Desperate Night

Chapter 29 029 Choice 1 (Xie Shangxian, the leader of the Qitian Alliance)

Hu, hu, hu!!

In the woods, Yu Hong was breathing heavily, looking at the two camouflage uniforms lying on the ground in front of him.

The clothes on these two people reminded him of the little stutterer before.

‘This clothes. Could it be someone from the joint army? ’ He couldn’t help but think of the guy named Zhao Zhenghong who came last time.

That guy said it was an invitation, but in fact he sent someone to hide quietly by the door, wanting to attack him when he went out.

This kind of person is insidious and cunning. After the appearance of the evil shadow, the importance of the big pyroxene has greatly increased, so it is normal to send someone to catch him again.

Squatting down, Yu Hong carefully checked the two people.

Soon he found all kinds of sundries.

Two military dark green daggers, two bags of old version pyroxene, and two leather water bags, but these are nothing.

There is something that surprised Yu Hong a little.

It was searched from the guy who drew the gun.

It is a grayish silver dollar.

On the front of the silver dollar was a beautiful straight and sharp tower, and on the back was a special rune that was the most common on pyroxene.

"Could this be the common currency in the town?" Yu Hong thought as he held the silver dollar.

Whether it was or not, he would put it away first. After searching the things, he saw that the two men were still not awake, so he ignored them. After searching the two men, he returned to the original path.

As for whether the two men could survive, it depended on their luck. If they could wake up before dark, they might survive. If not.

Yu Hong soon found the things he had left behind, and also collected the scattered firewood, hugged them together, and returned to the cave.

If it weren't for the high-level physical training method, the two cold air would have given him two opportunities to recover his physical strength. I'm afraid he would have been caught and escorted to be a tool man this time.

Click, open the door with the key, Yu Hong quickly entered, and closed it with his backhand.

Listen to the heavy door close hard and lock.

He suddenly felt a strong sense of security.

Put everything down temporarily and put it near the fireplace to prevent it from getting damp and moldy.

Then he sat on the stool and thought about the problems he encountered today.

First, the things he looted, two pistols, a silver dollar, two daggers, two bags of old-version pyroxene, and the rest were sundries.

He took the pistol in his hand and played with it. He had never touched a gun before. He searched and studied it for a long time before unloading the magazine.

"." Looking at the magazine in his hand, Yu Hong was a little speechless.

There was only one bullet in the magazine. One gun.

"Are the officials so poor?" Yu Hong was speechless.

I don't know what the pistol will become after it is strengthened, but now I have to prepare for other aspects.

The appearance of the evil shadow in the town must be prepared in advance, and I can't rely on luck.

'Evil shadow, withered girl? Ordinary pyroxene is useless. Even the large pyroxene can only be used to escape.'

He looked at the large pyroxene placed in his cave.

There are three gates on the ground around, but with such a density, I am afraid it can only prevent ghosts.

Take out the last big pyroxene on your body, which is a spare.

Originally thought it was enough, but now.

"Speaking of which, why can pyroxene disperse ghosts? According to what Xiao Jieba said, even without this rune, pyroxene can disperse ghosts, but the effect is much worse. So... the question is."

He reached out and touched the rune on the big pyroxene.

"Where did this pattern come from originally? How did the black disaster appear in the first place?"

He had a feeling that the rune on this pyroxene seemed to be related to the appearance of the black disaster.

'It just so happens that the enhancement of the black seal will refuse to enhance because of incomplete functions. So it seems that I may be able to use this point to test whether this rune alone can play a role in fighting ghosts.'

Thinking of this, Yu Hong took out a newspaper and a black charcoal pencil.

This charcoal pencil was enhanced by him and became the size of an ordinary neutral pen, but the handwriting was much finer and clearer than the previous charcoal pencil.

Apparently, the raw material of the charcoal pencil was also strengthened into some unknown charcoal.

Yu Hong didn't care about these, as long as it was easy to use.

He laid the newspaper flat on another wooden bench and carefully placed the silver dollar under the newspaper.

Then, he used the charcoal pencil to print the rune pattern on the silver dollar and gently smeared it.

Soon, a black rune pattern appeared in front of him.

The background color of this picture is gray-black, and the color of the pattern is darker, so it is clearly visible.

After drawing the picture, Yu Hong stretched out his hand and pressed it on the picture.

'Strengthen the rune to dispel the ghost shadow, the direction is, and the effect is enhanced! '

He muttered in his heart.

Soon, the black print flowed out black lines, but then quickly returned.

'Incompleteness is insufficient. '


Yu Hong frowned and let go of his hand.

Judging from the black print, this rune does not have the function of dispelling ghost shadows. Or it does not have it alone.

"It seems that there is no way to figure out this principle in a short time, so."

He picked up another piece of ordinary pyroxene.

He got a lot of this stuff from the two people just now, as well as from the remains of Little Stutter.

He collected all of them and put them on the ground in four small bags.

Each bag has ten pieces, which were allocated in advance.

‘Is it because ten pieces can completely disperse the ghost shadow?’ Yu Hong guessed.

He put down the ordinary pyroxene and took another piece of pyroxene that had not been painted with runes yet.

Little Stutter also had the tools to paint pyroxene.

He compared the one drawn by Xiao Jieba with the one just seized. The runes on the two pyroxenes had different colors, which were obviously drawn with different pigments.

‘It seems that the pigment has little effect on the runes. Then. Let me try. ’

Pick up the enhanced charcoal pencil, and Yu Hong began to carefully draw on the surface of another piece of original pyroxene.

He drew the original rune, not the enhanced rune.

The original rune was very simple, just a ring with four strange symbols like letters inside, a small circle in the center, and a symbol like a flame.

After practicing several times, Yu Hong soon drew a total of five pyroxenes.

He placed these pyroxenes on the ground from left to right.

The order of placement was not random, but was placed according to the neatness of the runes.

From left to right, the runes became more and more neat, and the lines became more rounded and clear.

After doing this.

Yu Hong exhaled, stretched out his hand again, and pressed on the first pyroxene on the left.

‘Strengthen into a large pyroxene, direction: the effect is enhanced. ’ He thought in his heart.

Soon, a black line shot out and feedback sounded.

‘Do you want to strengthen it into a large pyroxene? ’

But Yu Hong was not concerned about this, but the time number that appeared on the surface of the pyroxene.

‘3rd day 2:18. ’

He retracted his hand and quickly took a pen to write down the time.

Then he reached out and pressed on the second pyroxene, still doing the same operation.

Suddenly, the second pyroxene also showed numbers.

‘3rd day 1:02. ’

Then the third one.

‘3rd day 51. ’

The fourth one.

‘3rd day 42. ’

The fifth one.

‘3rd day 21. ’

After retracting his hand, Yu Hong looked at the row of recorded numbers, and finally a look of realization appeared on his face.

"Sure enough. The length of time for strengthening is affected by the perfection of the strengthened item. The smaller the difference between the strengthened item before and after strengthening, the less countdown time is needed."

"So it seems that if I use the strengthened large pyroxene rune to draw on the pyroxene from the beginning, then the strengthening time will definitely be greatly shortened!"

Yu Hong guessed.

"Because I saved some time for strengthening the rune!"

"Try it!"

Immediately, he picked up a piece of original pyroxene and began to imitate the complex runes on the large pyroxene.

This complex pattern is much more difficult than ordinary pyroxene.

If the complexity of the rune of ordinary pyroxene is 1, then the difficulty of the advanced rune on the large pyroxene is 4.

Not to mention, there are more than ten strange symbols that need to be written on the advanced rune.

At a glance, it looks a bit like some game arrays that Yu Hong has seen in his memory.

Time keeps passing, he is immersed in drawing advanced runes, and completely forgets the sky.

Unconsciously, the sky outside has dimmed.

Yu Hong lit the fireplace and continued to draw.

The dry firewood collected this time is enough to support one night, and from the information obtained, the threat of the evil shadow may indeed affect this side.

If he doesn't meet it, it's fine. If he meets it, he will definitely not be able to stop it with just that little bit of pyroxene!

So he has to think about countermeasures.

Finding a way to fight the evil shadow is naturally the first priority.

But now that he can't find it, it is more important to shorten the time to strengthen the pyroxene.

After all, the pyroxene can be used to exchange items with others without using it, which can be said to be real hard currency.

Time flies quickly while Yu Hong is practicing hard.

Fortunately, there is no blood tide tonight, and there is no interference from beetles. Yu Hong painted until late at night and felt tired, so he strengthened some dried meat. A piece of dried meat was completed in about three hours. After determining the countdown time, he fell asleep.

He slept until dawn.

In the morning, after getting up, eating, and dealing with excrement, he began to practice advanced physical training.

At noon, he went out to collect firewood, cut wild vegetables, and replenish water.

I came back in the afternoon and continued to practice drawing advanced runes. When I rested, I strengthened the jerky and never wasted time on the black seal.

This was repeated every day.

Finally, on the afternoon of the fifth day, the drawing of the advanced rune was finally successful!

In the cave, Yu Hong breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile on his face, holding a piece of advanced rune pyroxene that he had just drawn.

"Not bad. Not worse than the little stutterer's drawing!"

He put it down impatiently and pressed his hand on it.

'Strengthen into a large pyroxene, direction: effect enhancement. '

The thought flashed in his mind, and the black seal immediately responded.

A black line flew out from the back of his hand and instantly sank into the pyroxene.

Then, a mechanical sound sounded in his ears.

'Do you want to strengthen it into a large pyroxene? '

Yu Hong did not respond, but let go of his hand and stared at the advanced rune pyroxene.

The countdown above has appeared.

'2nd 19 minutes. '


Yu Hong slapped the ground hard.

"It's done!!"

He couldn't help but laugh happily.

"Sure enough, my guess is right!! Shortening the gap between before and after strengthening can shorten the strengthening time!"

One piece of big pyroxene every two days, the time is shortened by one third compared to the previous three days!

This means that he can strengthen more big pyroxene faster to ensure his own safety! He can also exchange for more supplies!

After the excitement, Yu Hong soon had a new idea.

"The time of big pyroxene is shortened, but as for the evil shadow. How strong is this thing, I don't know at all. What if the danger of the evil shadow is greater than I thought"

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