Destiny Dominates

Chapter 187: the host

? PS: It's just 2 more today, and I didn't reply if my hand is crippled. I will make up 4 or 5 tomorrow.


At twelve noon, the magic tide in the chemical plant had calmed down, and everyone in the plant had spontaneously packed up and cleaned up all the traces inside.

At this time, we can see the great damage to the surrounding environment from the "Daiwan Dafa Rejuvenation Dafa". At this time, the concrete floor that was two meters thick under the plant was completely decayed and shattered to the point of being caught.

——This is not caused by pressure, but the magical energy contained in the cement is forcibly drawn by the formation.

The ground below has also been exhausted, which will affect the surrounding area of ​​three kilometers in diameter. For a long time after this, there will be no grass in the vicinity.

"BOSS, this is the ring left by the filmmaker. I think this ruby ​​should be the so-called blood crown stone."

Li Tailai came to Li Mochen with a few relics from the magical shadow actor: "There is also this pistol, which was modified from the 14th-level 'Despair Gaze'."

Li Mochen glanced at these things, and then looked at Sampson Brut: "Sampson, you pick it first, I would like to thank you. If it weren't for your previous shot, I'm definitely not hurt this time. I have to say that your marksmanship is very good. The 15S evaluation somewhat underestimates you. "

"That's just luck."

Sampson shook his head and singled out the ‘desperate gaze’ from those loot: “I ’m just betting on our luck, let me come for the second time, I ca n’t do it. 35xs”

He has noticed that Li Mochen only mentioned the phrase ‘certainly the injury is not bad’. Obviously at the time, his boss was still in a state of spare energy.

Li Mochen heard that there was no hint of humility in this speech. The former lieutenant colonel obviously thought so in his heart.

Li Mochen knew that most of this was because of his wish for the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda". If it were n’t for Sampson ’s gun today, he would n’t want to complete this ‘swallowing the sky and refining the essence to regenerate the Dafa’ so smoothly.

"But if you don't have the best shooting skills, can't you bet your luck?"

As Li Mochen spoke, he threw the blood crown stone ring to Kermit Collins.

The blood crown stone is derived from the blood clan, and it is the energy crystal left behind by the blood clan of the 20th level and above.

The blood crown stone on this ring is up to level 19. After special processing, it can generate a layer of blood-borne armor. This thing is very powerful, but the magical shadow actor can use this thing to fight against the bombardment of dozens of people inside the plant for a few seconds!

However, this is a disposable consumable, and there are not many residual blood sources in it. After using it, it may be able to withstand the attack of the same level as before for a period of five or six seconds.

This thing is just right for Kermit Collins. This is one of the ten people who can be promoted to a professional level today. For a mad warrior who has not yet mastered the 'source armor', this thing is just right. As a transition.

Then Li Mochen threw the remaining two scrolls to Zhang Wei.

Several of Zhang Wei's men contributed the least in the battle with the magical shadow-player, but Li Mochen could not help but express it.

"You shame me, BOSS."

Although Zhang Wei said so, he still accepted the two fifteen magic scrolls. He knew that Li Mochen didn't care about them.

"Actually, it ’s up to me to thank you. It ’s hard to imagine that I ’m already forty-seven years old, and I can still break through the fourteenth level. Now my physical condition is also great. Your secret method, it helped me. Fixed some dark wounds in the body, as well as losses. "

When any magical professional approaches the age of fifty, qi and blood will gradually weaken. Although they are far more advanced than Eastern practitioners, their bodies will be overwhelmed.

And the vitality that Li Mochen extracted from those monster materials yesterday was somewhat beneficial to them.

However, the price is also high. Zhang Wei saw that the various magic materials worth nearly 20 million were crushed into powder by the magic circle arranged by Li Mochen.

"If you really thank me, then help me handle the follow-up recruitment work and the integration of the security team. The Rising Sun company needs to have the defense capabilities as quickly as possible, but I am afraid that I will not have much time to take care of this in the next few days. Thing. I believe your ability, Zhang, and Sampson, you are the same— "

Li Mochen's eyes fixed on Sampson Blut: "Remember that you told me before, just give you 36 hours, can it be done?"

"of course!"

Sampson Blut has no embarrassment: "After thirty-six hours, I guarantee that my fourteen combat teams and myself will be able to fight, and will not let you boss after the early hours of Wednesday. Alone."

"Then please!"

Li Mochen had brought the yin and yang life and death mirror buried under his feet back into his hands, and then walked to Howard Eisenhower.

"You're not honest, Mr. Eisenhower, did you plan to watch me die just now?"

"Why do you say that?"

Howard Eisenhower looked innocent and dazed: "You see, I was doing my best to heal at that time."

At this time, his face had been restored to ruddy, and the scent of decay that had emanated from his body had disappeared. This injury has obviously recovered a lot. It may even reach the point where it was restored to its original state.

"You are quibbling, Mr. Eisenhower."

Li Mochen shook his head: "Before that, the only thing that noticed his existence was you, right? You were powerless at that time. You can still tell it in advance. Mr. Eisenhower, do you think I can be tricked by you? "

Eisenhower frowned: "If you must think so in BOSS, then you should come up with evidence ~ ~ It's not just guessing--"

But just as Eisenhower hadn't finished speaking, his body suddenly twitched violently, and he didn't consciously howl.

Then the sound lasted for three minutes, and the whole person was constantly trembling. In the end, he even fell down to hit the ground with his head, and seemed to wish to smash his head.

This situation makes everyone around us look at each other in horror.

They believe that Howard Eisenhower, as a 17th-level marksman, should be very strong in terms of willpower.

But what kind of pain can make this pain to this extent.

It wasn't until Eisenhower's clothes were soaked in cold sweat that Li Mochen stopped the right-handed spirited decision. He leaned over and looked at Eisenhower who was breathing heavily.

"Sir Eye of the Sky, I think you made a mistake? If I doubt you, I do n’t need any evidence. So remember, if you do n’t want to experience all of what you have experienced today, or those more painful things, please Must remember today ’s lesson OK? "

Eisenhower's lips were covered with blood, which was the injury caused by his nearly crushed teeth. The man stared at Li Mochen, then replied in a voice from his throat: "I remember, Mr. Wiltonstein! You are a demon."

"Wow, this is a very serious accusation."

Li Mochen helped the other person to adjust the collar: "I asked myself to be a fair owner, as long as you make enough contributions, I will not be stingy with rewards. But if you must treat me as a demon, then I I want to say, thanks for the praise! "

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