Desperate Night

Chapter 165 165 Bad Three

With Yu Hong's conscious control.

Soon, the black line flowed out and sank into the purifier.

When Hei Yin asked, he quickly confirmed it.


The countdown appeared.

'8:09 on the 3rd. '

Three days?

Yu Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

'Not bad, still acceptable. '

He coughed softly, let go of his hand, went up to the first floor, found a breathing valve helmet to put on, and breathed with the help of the breathing valve.

After a while, the cough was significantly relieved.

'There is indeed a problem with the air.'

The strengthening time of the air purifier was completely determined. According to the previous judgment, if Hei Yin could be strengthened, it meant that this problem could be solved.

Yu Hong simply left the cave and came to the inner courtyard.

In the inner courtyard, everyone was no longer outside at this time, but all entered the new stone fortress and worked in the stone fortress.

The huge stone fortress blocked the light of the cave, but Yu Hong didn't care, because there was no light now, and there was only a little sunshine every day, which was dispensable.

He came to the wooden door of the stone fort.

The door of the stone fort is round, similar to the shape of a plug, very thick and safe.

Dong Dong Dong.

He knocked on the door.

The wooden door was pushed open from the inside to the outside, revealing Lao Zhou's face with a breathing valve.

"Boss, I was struggling with when to find you." Zhou Xueguang said with some surprise.

"I'm here to inform everyone that the air purifier has already been developed. It will be used in about three days to improve everyone's air. We'd better get the last channel done."

Yu Hong said in a deep voice. "It's the channel connecting the laboratory and the stone fort."

There is only one air purifier, and he doesn't plan to strengthen more than one. Sharing air purification together is the most economical use. Especially now when the camp formation needs to be quickly improved.

Zhou Xueguang nodded and affirmed without hesitation.

"That's no problem. We are ready to start work at any time."

"That's good. Now tell me about your business. What do you want to do with me?" Yu Hong asked.

"I" Zhou Xueguang hesitated, lowered his head, and exhaled. "Boss, I've talked to Lao Li and the others. The camp can't be without pyroxene, so I hope to go out and look at other pyroxene mines."

"." Yu Hong frowned and looked at the other party carefully.

After a few seconds of silence, he slowly spoke.

"You are also a person who escaped from the front line and know what the situation is outside. Just like that, you may not be able to come back if you go out. So, are you sure?"

He also thought about looking for other pyroxene mines, but this was based on the premise that the effect of the black seal strengthening formation was not satisfactory.

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhou and the others were also discussing and decided to go out to explore. I have to say that this surprised him a little.

Zhou Xueguang said helplessly: "In fact, there is also a part of selfishness. I want to go back to my hometown and see my family."

Yu Hong immediately understood.

"I still remember that when I just met you, you said that only those who survived first were qualified to consider other things, so, have you thought about it now?"

At that time, he rescued Lao Zhou from the fully enhanced man Du Chengtao on the road. It wasn't long before. It seemed that this guy saw that Li Runshan came back very well after going out, and he also had an idea in his mind.

"Boss, you never asked about my family situation, right?" Zhou Xueguang said.

"Well, let's talk." Yu Hong sighed. From Lao Zhou's eyes, he saw that the other party had considered it for a long time and thought about it for a long time before making this decision.

The two left the entrance of the stone fortress and came to one side of the wall, leaning against the tall and thick rock wall and standing.

Yu Hong felt the black lizards working tirelessly to constantly expel and kill the approaching ghosts, and then looked at Lao Zhou who was worried.

"It's good here." He said.

"Well" Zhou Xueguang nodded and leaned against the stone wall with hidden symbols and pyroxene rune arrays painted on it.

"I have two children, twin boys and girls, they are eight years old this year, my wife and mother are taking care of them. Before I went to the front, they were settled in the Great Hope City near our local area as military dependents, but then the front collapsed, I'm not sure how they are doing now."

He paused, "I want to go back and take a look. While searching for other pyroxene mines, I'll go and take a look."

He seemed to be afraid that Yu Hong would not agree, so he put the pyroxene mine in front, with a hint of caution in his tone.

"Go." Yu Hong said calmly, "I have no reason to stop you. Hand over the things in the camp, no problem, just drive there. Just pay attention to the shorter and shorter sunshine, too little solar charging time, insufficient car endurance, it may take more time to return."

"Boss" Zhou Xueguang was a little surprised. He originally planned to give more reasons, but he didn't expect Yu Hong to agree so easily.

"When do you leave?" Yu Hong asked.

"The sooner the better."

"Is it because of the air?"

"Well, part of it, and pyroxene." Old Zhou nodded.

Yu Hong was silent.

The air is getting worse, the pyroxene mines are depleted, and the sunshine is getting shorter. All these indicate that the world is getting worse.

Hope is getting smaller and smaller.

Under great pressure, maybe Lao Zhou has already prepared to face death, or maybe he just wants to satisfy his only regret in the last time - to see his relatives.

Even Yu Hong is speechless at this time.

Because even he who has the black mark is not sure whether he can survive this catastrophe.

After all, the Black Disaster is not only the ninth level, but also the higher level war level and other terrifying existences.

The current camp is just too small to attract those high-level Black Disaster attacks.

Once the camp has not grown up yet, it will accidentally encounter a high-level Black Disaster passing by.

Perhaps just a casual step will kill him and everyone in the camp.

After agreeing to Lao Zhou, he immediately packed up his things and took his equipment, guns, tools, supplies and enough boiled water. He handed over the camp situation to Lao Li.

Originally, he planned to finish the link channel before leaving, but Yu Hong waved his hand and asked him to leave quickly.

Lao Zhou, who only needs an extra arm to build the channel, is actually not very useful.

The next morning.

With the eyes of Li Runshan and his daughter, Zhou Xueguang drove the car and slowly set off from the camp, following the forest road opened by Yu Hong, and drove towards the outside world.

There were new hidden symbols painted everywhere on the car's outer skin. This was the preparation that Yu Hong strengthened for him overnight. This symbol covers the entire car, which can greatly reduce the presence of the car. In addition, the tram is quiet, so the safety can be greatly increased.

In addition, he also promised that if he finds his family, he will allow Lao Zhou to bring his relatives back to the camp.

At the fence of the outer courtyard, Ding Shao and Doctor Xu also watched the car leave.

"Wish him a safe journey." Ding Shao said softly.

Doctor Xu didn't say anything, but just gently stroked her belly. Her belly was getting bigger and bigger. At this time, a vague face quietly protruded from the surface of her belly covered by clothes.

The human face opened and closed its lips, also watching the direction where the car left. Soon, it turned slightly and looked in the direction of Yu Hong. After a few seconds, it slowly disappeared and returned to the depths of the belly.

And all this, the two were unaware of.




Dozens of kilometers away from the Black Wind Camp, in an abandoned small village.

The rare big sun penetrated the fog and shone on the only open space in the middle of the village.

The ground was paved with stone slabs, and a large and sturdy troop carrier was parked there.

The car was covered with camouflage, with light machine guns on the left and right sides, and covered with layers of patched pyroxene carpets.

From a distance, it looked like a scrap car wearing tattered patched black clothes.

Inside the car, Xue Ningning and his group were staring at the stuttering little Yiyi who had just returned from outside.

The little girl, who was only 1.5 meters tall, was piled up to 1.8 meters tall by the things she carried.

She carried a very tall and large canvas bag on her back, with seven or eight large bags hanging in front of her, a paint bucket in her left hand, and a large bucket of water in her right hand.

In addition, there was a bulletproof suit tied with a large bundle of ropes on her head, with weapons and helmets hanging on both sides of the suit.

"." Xue Ningning looked at Lin Yiyi who got into the car, and pointed at her and was a little speechless for a while.

"Lin Yiyi, did you go to rob somewhere, right?" Ou Li said what everyone wanted to say first.

"Yu Hong, force, stuff. me, no, and force, hang, hang on me!" Lin Yiyi spoke in a muffled voice with a helpless look on her face, holding the breathing valve.

The group of people in the car were a little silent.

"Haha. Your friend is doing well." Ou Li laughed dryly, "So many things are forced on you, it's great."

Xue Ningning and Fang Shijun and others exchanged glances, and they all understood that in this world, in this environment where everything is lacking, there are people who are willing to desperately stuff so many things into the little stammer.

There is no doubt that he is definitely a person who is really good to the little stammer.

It must be said that having such a friend is something that everyone envy.

Especially when this friend is also a very capable person.

Just look at these supplies and you will know that this Yu Hong is definitely not a good person. Some of the big bundles of bulletproof suits are still stained with blood, and there are those food supplies. So many good things are not something that an ordinary person can afford.

Everyone was silent for a while, and quickly raised the importance of the little stammer in their hearts.

If we say that we treated her well before because Little Stutter saved everyone, then now, in addition to this kindness, it seems that there is another kind of attention in it.

"Come and share it with everyone!" Little Stutter didn't understand what everyone was thinking. She had intellectual disabilities and could understand some simple things, but not complex things.

"Come on, let me count them." Chen Qiaosheng coughed twice and stepped forward and said softly.

He could only do some such chores within his ability.

As he began to compare things and asked Little Stutter for the corresponding information from time to time, slowly, the rest of the people in the car began to be shocked again

"Sunshine paint!?? Or the enhanced version of sunshine paint?? !! So many in one bucket!?" Xue Ningning pressed the paint bucket with her hand, looking unbelievable.

Apart from the military research institute, it is actually possible to get sunshine material paint from a base in the wild these days! ? ! Or the enhanced version? ? !

What kind of myth and legend is this! ?

Even the inferior research institutes are not qualified to get this thing, and it is rare to be able to apply for the use of the old model.

Now Xiao Jieba told them that this is the formula that Yu Hong improved after researching

Is it fake?

This is the first thought that Xue Ningning and others had.

But even if this thing is fake, the rest.

Several people looked at the rest of the things that Xiao Jieba placed on the ground in the car.

Enhanced detectors, a large bundle of bulletproof suits, nutritional paste, dried meat, and drinkable water, a large number of grenade-like things, called radiation grenades.

There are also other miscellaneous medicines, tools, pyroxene talismans, etc.

"Yu Hong, you are going to give me such a big bag." She stretched out her hand and made a big gesture, "I don't want it."

She took a breath.

"I can't carry it anymore, really, I can't carry it anymore."

She lowered her head and wiped the sweat off her face, sighing.

"." Everyone.

Is this Versailles?

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