Destiny Dominates

Chapter 207: Firelight

PS: Three more begging for monthly tickets!


"Still motivated."

Colin Damon asked coldly: "Someone you had a conflict with Antonio. Do you suspect that he hijacked your cousin Herrell Wiltonstein?"

"Is Antonio saying that?"

Li Mochen laughed, and believed in the professional ethics of the Cardinals' waiters. The contract signed by the Cardinals with them can also guarantee this.

So today's inquiry is obviously from the source.

"That's what happened, but then? You suspect that I have the motive to rob Craig Community Bank. Even so, can I go alone to rob? When it comes to Hairou, I would also like to ask the police, When can I find my cousin? As far as I know, the Bucksley City Police Department has handed over the missing case file to your FBI. "

"My colleagues are working hard."

Edmund Bedman was a little embarrassed, and then looked at Li Mochen with oppressive eyes: "You're pretending to be silly with me, Mr. Wiltonstein. According to what we know, just yesterday, you used the cardinals The human resources company recruits and buys horses. Just your Rising Sun company has recruited hundreds of people! "

"Mr. Bedman, are you treating my client as a suspect of Craig Community Bank?"

Mike Ross immediately caught his eyes: "I don't know if my client has recruited staff from the Cardinals Human Resources Company, but I think even if he did, there is no necessary connection between these two things!"

Li Mochen couldn't help but smile, this Rose lawyer was quite scary and full of momentum.

"Okay, Mike! I'm willing to explain this matter, to elaborate the doubts that this supervisor has about me. Yesterday I was recruiting magical professionals at Cardinal Human Resources, but this is due to the company's The security measures taken at the Damen store are reasonably legal and compliant. Is there anything wrong with this? Mr. Bedman? Or do you think I led these newly recruited employees to rob Craig Community Bank? "

"So Sampson Brut? This retired lieutenant colonel, is he working for you now?"

Mike Ross once again interjected: "What does this have to do with Craig Community Bank?"

Edmund Bedman's lips twitched: "According to the information we have, Mr. Sampson Blut has at least a dozen retired elite special forces around us. We think this Mr. Lieutenant Colonel has an implementation Robbery. "

"You are an unreasonable conjecture."

Li Mochen sneered: "Mr. Brut did apply for my butler, but we only contacted the first day. If you doubt, you can go and investigate his whereabouts yesterday."

Edmund Bedman smiled unhurriedly and asked, "So, Mr. Wiltonstein, Mr. Blutt's old department, are you hired right now?"

Li Mochen frowned, already feeling the trouble of this guy. But at this time, Mike Rose decisively intervened: "Enough! Mr. Wiltonstein, I don't think you need to answer this question."

He then looked at the other two: "Two, if you are only asking for information in private, to understand the situation, I think that my client is enough to answer the questions asked. He has no motivation or ability to carry out a robbery. If you want to go further, would you please provide evidence or apply for a permission order to assist in the investigation? "

"Let me ask the last one."

This time it was Colin Damon who said: "Mr. Wiltonstein, where was the case at the time of the incident? What are you doing?"

"I was at home then."

Li Mochen replied with a smile: "Although no one can prove it to me, I did meditation at home at that time. By the way, the unicorn apartment, the elevator, and the surveillance videos of various entrances and exits can help me prove this. At least I have n’t been out since noon. In addition, Mr. Carl Holden, Miss Angela Medici, more than an hour ago, they watched me walk down the second floor. ”

The two opposites looked at each other and then got up at the same time.

"So come here today, Mr. Wiltonstein. But before I leave, I have another sentence I want to tell you. Not an inquiry, you can use this sentence as a friendly reminder."

At this time, Edmund Bedman said: "The peace and stability of Atlanta is what all the people of Atlanta expect, and it is also strongly defended by all parties. Anyone who wants to destroy it will pay for it. The price. Don't you want to do this? Mr. Wiltonstein? "

"Of course, I also hope to see the stability and prosperity of Atlanta."

Li Mochen tasted red wine and responded calmly: "Let's talk about my cousin, Miss Herrell Wiltonstein, when will you come back to me? Is this your responsibility, Mr. Bedman? ? "

At this time, I wonder if it was a coincidence, a blazing fire burst out of the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, and then a wave of magic energy that could be sensed by ordinary people.

Colin Damon suddenly changed color slightly, and hurried to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the east direction with a dark eye.

The explosion site is happening in the East City area. Colin Damon judged this position as a building under construction by Antonio Construction Company.

It can be clearly seen from here that the tall building that has been built to the 22nd floor, 9.5 kilometers away, is a blazing fire, and the sky flames reflect the half of the sky.

I also walked to Edmund Bedman looking at the floor-to-ceiling window and could n’t help but sigh: “Mr. Wiltonstein, you ’re playing with fire. To be honest, I really do n’t think you can be in this war You win. And if you fail, do you know what the consequences are? Edwin Antonio ’s viciousness and power is beyond your imagination, and the Nathan military-industrial complex does have amazing power. It is a huge consortium that ranks ahead of Amerika. , But they may not be able to guarantee your personal safety. "

"I don't understand what you are talking about ~ ~ Li Mochen's eyes are blank:" You are evading my question, can you FBI find my cousin, right? . "

Edmund Bedman could not help being speechless, thinking that it would be impossible to talk anymore.


After repeatedly warning Li Mochen, the two government workers finally left.

At this moment, Li Mochen also walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the blazing fire at 9.5 kilometers away. He thought that Sampson Blut was so fast, how long he had left, he had already started, and it was the best target to start now,

"They didn't have any evidence of your crimes. They came here just to put pressure on you."

Mike Ross also walked to Li Mochen's side to look out, while providing his own professional advice.

But after this, he still squinted Li Mochen with some curiosity: "Craig Community Bank, this is really what you did Amo? E ~ forget it. You don't need to answer, I regret to ask this sentence."

This sentence was originally a violation, not to mention the answer in Mike Rose's heart.

Although this is very incredible, two months ago, the man beside him was only a dead parent, but a little boy who could only be bullied by Edwin Antonio,

"It's right not to ask,"

Li Mochen smiled and reminded: "Mike, I do n’t want to go there recently to know, maybe it ’s not safe."

"Of course, I understand!"

Mike Ross nodded. He knew that before the dust of the war between Li Mochen and Antonio was settled, this Dongcheng district would never lack fireworks and bullets.

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