a bit wrong. "Why should I give you food and drink?"

As soon as these words came out, the two people's bodies suddenly trembled, as if they didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

But then, the taller woman seemed to remember something. Then, she hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the edge of the mask with one hand and pulled it up.


Under the mask, there is a pretty face with delicate and fair features. A pair of almond-shaped eyes are particularly eye-catching, and they are full of tears, as if they are pleading at any time and place. But if you look closely, you can find that it is not the expression, but the illusion of the eye shape.

"We would be very grateful if you could provide us with a basic diet and help you provide basic assistance." The woman said seriously, "My name is Yao Feiling, she is Ding Shao, and we are survivors who escaped from Baihe City."

"." Yu Hong glanced at the equipment and postures of these two people. They looked very alert. They were able to survive in such a difficult environment and escape from the plague-ridden Baihe City. These people Should have some strength

"Yes, I can provide food for two days, but after two days, you need to show enough value and gain my trust before you can stay." He said lightly.

If there wasn't an urgent need for manpower, he wouldn't be willing to bring people back from outside. Strangers without a basis of trust may pose a threat to Nana and Lao Zhou.

But these two people came here with Dr. Xu, and they should not be in great danger after the weapons were seized.

"By the way, the firearms must be handed over to me." He emphasized again.

"We are setting up another camp near your camp, why do we have to disarm?!" Yao Feiling, a tall woman, looked dissatisfied.

"If you really don't want to surrender, stay away from my camp. I need to ensure the safety of the rest of the people in my camp." Yu Hong said calmly.

Yao Feiling wanted to say something else, but Ding Shao beside her patted her arm gently, and she stopped talking immediately.

"Okay, we can keep the distance, but it's really unacceptable to surrender in this environment." Ding Shao spoke softly, with a tone full of exhaustion.

"I understand your vigilance, this is fine." Yu Hong nodded and turned to look at the car. "Are the people over there still going to take a look?"

"It's nothing to see. We had a car accident because of some idiots!" Yao Feiling obviously got angry when she mentioned this.

It seemed like they had little connection or affection with the other people in the car.

"Do I need to clean it up?" Yu Hong said.

"One minute." Ding Shao said, her voice was very gentle, giving people a good-tempered feeling even when she was tired.

The two quickly returned to the car, packed up their belongings, and climbed onto the road with each carrying a large backpack.

The two large backpacks were both military green mountaineering bags. They were about the same size as their bodies and looked a bit exaggerated.

After the two of them climbed up with difficulty, Yao Feiling glanced at Yu Hong and saw that he was indifferent and did not step forward to help. She immediately gritted her teeth and felt dissatisfied with him.

They met a lot of men, but before the city was broken, most of the men would take the initiative to help them when they saw them carrying heavy luggage.

But Yu Hong, who was so big, just stood there, motionless. No grace at all.

"Let's go." Yu Hong said, turned around and took Xu Ruoying towards the camp.

Before there is a foundation of mutual trust, he cannot be sure whether the other party will be a threat, so it is better to keep a distance.

"Let's go." Ding Shao sighed and followed with difficulty carrying the big bag.

That is to say, they are all partially strengthened people. Otherwise, after experiencing such a fierce encounter before, it would be impossible for them to still have the physical strength to travel now.

"Sister Ding, we still have some food and drink, why not find a place by ourselves?" Yao Feiling couldn't help but said dissatisfied. She always felt that there was something wrong with the other person, something was wrong.

"Stop being willful." Ding Shao said helplessly, "We have no other choice. There is no source of food and drinking water. We can't last a few days. If we follow, we can at least have a camp. If that person can live outside, there must be a way to ensure basic supplies. ”

After the Baihe City defense line collapsed, they immediately organized a team and rushed out in a carpool to escape.

It is precisely because of this that they experienced the least danger and successfully broke out of the siege of black disasters.

Although the talisman array, pith marrow and other materials carried are almost exhausted. But at least his life was saved.

The two stopped talking and followed Yu Hong silently.

The four of them moved forward, moving through the misty mountain forest.

The strange thing is that they didn't encounter a single shadow in the forest. The surroundings were quiet and windless, and the temperature was cold.

Yu Hong in front took out the detector and looked at it. Time: 11:32 am. Red value: 43.116.

He held Xu Ruoying in one hand, put away the detector, and mentally commanded the black lizard to drive away the shadows in front.

"I'm going to die." Dr. Xu was still moaning, and something was obviously wrong with him.

"Yiyi, where is Yiyi? I originally planned to go find her."

"I don't know, I'm looking for her too." Yu Hong replied. "Everything is normal for you. It's just a fracture. You can fix it and recover."

"Haha, it's just a broken bone. It will heal in two days! Haha." Xu Ruoying laughed.

Behind her, Yao Feiling and Ding Shao were both helpless.

They didn't actually know Xu Ruoying, they just improvised and got into the car. They originally thought that this madman would die on the way soon, and both of them were a little disgusted by him.

After all, it would be so difficult for a normal person to live in this environment, let alone a psychopath.

But she didn't expect that after escaping and experiencing several dangers along the way, this crazy doctor actually brought her back to life. With her pretty good medical skills, Xu Ruoying was pulled away several times by people who had treated her on the way. And now I know the people in the camp here, and it seems that I have a good relationship with them.

The two of them suppressed their thoughts.

The four of them walked forward, spending more than twenty minutes amidst Dr. Xu's messy nonsense, before returning to the camp.

In the forest about a few dozen meters away from the camp, Yu Hong stopped and looked back at the two people.

"You can stop right here. My camp is ahead."

"How can we live here? There is no suitable place around!" Yao Feiling looked around. There were dead grass all over the ground, and big trees reaching into the sky were all around. The light was dark, the fog was humid, and the ground was uneven. A steep mountainous area with rugged roots.

The most troublesome thing is the overall slope, that is, the entire ground is sloped.

"This is something you need to consider. If you want to enter my camp, you must disarm." Yu Hong said calmly. "To be honest, if I hadn't been acquainted with her, I wouldn't have let someone I didn't know approach my camp."

He lifted Xu Ruoying in his hand.

Ding Shao and the other two glanced at Dr. Xu, but they didn't expect that a lunatic they hated would lead them to glory and be saved.

The two looked around and then looked at Yu Hong.

"Then we will find a place to set up camp nearby." Ding Shao made a decision.

"Okay." Yu Hong nodded decisively and took Xu Ruoying back to the camp.

His back quickly disappeared into the mist.

The two women were left standing on the slope speechless for a while.

Yu Hong quickly carried the person back to the yard, put Xu Ruoying into the newly dug breeding hole, found some clean clothes and put them on the ground, making her lie down.

Then he poured a glass of water, took anti-inflammatory pills, and gave him two pills in one breath.

"I have to find a wooden board to fix my hands," Xu Ruoying said panting and sweating.

"What else do you want, just say it in one breath." Yu Hong took a wet towel and wiped it on her face. Immediately all the stains and dust on her face were wiped away, revealing Xu's original face.

She was obviously much haggard, her eye sockets were sunken, and her eyes were constantly moving around, unable to focus on one point for a long time.

Yu Hong found a wooden board for her, then picked up an unused quilt and covered her with it.

There was still some iodophor and cotton swabs left, which he rarely used, so he also brought them over at this time.

Fortunately, although something was wrong with Xu Ruoying, she still had the basic nursing and fixation techniques. With three strokes, five divided by two, she fixed her broken arm and hung it around her neck.

Yu Hong gave her some nutritional ointment and left the breeding cave.

Outside, Zhou Xueguang and Aisena were both awakened by the noise and came out to check the situation.

"A former friend is back." Yu Hong explained simply.

"If you need help, just say it." Lao Zhou said cheerfully.

"Speak directly!" Eisenna patted her chest and nodded.

Yu Hong was amused by her actions and touched her hair.

"Thanks. She is a doctor and can handle herself."

After asking Lao Zhou to help, he took four tubes of nutritional ointment, picked up a bucket of boiled water and walked out of the yard, heading towards where the two women had stopped.

Soon, a whole hammock hanging between the tree trunks dimly appeared in the mist.

On a large military green hammock, two women were placing branches horizontally underneath the hammock.

They used branches and ropes to weave and intersect in mid-air to create a rectangular safe area, then placed the air mattress on top and tied ropes to secure it.

It became a simple hammock.

Looking at the speed and efficiency of the two, it was obvious that this was not the first time they had done this.

As expected of a survivor who escaped from Shirakawa City.

Yu Hong stood on the ground and estimated the height of the hammock from the ground, which was about seven or eight meters.

Pretty high.

"This is the food and drink promised to you." He raised his voice and put down the things in his hands.

"Thank you." Ding Shao stopped moving and looked at Yu Hong from above.

"Can you tell us about the current situation in Baihe City?" Yu Hong asked. Although I learned part of the information from Zhang Kaijun on the communicator, many details are only known to those who have actually experienced it.

"It's miserable." Ding Shao sat on the edge of the hammock, holding on to the tree trunk with one hand. "The defense line collapsed suddenly. Many people in the city didn't know it at the time. In addition, the cargo ship outside the port was hit by the oversized whale. Everyone panicked."

"The streets are full of dead people and corpses. In fact, the number of people killed by the Black Disaster is not as great as the number of people crushed to death by our own crushing. Car accidents are everywhere, and the road is impassable. No one is willing to give in to others. They all block the road. It’s very blocked.”

"I estimate that those who can survive will not be more than one-tenth of their original size." Ding Shao concluded.

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