Desperate Night

Chapter 2 002 Ghostly Shadow 2

Faced with Hong's question, the girl was completely unable to respond. She didn't know which question to answer first.

She stood there blankly, the medicine box in her hand shaking so violently that she seemed ready to shake the medicine out at any moment.


The door was pushed open again, from the outside.

A middle-aged woman in a dirty white coat walked in. With yellow skin, black hair, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, she was the woman who seemed to be a doctor just now.

"Let me answer your question. Don't be embarrassed. She has been sick and frightened before, and her speech and brain are not good."

The woman walked to the bed and placed a light gray kettle in her hand on the wooden bedside table.

"We don't know how you got here. Last night, when Yiyi went out to look for firewood, she accidentally found you in a pit and dragged you back."

"When we found you, you were unconscious. There seemed to be no external injuries on your body. You were just unconscious and had a fever. Yiyi fed you a lot of filtered water and waited all night before you woke up."

At this point, the woman let out a breath.

"Then let's talk about this place. This is Baiqiu Village. It is surrounded by deep mountains. The only connection to the outside is an old road to the west."

She paused.

"I am a doctor in the village, my surname is Xu. Her name is Lin Yiyi, she is an orphan, and she lives here alone. There is no other important information. Okay, I have said what needs to be said, it is your turn. Tell me, you are Who, why are you here, and why are you here?”

"Doctor Xu, can I call you that?" Yu Hongli took stock of the situation and said in a low voice, enduring the pain in his throat.

Seeing the other person nodding, he continued.

"My name is Yu Hong. I was just sleeping at home, and then" he detailed his previous feelings.

"I don't know how I got here. I" He raised his hand with difficulty and covered his forehead.

"How old are you?" Dr. Xu suddenly asked.

"Twenty. Twenty-seven." Yu Macro Conditioned Reflex's opening.

"That's enough. You can't go back anyway. In today's world, it doesn't matter where you come from or how you got there. Without a car, you will be dead if you go out. I guess you will have to stay here for a long time." Dr. Xu said calmly. .

"??? Don't have a car? Can you find someone to borrow a car and take me to the nearest station? I can give you money!" Yu Hong was a little confused.

"Station?" This time it was Dr. Xu's turn to be confused. "What the hell are you talking about? Where did you get the station from? Who is driving for you these days? There are all kinds of messy monsters outside. If you go out alone, are you looking for death?"

"Monster?!" Yu Hong was stunned.

"What monster??" He suspected that the other party was acting or had a mental problem.

But when he saw Dr. Xu looking at him like he was looking at a fool, Yu Hong felt something was wrong.

He felt a little panicked.

He is just an ordinary office worker. No one would be willing to spend a lot of money to hire an actor of this level to deceive themselves, right? ? ?

"It's over. He is indeed a fool." Dr. Xu looked up with a helpless expression.

"A fool mates with a fool, you two are perfect."

She looked sideways out the window.

"It's still early. You'll know when it gets dark soon. I'll leave first. Yiyi, please watch him and don't let him open the door at night."

"Okay" Little Stutter nodded quickly.

Seeing Dr. Xu opening the door and leaving, Little Stutter hurriedly shouted.

"Medicine! Sister" she shouted anxiously.

"." Dr. Xu heard the voice, looked back at Yu Hong, and understood.

She took out a mercury thermometer from her pocket and stuffed it into Yu Hong's mouth.

"Take your temperature."

After waiting for a while, she took out the thermometer and looked at it.

"38.5, I can't die."

"My medicine is not good." The little stutterer quickly handed over the medicine box in his hand to let the other party see it.

The mold spots on the medicine also made Dr. Xu frown.

"Yiyi, I don't have much medicine. The post office only goes to the city once a month."

After hearing this, Little Stutter became anxious. He looked left and right, and quickly found something like a potato from the cabinet in the corner, and handed it to the other party.

"Change, this, change the medicine!"

Doctor Xu shook his head and said it was not enough.

Then the little stutterer went to other places to search.

The two bargained, and their voices continued to reach Hong's ears.

Hearing this, he felt drowsy, his spirit became more and more depressed, and he soon fell asleep again.

The pain in his throat, the dizziness in his head, and the weakness all over made him unable to get up at all.

The body's instinctive self-healing mechanism prompted him to quickly recover his strength through sleep.

Time flies.

I don’t know how much time has passed. Maybe one hour, maybe three hours. Time has no measure for a drowsy person.

Yu Hong slowly woke up from his drowsiness.

His whole body ached, his body felt weak and weak, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something. There was a large blockage stuck in it, making him unable to make a sound.

Opening his eyes, he struggled to get up from the bed and looked around.

The room fell silent.

The walls and ceiling of this small square bedroom are made of wood and are light yellow in color.

The ground was black mud, flat and dry, and grass even grew in some corners.

Yu Hong slowly turned sideways, put his legs on the edge of the bed, then lowered them little by little and stepped on the ground.

The solid feeling of being grounded made him feel inexplicably relieved.

He looked down at himself.

An off-white short-sleeved T-shirt with a cartoon tiger head tattooed on the chest and some yellow stains. The pants are cream yellow casual pants, but they look very wrinkled at this time.

The big toes on both sides of the gray socks were torn, and two big toes embedded in black mud stuck out.

'What's this? ’ He looked at the back of his hand, and there was an unknown black mark on the back of his right hand.

The mark looked like an ancient seal. There was a lump of mud-like thing lying on the square seal. There was no pattern or writing. At a glance, it looked like a birthmark.

But Yu Hong clearly remembered that he did not have such a big birthmark on his body, let alone on the conspicuous back of his right hand.

I reached out and rubbed the mark. It didn't hurt or itch.

He tried wiping it, but found it couldn't be wiped off, so he gave up temporarily.

After checking his body again to make sure there were no external injuries, Yu Hong touched the stubble on his chin and looked sideways at the window.

The window is on the right side of the bed and is square in shape. The inside and outside are nailed with horizontal wooden boards, which is very tight. As if guarding against mental illness, there is an uneasiness in the mess.

There was dim light outside the window, slanting in, leaving dim yellow patches beside the bed.

Yu Hong took a breath and felt that the air was strange, with an indescribable burnt smell.

He walked a few steps and came to the door. I saw a thick stack of old newspapers lying at the foot of the wooden door.

After a pause, he bent down, picked up the stack of newspapers with difficulty, and looked at the top one.

"Highest warning: Major black disasters have hit various parts of the country recently"

The huge headline took up almost half of the entire newspaper.

Here are the details.

'. The continuous occurrence of black disasters and the weakness of response departments have posed a huge threat to the life and safety of the people. Faced with the severe situation, the National Disaster Prevention Committee urgently established an emergency management department to launch operations in areas with severe black disasters. Respond quickly and organize rescue work with all our strength'


Yu Hong frowned and turned to the back.

A photo of a lively scene of rescue operations in a disaster-stricken area appeared in front of him.

This is a dusty ruin of a building. People wearing heavy protective clothing are carrying stretchers, carrying out charred black bodies.

"Black disaster?" He had never heard of this word at all.

Then he turned to the newspaper below.

"How should we respond when a major insect disaster strikes?" 》

"Food is scarce and drinking water is difficult, the national rescue team goes all out to rescue tens of thousands of people from difficulties"

"Suspected leakage of biochemical agents, emergency blockade of Yiguan city and building of car wall"

"Experts have something to say about dealing with black plague blood ticks"

"The first City of Hope is officially completed and thousands of people have moved in"

Amidst the clattering sound, Yu Hong's expression became more solemn as he looked at it.

In addition to the weirdness of these titles, a more critical point is that

He suddenly discovered that these newspapers were not in any of the languages ​​​​he had learned before, not Chinese characters, not English, not French, Spanish, Russian, etc.

But, a completely unfamiliar language.

"What the hell!"

Yu Hong put down the newspaper and read the date.

‘January 3, 2020’.

I can recognize the language and characters I have never seen before.

This weird feeling made him feel uncomfortable.

Putting the newspaper back to its original place, Yu Hong glanced at the door in front of him.

The door is gray-black with two square frames, one large and one small, upper and lower. The door handle was white, with some of the paint peeling off, revealing the black metal underneath.

He reached out and grasped the handle. The cold, hard touch shocked him, and he twisted it gently.


The door is open.

There are three gray stone steps outside the door.

Outside, there is a broken gravel road.

On the opposite side of the road is a small dark bungalow with the door open.

Gray and white walls, black and rotten tiles.

The bungalow is only over three meters high. There are red-lettered slogans painted on the outer walls. It is unclear what they are.

There are still stones and yellow dead leaves on the tilted tiles, which roll and make a thin sound when the wind blows.

When Yu Hong walked out of the door, he realized that he had no shoes on, only tattered gray socks.

My feet felt uncomfortable and tingling when I stepped on the gravel floor.

He simply stood still.

Look left and right.

On the gravel road outside the door, there are houses with stone walls and tiles one after another on both sides.

These tile houses are very dilapidated, and the walls are covered with mildew and stains. Some of them even have slogans written in red letters, such as 'A happy life, a prosperous life', 'One person will be insured, and the whole family will be safe', and 'Fire, insect and moisture proof'.

The gravel road is a little dark, and the sunlight is blocked by the house, with only a little slanting through the doors and windows.

This is because these houses are relatively short.

He looked around.

The tiled houses are like people queuing up. They are similar in height and dilapidated. The doors and windows are leaking. Most of the dark wooden doors are open. There is no one inside, and the only sound is the whistling wind.

He raised his head and turned around, looking towards the house where he was.

Sure enough, although the place where I live is also a tiled house, it is different from others.

Thick black and yellow wooden strips are nailed to the doors and windows, and the gaps are plugged with thick cloth. The threshold of the door is also higher than that of other houses.

"This place" has an inexplicable ominous feeling in Yu Hong's heart.


Suddenly, there was a slight sound from the distance on the right.

It seemed like shoes were stepping on gravel.

He hurriedly followed the sound.

He saw a vague man in white standing in the dark shadow in the open door of a house on the right side of the road, looking towards him.

From a distance, he seemed to see the other person laughing, smiling at him.

"What the hell!" Yu Hong frowned and ignored the other person.

Although he wanted to find someone to ask about the situation, the other person looked a little crazy and abnormal. He felt uncomfortable.

So he planned to find someone else.

Turning his head, he no longer looked over there, but scanned the other tile houses one by one, trying to find someone in other houses.

Unfortunately, after scanning around, he didn't find any other people.

So he could only turn back and look in the direction of the man in white.

Just this look made his heart sink.

The man in white was not in the room just now.

Instead, he appeared in another room much closer to him.

He was standing in the shadow inside the door, smiling at him.

This back and forth, in just a dozen seconds, he was at least dozens of meters closer.

The weirdest thing was that even though the distance was so close, he still couldn't see the other person's appearance. He could only barely see that the other person was smiling, his skin was very white, and he was a man.

I didn't hear the other person running, how did this person cross such a long distance in a short time?

Yu Hong's heart began to get scared.

He took a breath, turned his head, looked in other directions, and then suddenly looked back at the man in white.

It was only a second.

But it was just this second.

The man in white was not in the room just now, but disappeared again and appeared in the room diagonally opposite him, less than ten meters away.

The other person was still in the shadow inside the door, still standing still, smiling at him.

"Fuck!" Yu Hong's heart was horrified, and he slowly backed away.

What made him even more weird was that at such a close distance, he was not nearsighted, but he still couldn't see the other person's detailed face!

Recalling the situation just now, he didn't dare to blink at all, but just backed away slowly.

Then, he retreated to the door, staring at the other person while slowly closing the door.


There was only an arm's length left in the door.

Yu Hong tried hard not to blink, but his eyes became more and more sore and uncomfortable, and tears began to accumulate in the corners of his eyes, more and more.

He could no longer hold on.

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