Desperate Night

Chapter 62 062 Method 2 (Xie Azai has no vitality leader)

"I just tried it casually on you." Li Runshan said calmly, "It seems that your suit is still very effective, so since you want to increase your efforts, I will do something real."

With his daughter in front of him, he couldn't give in.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and his left leg began to tremble slightly.

After testing the strength of the opponent's protective suit a few times, he knew that ordinary attacks were useless against the opponent. Even with ground skills, you have to be able to knock someone down first.

Therefore, the next step is to knock this guy down!

Puff puff!

In an instant, he rushed forward, lowered his body and kicked his opponent's knee hard.

With a bang, the opponent shook, and the force of the kick was instantly dispersed to the large surrounding protective panels.

The scattered force cannot shake the thick and wide steel boots at all.

‘Fuck! Such an exaggeration! ? ’ Li Runshan couldn’t understand that with his weight of more than two hundred kilograms, he rushed over and bumped into a mere knee, but the other side was just shaken? ?

‘Don’t be so exaggerated! ? ’ He felt that he might suffer a big loss this time.

Then, when he stepped back, he saw that the bottoms of Yu Hong's feet actually had thick spikes that were used to dig into the ground to fix himself! ?


Li Runshan felt that he didn't know what expression to use to deal with the scene in front of him.

How afraid are you of being knocked down? The weight of his lower body alone is estimated to be fifty pounds. What is the concept of fifty kilograms of body armor steel plate! ?

Generally speaking, normal body armor, even the largest heavy-duty version, weighs less than 20 kilograms for the whole body.

And he

The weight of my lower body alone is over fifty kilograms.

"Come again!!" Li Runshan's face in the helmet could no longer smile.

Next, he really plans to take action.

As a postman, and a postman stationed alone in a dangerous area, his strength is naturally not limited to what he just showed.

"What I use is the Milch fighting technique commonly used in the army. This fighting technique originally originated from abroad. It is a practical fighting technique created and fused by a small country when resisting external invaders. It mainly uses fast movement. The target is to reach the blind spot of the opponent's perspective and then hit the opponent's vital points. The attack is very ruthless and can easily cause disability, so it was introduced into our country as a practical combat technique. "

Li Runshan said simply.

"You can experience it first."

He really didn't intend to hold anything back this time, except for the one at the bottom of the box. This time he had to really show up in front of his daughter and maintain the glorious image of his father.

Immediately, he made a lunge and quickly moved around Yu Hong's side, hitting Yu Hong's waist with his elbow.


He circled very quickly again, and the knife fell on the side of Yu Hong's neck.


Circled again, he avoided the opponent's waving and fisting movements, and slapped Yu Hong's left chest with his palm.

"three times!"

Then he quickly backed away, standing still and panting slightly.

"Do you feel it? If it were used with a high-strength short knife, you would have died three times. If it were a firearm loaded with armor-piercing bullets, you would be a living target."

"Come again!" Yu Hong didn't talk nonsense. Isn't this why he came here to spend money on training? ?

Immediately, he took the initiative and rushed towards the opposite side step by step.

This training lasted for more than three hours. Until the sun sets in the west and the temperature becomes colder and colder.

Yu Hong constantly adapted to Li Runshan's style of fast movement and attacking key points.

In the face of the extremely powerful reinforced white bear suit, heavy attacks are no longer a problem. The key is balance and not falling to the ground. Once he falls to the ground, his opponent can use many external circumstances to defeat him.

In this way, under the power of the silver dollar, Yu Hong came to Li Runshan every day to train himself.

While practicing heavy leg skills, he kept sparring with Li Runshan, and then thought about how to deal with it. If I really couldn’t think of anything, I asked Li Runshan. Anyway, I paid the money.

Time passes day by day.

Yu Hong's response became more and more timely, and his subsequent actions became more and more consistent with Li Runshan's.

The strengthening of leg strength through heavy leg exercises also made his legs stronger and stronger, and the weight of the white bear suit became lighter and lighter in his opinion.

Even later, he gradually began to get used to lifting his legs when carrying weight. The legs are getting faster and faster, and they are more and more fierce. Once they touch, it will be devastating.

Later, even Li Runshan was unwilling to confront him head-on. Instead, choose other ways to deal with it.

Time passed day by day, and slowly, the warm current caused by Yu Hong's heavy leg exercise spread more and more throughout his body.

The transparent cuticles on his legs are getting thicker and thicker, and the strength of his legs is getting heavier and heavier. Moreover, the sixth inner Qi is naturally nourished and gathered in the lower abdomen.

soon. Two consecutive periods of upsurge have passed.

Yu Hong's physique has swelled a lot. Compared to the weakling he was at the beginning, he is now gradually starting to move closer to the attacker, the white python Guo Xudong.

The weight also reached over 160. This was measured by Li Runshan's scale.

Early morning hours.

In the courtyard of the post office stone house.

Li Runshan and Yu Hong sat opposite each other. Both of them wore thick bulletproof suits to avoid being attacked by third parties from the outside.

"Based on the specific details you described, I judge that the person who attacked you should also be a postman from the post office." Li Runshan leaned back on the chair with his legs crossed and analyzed lazily.

"His attack style is quite balanced, with heavy power and medium speed. His dodging method is military fighting technique, that is, Milch fighting technique. He slightly modified his attack method. Obviously, most of the places he hit you at the beginning were not vital points, and he had no intention of killing you. This means that his main purpose is to capture you."

"No, he kept hitting my vital points, including my head and chin." Yu Hong retorted.

"That's because he found that your protection was too thick, and he couldn't hit you without hitting your vital points, so he had to do it." Li Runshan smiled. "You have to know that he definitely has a gun. With the gunman's shooting skills, as long as he aims at the gap in your bulletproof suit and shoots two consecutive shots at the same position, you will definitely die."

"." Yu Hong was speechless.

"Are you training hard now to take revenge?" Li Runshan asked again.

"I have this idea." Yu Hong did not hide it, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Suggestions, I just want to ask you one thing. It must take a long time for you to go out for revenge alone? How can you guarantee your food, drink and accommodation?" Li Runshan asked with a smile.

"Bring a portable bag, prepare things for a certain period of time, and return after eating." Yu Hong answered.

"Do you know who sent them? Do you know where they are now? Do you know how many people they are? Do they have heavy weapons?" Li Runshan asked again.

". Indeed, I don't know." Yu Hong shook his head. "But. Am I not here?" He looked up at Li Runshan.

"What do you mean?" Li Runshan opened his eyes wide, "You actually want me to help you get intelligence? And you want to use this intelligence to commit a crime!?"

"How about it? Do you want to do it?" Yu Hong asked without moving his face.

"You are forcing me to make a mistake!!" Li Runshan stood up.

"Twenty talisman arrays." Yu Hong said calmly.

"I am alone and have to take care of a child. You have to understand my difficulties!" Li Runshan shouted.

"Add twenty more anti-inflammatory drugs." Yu Hong added.

"Deal!" Li Runshan quickly agreed. He had tried the anti-inflammatory drugs produced by Yu Hong once before, and the effect was very good. It was very popular when he took it to trade with the supply team. At a time when medicines are scarce, it is a good hard currency and the price is not bad. If you are lucky, twenty pieces are equivalent to two silver dollars.

"I will send a letter to other colleagues in the post office immediately. From your description, the man should have come from the nearest Baihe City. After all, it is not realistic to walk to other farther Hope City. From the sundries you took out, he should have been a postman before, and was later fired and became a mercenary. In addition, with this level of skills and the size you described, it should not be difficult to find him. Such people are generally not unknown people." Li Runshan said quickly.

"Well! This matter depends on you." Yu Hong said seriously.

"No problem, to be honest, your current technology has begun to attract a lot of flies and bedbugs. Have you ever thought about paying a price to protect yourself?" Li Runshan's face in the helmet showed a subtle smile again.

"What do you mean?" Yu Hong understood a little.

"In this world, you can't accomplish anything by yourself. So, you need a group of bodyguards who are dedicated to protecting your safety." Li Runshan said with a smile, "You know, although our post office is huge and has many experts, there will always be some people who resign for various reasons. So, with your skills and financial resources, I suggest that you hire some people to ensure your safety. At the same time, with security, you can hire people to produce food and so on, divide the work and cooperate, and build a small outdoor village base."

"I have to think about it," Yu Hong hesitated, because what the other party said made sense.

"Just like now, if you go out for revenge alone, the safe house you worked hard to build may be occupied by others. How long can a door lock prevent it? But if you have someone around to help you watch, or you simply hire someone to go out for revenge, and stay in the safe cave, eat, drink and sleep, then life, isn't it much better than your current life?" Li Runshan whispered temptingly.

"What about you?" Yu Hong pondered for a moment and asked, "Aren't you tempted? If you can get the technology of pyroxene from me, wouldn't you be tempted?"

"The post office has regulations that do not allow us to intervene. And once this behavior is discovered, I will lose my job immediately and may be hunted down. Although it is a chaotic period now, the people above are still trying to maintain the last bottom line and the last order." Li Runshan replied.

"Of course, another reason is that I feel that you have great potential. The purification technology of pyroxene is actually available in Aurora City, but it only requires large-scale machines to refine it, and the cost is not much higher than yours. The reason why it didn't affect you is that your output is too low, the demand market for pyroxene is too large, and the distance is too far. But if I want to take risks for this technology, forget it."

He smiled.

"What we really need to deal with now is not making money, but other things. The black disaster will be strengthened every year, and there are more and more ghosts. No matter how much money you make, you have to live to spend it."

Yu Hong somewhat understood the other party's mentality.

"Are you trying to invest in me?"

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