Desperate Night

Chapter 97 097 Strength 1

As the wooden door opens.

Yu Hong walked out of it wearing a thick reinforced white bear suit.

"Old Li, what can't you say on the communicator? Do you have to come here?" He frowned and looked at the two people behind Li Runshan.

"I'm short of talisman arrays to decorate the secret room. You can help me get more. The reward is good!" Li Runshan said quickly.

"How much?"

"At least thirty yuan."

"You can't get it out in a short time, you have to wait four days." Yu Hong shook his head, "Except for what I need, I can only give you twenty-two yuan. And ordinary pyroxene can also be used as a secret room, why don't you go to the mining area? ?”

"A small group of people went and didn't come back." The second person behind Li Runshan said, "Can I ask Mr. Yu if there are any special items that can avoid multi-eyed birds? If so, we can pay a high price Buy!"

"Special item? Multi-eyed bird?" The face under Yu Hong's helmet was slightly stunned.

"Mr. Yu must also know that the team we protect are all family members of high-level members of the coalition. If we can provide help at the critical moment, the benefits gained by then will definitely not be comparable to this small contribution now." The man continued. . "All kinds of weapons, equipment, and supplies can be obtained with a little internal mobilization of the coalition forces."

"Very good conditions" Yu Hong is really moved. If he really has such a thing, he will definitely be willing to change it.

"But I don't have anything like that here. What a pity."

"Mr. Yu, don't you believe it?" The second person continued. "Actually, at this time, the nobles in the first team are our last life-saving straw. If something happens to them, and the superiors are furious, not only will the response team not come, but we will also be cleaned remotely together with the monsters. Mr. Yu maybe I don’t know the current state of the senior generals of the Union Army. Human life is just a number in their eyes. If we cannot protect important people, everyone present will die. "

"What does it have to do with me?" Yu Hong didn't believe it. "I'm not from your team. Even if they are angry, they won't come to me."

"Adults don't have time to investigate these details. Our lives are not worth the risk of the rescue team running so far. And if you don't save yourself, you will naturally be implicated as well. In the final analysis, because of the fact that we are gathered together now, Together, we are all grasshoppers on a rope." The second person said solemnly.

"What's your name?" Yu Hong laughed at this man's strong words.

"Ge Shenghao. Mr. Yu, you don't believe it?" Ge Shenghao said lightly. "I don't deny it. We also want to live. Now that we know you have a way to avoid the multi-eyed birds, what do you think the rest of us will do? Should we stay where we are and wait for death? Or should we make other choices?"

Yu Hong fell silent for a moment.

This is a veiled threat.

He looked at Li Runshan. The guy shook his head slightly at him, indicating that he would cooperate.

Yu Hong also didn't want to mess up with the reception team. If people really came, he would have a lot of things he needed to exchange with them. If the official relationship is completely broken, many subsequent items will not be available from the post office.

"I really want to cooperate with you, but unfortunately, I really don't have any way to avoid the multi-eyed birds." Yu Hong spoke again.

Hearing these words, Ge Shenghao and the two men's expressions froze. They didn't expect that he would still reply like this.

The third person looked cold and wanted to step forward and draw his gun, but was stopped by Ge Shenghao with one hand.

"Since everything has been said, it seems that Mr. Yu really has no solution. In this case, let's not talk about this. Mr. Yu should be able to supply more talisman arrays or large pyroxenes, right?"

"What do you want in exchange?" Yu Hong asked.

"We have a lot of clothing, equipment, bedding, diesel, gasoline, medicine, etc. here. What do you want?" Ge Shenghao asked.

Yu Hong thought for a moment and realized that this group of people was rich in things, and they deserved to have escaped from the supply team.

"Do you have an oxygen concentrator?" He quickly thought of what he might need.

"Oxygen generators are naturally available. These days, underground safe houses must prepare this. However, the oxygen generator is not the key. The key is to have a continuous supply of oxygen-generating materials. What is commonly used now is the electrolytic oxygen generator, which requires a continuous supply. The electrolyte also requires a high-performance water filter, and the water required for oxygen production is preferably pure water so as not to damage the machine." Ge Shenghao explained sincerely.

"So the oxygen generator needs three things: water, electricity, and electrolytes?" Yu Hong asked with a frown.

"More than that, this thing has relatively high safety requirements. The hydrogen separated after electrolysis can easily ignite and explode, so you must pay attention to safety hazards even if you get an oxygen concentrator by yourself." Ge Shenghao answered.

"I just need this, how can I change it?" Yu Hong asked.

"We had quite a few before, but most of them were damaged on the road. Now we still have three. I can give you one, and I can give you ten kilograms of electrolyte, which is enough for a long time. All these together will give you thirty Block Talisman Array, is it okay?" Ge Shenghao said.

"Twenty yuan, I don't have more than that." Yu Hong shook his head.

"Deal." Ge Shenghao didn't bother. Now the multi-eyed bird might attack again at any time. They must complete the exchange as soon as possible and then return to the basement of the post office.

"Bring the machine first, I can give you the talisman array at any time." Yu Hong continued.

"I'll get it!" The third person turned around and left without saying a word, quickly disappearing into the mist.

Taking advantage of this time, Yu Hong asked the question he had just asked.

"Can I ask, how did you fight off the multi-eyed birds just now?"

"A single soldier automatically tracked the micro-missile and fired five of them." Ge Shenghao sighed.

"Three people died just like this. The second team and the third team are all gone." Li Runshan sighed at the side. Too many people have died these days

If he died in a fight like a soldier, he wouldn't be so emotional, but he was slaughtered alive and without any resistance.

"As far as I know, although the multi-eyed bird is very strong, it can't even blow up missiles, right?" Yu Hong frowned.

"It can explode, but because of the fog cover, when the multi-eyed bird is discovered, it is already very close, and the missile cannot lock on in time. The distance is too short and it cannot even turn. It can only be fired in a straight line." Ge Shenghao answered. "And if you launch it too close, you won't kill the multi-eyed birds, but you will blow up your own people."

Yu Hong imagined that kind of dilemma and became a little silent. He paused and then asked about the situation and status of this group of people. Have a casual chat with the other person.

After a while, the man who went back to get the oxygen concentrator brought two people over, both holding things in their hands.

It was a square machine with a gray and white shell. A black power cord was dragged under the buttocks, and a plastic thing like a breathing valve was connected to one side. It was probably used for oxygen inhalation.

In addition to the machine, there is also a large bag of salt-like particles contained in plastic bags.

Without saying much, Yu Hong quickly went back and took out twenty talisman arrays and placed them on the ground outside the yard.

The other party is also placed on the ground, and the two sides exchange each other.

After getting the talisman array, Ge Shenghao and the two said nothing more, took their things and turned around to leave.

Li Runshan glanced at Yu Hong twice, winked at him, and then left.

After a while, the three people's figures disappeared into the mist and disappeared.

Yu Hong didn't understand what Li Runshan's eyes meant, but he didn't bother to pay too much attention to it, picked up the oxygen concentrator and returned to the cave.

About to close the door.

Suddenly Qiu Yanxi's voice came from behind.

"Mr. Yu, can you please help us find a place to hide? As long as the strange bird touches the house a little bit, we will all..."

The woman was standing in the yard with her daughter, looking as if she was crying.

"Wait a minute." Yu Hong thought for a moment. Putting these two people directly in the yard was indeed a problem.

He entered the door and returned to the safe house, and checked the two basements on the left and one on the right. The newly created basement was closer to the outer wall.

‘It would be nice to temporarily convert one of the basement spaces into a guest room. It's just that the gate is difficult to deal with. You can't strengthen the two gates, which will seriously slow down the progress of the Black Seal. ’

Mother and daughter Qiu Yanxi are still very important, related to energy issues.

After thinking about it, Yu Hong suddenly thought of something.

‘I can definitely dig a small rock hole from the outside. It doesn’t need to be big, as long as the two people can go in and hide and sleep. There is no need to meet my own standards. ’

Thinking of this, he quickly took out his tools, opened the door and went out.

boom! !

He only took two steps and stood outside the door.

There was a violent explosion in the distance from the post office.

Fiery flames shot into the sky from that direction.

Yu Hong frowned, a little worried about Li Runshan and Aisenna, but they were far away, and he didn't dare to rush over if the strange bird might appear.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, he looked far away in the direction of the flames. He paused for a while, looked no further, and quickly began to dig the hole shape he needed on an empty mountain wall.

Since the two of them only needed to sleep in it, Yu Hong only dug a small long strip hole two meters deep, one meter wide and one meter high. A stone was used as the door in the opening, leaving only a gap as a ventilation hole.

With his strength and endurance at this time, the whole process only took ten minutes.

"If you don't want to sleep in the wooden house, you can sleep here." Yu Hong pointed to the hole and explained.

"." Qiu Yanxi and her daughter looked at the hole speechlessly. If wrapped in a pyroxene blanket, it would be just enough for the two of them to squeeze in.

They didn't expect Yu Hong to do this.

Yu Hongke didn't care what the two of them thought. After solving the problem, he returned to the safe house. He picked up the reinforced pistol that he had replenished before. After the black seal was strengthened and replenished, the pistol bullets had been refilled during this period.

This thing gave him a lot of help, but it was another one. He had been using the mace he was used to, but he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

In the room, Yu Hong listened to the constant explosions coming from the direction of the post office, lifted the mace with one hand, and recalled the advice Li Runshan had given him before.

‘Is it true that the weapon needs to be strengthened with the meteor hammer? ’ There was a look of thought on his face.

‘A simple bolas is not easy to use, and I don’t know how to use it. Against a monster like a multi-eyed bird, it’s best to catch it firmly with one hit, and then do more damage. ’

‘So what kind of weapon can do this? ’ Soon, a special structural weapon appeared in Yu Hong’s mind.

After taking a look at the mysterious whirlpool talisman that he just discovered, he decided to strengthen his weapon first. Now the multi-eyed bird may appear again at any time. There is definitely more than one multi-eyed bird out there. If the strength of the whirlpool talisman is not improved as soon as possible to repel the opponent, the whirlpool talisman will No matter how good the tattoo is, there is no chance of using it.

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