Destiny Dominates

: Notices and testimonials about listing

When you see the title, you should know what to say next to the wasteland. The background of the wasteland has been notified. The book will be officially launched after 12 o'clock tomorrow-after 53 days of gestation and growth, "Shen Yun Xian Wang 》 Finally entered the VIP stage. According to the agreement with everyone before, the wasteland will set the update time after twelve o'clock, twenty chapters.

After the notice, let me say a few words. The mood of wasteland development is very helpless now. This is because the result of this time is very bad. The collection has been less than 16,000 so far, which is the worst of all eight books except the eight wasteland. Therefore, the wasteland has already predicted what kind of situation will be the subscription tomorrow, "Shen Yun Xian Wang" is likely to pounce! But the only thing that can be done in the wasteland now is to struggle a bit before the bashing and ask for your help. I hope everyone can subscribe to this book as much as possible, and give a little more monthly tickets to the wasteland.

Everyone who is familiar with the wasteland knows that the wasteland will not give the title of the book, and is not very good at writing the content introduction, but the book is still well written and wonderful, and the more beautiful the later. Now that the fortune-telling of "Shen Yun Xian Wang" has been laid, the next is the content of continuous climax.

The wasteland is good at setting and good at building the world. Only when the context of this world is well structured can we write wonderful content. Therefore, the writing style of the wasteland is always slow and hot, and it usually takes only 200,000 words to be exciting. And after the shelves, the wasteland guarantees that everyone will be HIGH.

Let's talk about the comments in the recent book review area. Some fans said that you have written a good fantasy, and why did you switch to the fantasy channel? Why not rewrite the evil emperor and the continuation of Shenhuang?

This reason is that both the evil emperor and the **** Huang have been sealed off, and the wasteland is now in a state of ignorance. I do n’t know what the situation is. Especially for Shenhuang, apart from writing a little Huang Wen, who wiped the ball, there was nothing special about it.

The second reason is that the fantasy competition is low, how to say? The poor renewal volume of the wasteland really couldn't compete with the great gods who changed 500,000 or 600,000 words in those months, so they had to hide in fantasy.

The third is that the wasteland likes to try different backgrounds and different elements. Although the overall story is roughly a new bottle of old wine, the wasteland still tries to bring you a new fantasy world and a new experience. And this "Shen Yun Xian Wang", like several other books, was written by all his enthusiasm and all energy to open up wasteland, and I believe that "Shen Yun Xian Wang" can bring you a new impression.

Then there are all the book lovers who like to read fantasy books. This "Shen Yun Xian Wang" of Kaihuang may not meet your appetite and expectations, and there are some childish content, but why would you give Kaiye a little support?

Has written very few Western fantasy books, but I think if there are more people subscribing, it will attract more excellent gods and platinum to write such books.

Okay, so much of the wasteland whispering, I guess everyone is annoying. The wasteland development here is extremely sincere. Thank you to those readers who have been giving support to the wasteland reward and recommendation tickets for 53 days. Thank you! (Khan! I hope the ticket will not be cut by the waist after being put on the shelves tomorrow)

The wasteland also thanks the editor-in-chief of Enlightenment and Xuanwu Da of the fantasy editing team. During this time, the recommendation of "Shenyun Xianwang" has not been broken. It is precisely because of the efforts of the editors that the "Shenyun Xianwang" has been able to make more changes. Many readers meet.

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