Desperate Night

Chapter 158 158 Attack 4

“.It’s over.”

Yu Hong was panting.

He could feel his last kick, which should be the overflow of attack power.

It didn’t have the real feeling of the first three kicks, but it felt like a light kick in the air.

But anyway, this high-risk black disaster was repelled by him!

I don’t know how long it will take for the next resurrection, but at least it won’t come here again in the short term.

According to the common sense he got from Zhang Kaijun, the higher the level of black disaster, except for a very few very special ones, 99% of them will recover very slowly.

They need to gather a large amount of red value radiation to slowly reassemble their bodies.

On the contrary, black disasters like ordinary ghost shadow black insects recover very quickly.


Standing in the middle of the inner courtyard, he was panting heavily, moving his right leg, and found that he was a little weak.

This was the first time he had burst out his internal energy four times in a row. The exaggerated explosive power made his right leg seem like it was not his own at this time. If the suit didn’t help to resist and buffer, his right leg might have been dislocated and injured.

"Gone?" Li Runshan's voice came cautiously from one side.

"It should be... yes." Yu Hong panted and looked around. No new ghosts appeared in the fog outside the outer courtyard.

"It's a pity. The second formation was consumed after a one-time complete explosion." He said regretfully.


At this time, Li Runshan sat on the ground with a look of surviving a disaster on his face.

"That guy, is he at least level six or seven? With this momentum, the radiation grenade we threw for so long can still be so fierce."

He looked pale. He didn't go into the house just now, but was at the door of the house, holding some vortex runes in his hands, ready to rush out to support at any time.

Fortunately, Yu Hong didn't leave a tail, and exploded directly, knocking down the high-risk black disaster that came in.

"It should be a level eight speed man." Yu Hong's legs have recovered at this time. Looking at the reinforced suit that was completely damaged by the explosion of his right leg, he knew that it was time to repair it again.

It just so happened that the current reinforced suit was a bit unable to keep up with the strength and must be strengthened. New symbols can be added to add new functions.

"Level 8!?" Li Runshan exclaimed with an exaggerated expression on his face.

"Boss is awesome!" He raised his thumbs with both hands, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but stretch.

The wooden houses were also opened one by one at this time.

Old Zhou was sweating all over his head and rushed to Yu Hong. Doctor Xu was the same as him.

The two quickly checked Yu Hong's body and confirmed that he was not injured, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people looked at the messy battle situation in the camp and recalled the exaggerated scene of being besieged just now.

They were speechless for a while, as if they had just woken up from a dream and couldn't tell whether it was real or fake.

"." Yu Hong walked to the place where the black disaster woman disappeared and lowered his head to check.

Finally, he found a black bone with a texture like jade on the ground.

He bent down to pick it up and looked at it.

The bone was as long as an adult's index finger, with a smooth, cold and delicate texture.

The thickness was also about the same as a finger, a little thinner. And it is not straight, with a slight wavy arc.

"Boss" Zhou Xueguang's voice came from behind.

Yu Hong turned around and looked at him.

"What's wrong? It should be fine now, go back and rest."

Old Zhou opened his mouth, his lips trembling a little, obviously frightened by the situation just now.

The black disaster has rushed to the center of the camp, and the fragile wooden house can't withstand this level of black disaster attack. They are only one step away from death.

But this was suddenly made by Yu Hong in the end, and he kicked the black disaster woman in close combat.

This feeling of jumping back and forth on the line of death made him think of the life on the front line.

"If you need any help, just say it!" Old Zhou said in a low and serious voice.

"Go, do your own thing, it is the greatest help to me." Yu Hong said.

Now is not the time. When it is more stable, he plans to use the black seal to strengthen some equipment and weapons that can be controlled in his hands and distribute them to the rest of the people to fight against the black disaster.

But it's too early to say that now.

Although he defeated the high-risk Black Disaster this time, the opponent's exaggerated performance of being extremely resistant to beatings and the ability to control the ghost shadow elephant worm made him more anxious.

You know, there are more high-risk Black Disasters than just the one just now.

"Everyone go back and rest." He said loudly, "I have equipment monitoring the security outside. Don't worry."

Several people nodded in response and returned to their own houses.

With the continuous sound of closing doors, the camp returned to peace again. Only in the fog outside, the black lizards who had just appeared on patrol began to maintain post-war security.

In the wooden shed.

Ding Shao hugged her knees and leaned against the wooden board, recalling the scene of Yu Hong kicking the Black Disaster just now.

That was a more exaggerated and terrifying expression than the whole body enhanced people. Although he didn't kick on other things to show destructive power. But the air waves and strange laughter brought by the air were what she had never seen in any other enhanced people.

This shows that Yu Hong's strength and speed are far superior to other whole body enhanced people.

Coupled with the various technical weapons that had just been demonstrated to fight against the black disaster, all this showed that this camp was far from as simple as they had thought before.

Ding Shao lowered her head and suddenly understood why Yu Hong was not worried about her leaving with her things.

Such a camp, if you miss it, you will never see it again.

Cough cough

Yao Feiling on the side coughed.

Her injuries were more serious than Ding Shao's, and the grenade was closer to her. The huge burn area and Ding Shao's internal injuries were completely different from those caused by the explosion.

"Sister." She suddenly shouted.

"I'm not your sister." Ding Shao replied calmly.

"." Yao Feiling was silent.

The wooden shed slowly fell silent for a while, and the two stopped talking.

No one slept well that night. Despite Yu Hong's assurance, everyone was still worried that there might be another attack from the ghost shadow black disaster outside.

Even Yu Hong quietly practiced the internal energy running thunder leg in the basement all night to stay alert.

The next morning.

His internal energy was fully restored, and the fifth internal energy was successfully condensed.

After each level of the running thunder leg technique is completed, a small whole body strengthening will be obtained.

Then when the sixth level is completely completed, a great success called running thunder transformation will be obtained.

According to the secret book, its power is very strong and can increase the strength and speed of the legs by a large margin.

The enhanced and synthesized Thunder Leg Technique definitely has a strong radiation lethality in the Thunder Transformation state.

Originally, Yu Hong had no sense of urgency because the camp was self-sufficient and the safety was greatly increased. But the attack of the high-risk black disaster and the pale arm that suddenly stretched out in the communicator before made him desire stronger safety.

Now there is only one black wind protection array left in the camp, and the pyroxene array as a trump card has been consumed. The radiation grenades have also been used up, and there are only a few vortex runes left.

If there is another high-risk black disaster now, the consequences will be unimaginable.

So, until the next morning, when it was dawn, his internal energy was fully restored, the black wind protection array was fully charged, and the black seal made more than ten radiation grenades again.

Yu Hong felt more or less safe.

Fortunately, it seems that the battle at night has drained a large number of ghosts around, and on the second, third, and fourth days.

No ghosts approached the camp.

Occasionally, there was a tide of black worm blood, but no trace of worms appeared. Only some big skins passed by, but were blocked by the lights and the black wind protection formation and dared not enter.

This situation made everyone in the camp feel relieved. They began to dig stones together under the side of Yu Hong's cave.

But it was different from what Yu Hong thought.

Li Runshan and Zhou Xueguang made a new proposal, which was to build a small stone fort in the center of the camp. In this way, the stone fort would be in a better position than the cave connected to the mountain wall, and it could be expanded later and connected to Yu Hong's side.

As for how to connect, it was only necessary to build a stone corridor to connect the doors on both sides.

But Yu Hong proposed that the foundation could not be dug deep because of the black worms hiding underground. And the equipment (formation) he arranged was also underground, which would definitely affect the rooting of the stone fort.

These problems were taken care of by Lao Li all at once.

He actually knew architecture. After getting Yu Hong's permission, he began to draw the design drawings alone.

In this way, another week passed in a blink of an eye.

Cough, cough, cough.

Early in the morning, the precious sunlight penetrated the fog and shone down from the sky above the forest.

Yu Hong opened the door and heard a violent cough in the distance.

He frowned slightly, followed the sound, walked out of the inner courtyard, and soon came to the wooden shed in the outer courtyard.

In the shed, Ding Shao was kneeling beside Yao Feiling, looking at this former friend with a complicated expression.

Ever since that night, when Yu Hong burst out with terrifying strength and kicked the white-dressed woman Heizai to pieces, Yao Feiling seemed to have lost her mind, staring blankly at the sky.

In the following few days, her mental state became worse and worse, and she began to cough constantly.

Today, Ding Shao couldn't help it, and went over to cooperate with Dr. Xu to take care of her.

After the examination, Dr. Xu just shook his head, said nothing, sighed, and got up and left.

Leaving Ding Shao alone to stare at Yao Feiling in a daze.

"I really want to. I really want all this. It's just a dream." Yao Feiling didn't look at Yu Hong who was approaching, and still stared blankly upward.

"I really want to. I'm still in Baihe. Dad will give me a lot of pocket money. Mom will make me the crab roe tofu that I like to eat."

She murmured in a low voice, her lips were pale and her face was blue.

"All this is a dream. I haven't let you down. As long as you wake up. Wake up, sister, you are still my sister."

She stretched out her hand with difficulty and touched Ding Shao's hand.

Ding Shao retreated, but still couldn't help it. She gently moved forward and touched her fingers.

"Sister, I'm just. Dreaming."

Yao Feiling's voice gradually weakened, and soon there was no movement.

But her palm was still tightly holding Ding Shao, not letting go.

"." Yu Hong silently watched the two of them without saying a word.

After a long time, he turned around and walked towards the cave again. Yao shouldn't have died. She just lost the courage to live, facing this increasingly desperate world, facing this reality that she didn't want to face.

Putting aside the thought, Yu Hong quickened his pace. The new stone fort also needed his efforts. Otherwise, the progress of Lao Li and his team would be more than ten times slower in terms of stone-cutting efficiency.

Compared to his internal energy endurance, what he lacked the most was actually endurance.

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