Desperate Night

Chapter 90 090 Test 2

The cave safe house.

Wei Shanshan carefully pulled up her pants, looked around, and shyly pushed some soil down with her feet to cover the excrement in the pit.

Sighing, she returned to the cabin and looked at her mother, who was lying on her side to rest. She felt much more peaceful than before.

"Mom, that protein bar just now was amazing. After eating one, I wasn't hungry at all."

"." Qiu Yanxi turned her face sideways and looked at Wei Shanshan with a strange look. She was lying down, lying on the smelly quilt, looking at her daughter from below. This posture and eyes suddenly made Wei Shanshan feel strange.

"What's wrong?" Wei Shanshan asked softly.

"Shanshan, tell me the truth, did you sleep with that person named Yu?" Qiu Yanxi's eyes flashed with pain, but she still tried to keep her tone calm.

"Don't be afraid. Just go to sleep. At this time, it's because Dad and I protected you so well before. It's not a big deal. Don't take it too seriously."

She recalled what she had seen before. When she was escaping from the academy, she met a wealthy family on the way. The daughter who was treated like a eldest lady in the family exchanged her body for some food for her father, but was beaten, scolded and humiliated. In the end, the daughter left in tears. He jumped from a high place and died on the spot.

She doesn't want her daughter to be like this.

As long as people are alive, there is hope for everything.

"No." Wei Shanshan's face turned red and she lowered her head. "My family didn't like me, but as soon as they heard about my father's position, they..."

She thought her mother would be much relieved after hearing this. But unexpectedly, Qiu Yanxi's face became more serious after hearing this.

"At this time, when there is no restraint, he can actually suppress his nature and not indulge his desires. This person... this Mr. Yu seems to be a very self-disciplined and even scary person." Qiu Yanxi said solemnly.

"Mom, what are you worried about? Isn't this better? The more powerful Mr. Yu is, the safer we will be." Wei Shanshan didn't understand.

"It's fine if the reward your dad gives can satisfy him, but if it's not what he wants, we will be worthless to him." Qiu Yanxi shook her head, "In this way, if he really has thoughts about you, I would feel more at ease."

"Mom, what are you talking about!?" Wei Shanshan was suddenly confused.

"Don't mention this, let me ask you, did you see those luminous grasses in the yard last night? They can actually act as sunlight materials, preventing the blood from outside from coming in. Moreover, we are here After staying for so long, have you heard the deceit of the shadows? Didn't they make any sound? "Qiu Yanxi took the medicine, and her mental and physical strength recovered a lot, and her thinking became clearer.

"Do you understand what this means?" She looked at her daughter with a strange expression.

"Hmm. If dad can get some samples of these grasses, maybe he can study something." Wei Shanshan nodded. She also understands the value.

"This Mr. Yu is not simple. He can survive in such an environment in the wild, live without worries about food and clothing, and ensure his own safety. He definitely has a hidden secret card. Those glowing grasses, behind which the blood tide can avoid The reason should be his support," Qiu Yanxi said in a low voice.

"But what does this have to do with us?" Wei Shanshan asked doubtfully. "Can we just wait for the response team to arrive?"

"Silly daughter, do you really think we will be completely safe when we get to your dad's place?" Qiu Yanxi smiled bitterly and rubbed her daughter's face. "Your dad is just the deputy director in charge of a city research institute, or one of three deputy directors. His authority status is not at the level of the director or even higher. But if we can get it from Mr. Yu The secret he used to circumvent the blood tide was given to your father for further research, at that time."

"We can continue to trade with Mr. Yu and see if he is willing to change." Wei Shanshan's face lit up when she heard this.

"What does he want from us? Your father sounds like a deputy director, but in fact he has no resource authority at all. The intelligence he provided before is all he can provide remote support." Qiu Yanxi shook his head.

"Then what should we do?" Wei Shanshan also became distressed. She had just seen a hope, but suddenly didn't know how to get it. This feeling made her quite uncomfortable.

"Let's observe first, don't worry. I'll think of a solution." A sharp look flashed in Qiu Yanxi's eyes.

"Try to ask him what he wants first. If that doesn't work, then think of other ways."

Click, click.

At this time, there were sounds of footsteps trampling on dead leaves outside.

The footsteps were heavy and powerful, clearly reflecting Hong's marching style.

With a creak, the wooden door of the courtyard wall opened, and Yu Hong walked in holding a stick.

When passing by the wooden house, he glanced at the wooden door and saw through the crack that the mother and daughter were still inside. He walked to the cave entrance with relief and was about to open the door.

"Mr. Yu, please wait. I have something to communicate with you." Qiu Yanxi's voice came from behind.

The voice was sincere. After the wooden door opened, the woman leaned on her daughter's support and stood at the door looking this way.

Yu Hong turned around and looked at the other party again.

This woman in her late 30s and early 40s had taken good care of herself. After tidying up, she actually looked like she was in her late twenties. Standing next to my daughter, I feel like a sister.

Especially her figure, which is much hotter than that of her daughter Wei Shanshan, with protuberance and protrusion that even sportswear cannot cover.

"Is something wrong?" Yu Hong looked back and said calmly.

"That's right. I want to ask, how do you avoid the blood tide of insects outside in your yard? Can you trade this method with us?" Qiu Yanxi said sincerely. "The situation outside is getting worse and worse, and the output of the Sunshine series materials is extremely low. If there is an additional second method, I don't know how many people can be saved. Your momentary kindness may change the lives of countless people. "

"What can you give me in exchange?" Yu Hong asked directly, "I can share this method, but what is the reward?"

He can indeed share the pyroxene grass to curb the increasingly bad situation outside.

But in fact, he personally feels that it is of little use because the pyroxene grass is too easily damaged. Without inner energy, growth would be accelerated and the species would be exterminated in just a few strokes.

When an evil shadow came before, it completely destroyed 90% of it, leaving only a few peripheral seedlings, which it finally recovered with great difficulty.

In other words, this thing has an upper limit. Once it exceeds the upper limit, it cannot be recovered and will be destroyed instantly. It has great flaws.

"Remuneration. We can compensate it with materials. We can pay it when the response team comes. In addition, you can also go to Hope City with us. After entering the city, we can arrange a good job for you." Qiu Yanxi said sincerely road.

"Materials." Yu Hong was noncommittal. "Let's talk about it. The problem now is not that there are not enough sunlight materials, but that the black disaster cannot be completely eliminated. It is dispersed and quickly recovered. In this case, no matter how many substitutes for sunlight materials, they are of little use."

"Mr. Yu can talk to my husband. He is also engaged in scientific research in this field. We will definitely have a lot in common. When the time comes to join the research institute, the treatment will be much better than that of ordinary people. It is better than suffering alone in the wilderness. Okay." Qiu Yanxi persuaded.

"Let's wait until the response team arrives. You can't make any promises now." Yu Hong interrupted her rudely, turned around and opened the door and went in.

Qiu Yanxi watched helplessly as the heavy wooden door closed and patted her daughter's arm.

"This man is definitely a powerful person. His suit seems to be the gray lizard suit on the market, but the style is much thicker and more high-end. In addition, he can take out special anti-inflammatory drugs and protein bars. If he can protect us all the way back, Security will definitely be great.”

".Mom, what should we do next?" Wei Shanshan asked confusedly.

"There's no rush, there's still time, think about it first." Qiu Yanxi shook her head.


The wooden door is locked.

Yu Hong quickly took off his suit and took a breath of fresh air. Then he sat on the wooden bench and took out the new runes he had just copied.

The vortex talisman is only about the size of an egg, but his copying is definitely not as small as his ability. The copied talisman pattern is as big as a grapefruit.

Yu Hong moved the things away from the wooden table, placed the copy paper flat on the table, and then copied the second copy with charcoal pen.

After copying it and looking at the communicator that was still being strengthened, he simply fell down and took a nap to replenish his energy.

When I woke up, it was starting to get dark outside, and the communicator had been strengthened.

Yu Hong sat up, took the second copy of the rune pattern, then stretched out his hand to press it on, and recited silently.

‘Strengthen the talisman array, direction: dispel the shadows. ’

He randomly set a direction, and then watched the black lines flow out of the black seal and merge into the runes.

‘Incompleteness is insufficient. ’


Yu Hong had a smile on his face.

This is his purpose. Use the black seal to judge in disguise what the rune is used for.

‘The basic conditions for strengthening the black seal are the most basic components that must be met. If you take a random stone and want to strengthen it into a pyroxene, it is simply impossible. Because ordinary stones have no function of dispelling ghost shadows. ’

‘The effect of the black mark is to strengthen, evolve and upgrade. It's synthetic. But it is not something created out of nothing without a foundation. ’

Yu Hong has used the black seal for so long and already has a deep understanding of it in his heart.

‘In other words, as long as I keep trying to strengthen the function, being rejected means that it is not this function, and I will change it again immediately until the black seal admits that it can be strengthened. ’

‘The function that can be enhanced in the end must be the true function of this vortex rune! ’

Looking at the unfamiliar talisman in front of him, he continued to silently strengthen it.

‘Strengthening runes, direction: positioning, perception. ’

Black lines flow out.

‘Incompleteness is insufficient. ’

‘Strengthening runes, direction: attack, damage. ’

‘Incompleteness is insufficient. ’

Tried again and again and received feedback again and again, but the completeness was always insufficient.

Yu Hong kept trying with great patience.

Time passed slowly, and gradually, he tried almost every direction he could think of.

What is available is still insufficient in completeness.

This made him frown gradually.

‘Is this talisman really useless at all? ’ He was confused.

‘It doesn’t matter, there is another way’

In addition to strengthening, the black seal also has a synthesis function.

Yu Hong picked up the white paper, placed it on a piece of ordinary pyroxene with runes, then stretched out his hand to press it and recited silently.

Directly combine this rune with other things to obtain the synthesized item, and compare the difference before and after, and you can also determine the approximate effect of this rune.

It’s just that this process is slower and not necessarily complete.

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