Destiny Dominates

Chapter 191: launch

? "Is BOSS you?"

Li Tailai looked at Li Mochen with a bit of temptation, after all, before this, in this cold armor, there was only a body without any spiritual knowledge. 35xs

"it's me."

When Li Mochen spoke, he felt a tingling in his throat and chest. This was also due to his new vocal cords and lungs, which had not yet adapted to this world.

So next, he became more concise, and the words were like gold: "Explosive? Runestone?"

"We have prepared the C4 explosive, which is a total of two tons. There are twelve dark world runes. The Nathan people handed over to Sampson Blut, and then transferred to our hands."

Li Tailai understood Li Mochen's meaning.

"The structural drawing of the Craig Community Bank, they have already sent it. But that is the drawing before the rebuilding of the **** party, so we strengthened the blasting plan. In addition to the C4 explosives, we also purchased eight twelve A level of explosive magic crystal. Even if the **** party really made Craig Community Bank a fortress, we can break it. "

Li Mochen could not help raising an eyebrow: "Money?"

Blast Flame Magic Crystal is usually made of fire animal crystals, or elemental crystals, with a super high blasting point, each with a ton of TNT equivalent. But the price is also very expensive, up to 30,000 gold shields.

"I made my own claim and allocated 200,000 funds from the reserve funds."

Li Tailai explained: "Yesterday BOSS's secret technique saved us about 1.56 million gold shields. 35xs"

The main reason is that he and the Collinson brothers are preparing drugs to attack offenders. Originally, they expected to spend a minimum of more than 1 million.


Li Mochen nodded slightly, like Li Tailai's subordinates, must have a certain right to use funds.

"So the circle?"

"Two magic wizards borrowed from Brut are already set up, one in the dark world and one around the Craig community bank."

Li Tailai frowned slightly: "They said that the twelve dark world runestones could not pull the building to the dark world completely. They dragged it into the gap between the two worlds at most, forming a temporary space. This means The time we can use for action is very short, maybe only three to ten minutes, depending on the internal protection array of the Craig Community Bank, and our speed of action. In addition, the magic generated when they are deployed It can fluctuate and may alert the Blood Slayer at any time, so we have only completed the "Dimensional Trap Array" of the dark world. As for the part here, we must wait for twenty minutes before the start of the operation. "

At this time, Li Mochen was holding Wai Dan, manipulating 360 Zhou Tianxing swords flying out of the sword box behind him, doing various actions.

About a minute later, Li Mochen put away the sword tactics and let all the miniature flying swords return to the scabbard.

It is perfect. Although the organs of this body are in a fragile state at birth, the meridians that have been specially strengthened in the body are enough to carry all the strength of Waidan. 35xs

Then he manipulated all the flying swords very handily, almost to the extent of his arms.

‘Sun Moon Star Week Star Fighting Excalibur’ is exactly the sword that can make use of his strengths – since it ’s not as good as ‘quality’, then use ‘quantity’ to make up for it.

His ability to divide the mind and extraordinary sword skills can just push the power of this sword to the extreme.

"If everything is ready, let's get started."

Li Mochen had already got up and walked out of the door with great strides: "Notify the people below that they must pay attention to safety. Their purpose is not to cause much harm to the **** party, but to create chaos. Do you know?"


Li Tailai originally wanted to persuade him again. Craig Community Bank is the fundamental place of the **** party. With their current strength, even if the group of Sampson Blut is added, they may not be able to take it. under.

But after talking to his mouth, Li Tailai still took his mouth and turned to pick up the mobile phone beside him.

He understands Li Mochen ’s plan. If he ca n’t win the Craig Community Bank while the Blood Slayer has n’t really valued it, then it will be difficult for him to have a chance in the future. the key of.

This will also be a key point in determining the victory or defeat of this war, which can greatly weaken the war potential of the **** hands, so it is imperative.

And they are all ready to reach this point, in fact, they are already on the verge of having to send their arrows.


About fifteen minutes later, on East Rhine Street in Atlanta.

The senior police sergeant of the Eastern District Police, Sanders Diome, sat in the driver's seat of the police car, looking at the street in front of his face with a pale face. This supposedly peaceful and prosperous street was full of screaming and running people. The sound of guns from the front was endless. Sanders Diome has rich experience and knows that this is a powerful automatic rifle, and the number is more than three.

By the time their police car finally arrived at the scene of the incident, the sound of guns here had subsided for a long time. However, there were three more bodies on the street. Sanders Diome got out of the car and glanced, and found that they were all white men in suits with blood holes all over their bodies.

"It's all Italian, I guess it's a **** party."

Sanders' assistant put on gloves, leaned over to look at the body, and then pulled out a blood glove from one of the pockets.

"It looks like a gang vengeance, and their belongings are still there. Looking at this watch, it is a twelve-level protective equipment with at least 140,000 gold shields."

"They acted very quickly, very neatly, with a strong purpose. The car stopped and fired as soon as it stopped. There were two people on the scene who fled. They did not pursue, but drove away immediately after the shot."

"Ask eyewitnesses to find out what type of car it is as soon as possible. It is best if it has a license plate number. You must also apply to the police station, and UU reads to set up a card blocking location within five kilometers All the streets of the city. Also, check where the two people who have fled— "

Sanders was talking, and he only heard a loud bang. The loud knocking sound made him a tinnitus as a ninth-level magician.

Then Sanders looked at the direction of the explosion in a daze, and saw that there was a black smoke rising in the air.

"The explosion site is one block away. In this direction, is it the Chloe Nightclub? Wow—"

Sanders ’s assistant could not help but exclaim: "Is this a gang that has waged war against the **** party?"

Chloe Nightclub-that's one of the biggest nightclubs run by Blood Slayer.

"should be!"

Sanders Diam murmured, then walked to the police car by the street, and he heard an emergency call from the police car radio. He went to his car window and picked up the intercom, and then heard the voice of a female dispatcher inside.

"Car No. 21, Car No. 21, please hear back, there is a shooting in the south of Luolin Street, the two sides are fighting violently. After receiving the notice, please rush to the place of exchange as soon as possible-"

"Sorry, we were shooting at the Rhine Street. Three people have died here. We need to protect the scene and cannot leave."

After Sanders finished speaking, he asked curiously again: "Is the **** party over there attacked?"

There was silence for a while in the intercom before it uttered again: "Should it be? Since fifteen minutes ago, three explosions have occurred in the east of Atlanta, and two shootings have been determined to be related to the Blood Slayer.

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