Destiny Dominates

Chapter 209: Astrology

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"Very good, you tell me, he will act with Sampson Blut from now on, and follow the latter's instructions."

Li Mochen then spoke out and asked, "So what happened to the recruitment on your side?"

He let Sampson Blut expand the combat team yesterday. Naturally, Li Tailai will not miss. In comparison, the manpower of Li Tailai and the Collinson brothers is his heir, and is the most worthy of his trust.

It's just that these three haven't finished growing up yet, and Li Mochen can only invest a limited amount.

"We have contacted Southeast Asia, and it is estimated that 13 people can be recruited. Two extrajudicial persons and the rest are tenth-level magical professionals. Half of them are veterans of the counterattack against Annan. They have experienced the most brutal wars. They want Entering Amerika is more troublesome. I have already invested a lot of money to entrust a powerful snakehead operation, but it can take up to three days at the fastest. There is also the BOSS you want to publish, which I have passed to the major institutions in the underground world. This The two expenses are expected to cost five million gold shields. "

"The transaction with the Teutonic Cross has also been completed, and all the gold bricks were sold to them at 95% of the market price. According to your instructions from BOSS, we did not take the cash, but let them store it to the three left by Mr. Li. Secret accounts, two of which are at Swiss Union Bank and one at Swiss Bank Group. If you have time, you can go through the procedures of inheriting these accounts. Although we can also use them without barriers, there are still some hidden dangers. Yes, you can rest assured that this is a foreign bank, transactions that take place abroad do not require tax, and the bank will also keep your customer information and funds confidential. "

"In addition, we also bought about 7 million gold shields of materials, a total of-"

Li Mochen was hearing this, and suddenly looked slightly, feeling that the ‘Shenxiao Lingyun Zijin Tower’ behind him was shaking slightly. At the same time, a mysterious and mysterious induction emerged between my mind and mind. Both Yuanchen God within the sea of ​​meaning and the constellation within the Dantian, a few anomalies occurred.

He immediately understood what was happening. This was someone's whereabouts of astrology, parts of the divination dragon, and the target was designated to him.

Li Mochen was not surprised at all. After experiencing the Craig community bank robbery, the Van Derrick family will definitely be suspicious of him. If it weren't for him to be under the wing of the Nathan Sports Group now, it might be that the other party did not need divination, and just started to deal with him.

Therefore, another urgent matter for him now is to collect space materials and make the first space implement since his practice—

The three components of Longwei, although he has been hidden in the space of Qiankun Divine Seal. But if you want to be foolproof, you still have to make a space object with special functions that can suppress the spirit machine.


In the suburb of North City, inside the Van Derrick Manor, a few men of different ages in a reception room, surrounded by a strangely dressed woman with strange makeup or standing in front of the fire.

They all looked solemn, and even held their breath, fearing to alarm the latter.

Until a moment later, the woman woke up holding a crystal ball, and one of the oldest men immediately spoke out and asked, "Mrs. Brown, how is it? Is this Mr. Wiltonstein?"

"Judging from the results of astrology, it is not."

Mrs. Brown shook her head and looked slightly tired: "This directional divination result should be very accurate. The three Longwei parts are unlikely to be in his hands. I have done some deductions afterwards, all signs Pointed to the dark world. "

"Dark world? How could this be?"

One of them was very puzzled: "But our induction array had previously sensed Longwei's breath near Linden."

"That was a few days ago."

The elderly shook their heads: "Mrs. Brown is one of the best astrologers under the legend of our eastern Amerika, and there is not one of them! And as the lady said, there is very little possibility that the directional divination results will be wrong."

Mrs. Brown smiled dumbly: "Your compliment makes me very happy, but the word 'best' also makes me ashamed. As far as I know, Amerika beats me in astrology by five or six. You There is no need to trust my divination results too. You should know that sometimes astrology is very unreliable. Especially if the other party is lucky enough, or if it is an astrologer itself, the results are often distorted. So this does not change His suspicions are completely ruled out. "

"Of course! We will not stop paying attention to Andre Lee Wiltonstein. If it is possible, I think it is best to send someone to him. I feel that this young boy of Wiltonstein family will later It's not easy. "

"When it comes to sending people, isn't Uncle Derek going to visit the little guy's safe directly? I think he should have a result?"

"Derek has seen it a while ago. The safe is open and contains nothing but some personal belongings. It is worth mentioning that the Nathan Group is very concerned about the safety of the kid. The magical defense array in the room is almost It ’s the highest level, even legendary filmmakers like Derek have to wait for their security personnel to leave with the kid before they can enter ~ ~ The elders spread their hands: "So those things should really not be there In his hands. Apart from the unicorn apartment, the kid had no safer and better hiding place. "

"Actually, I thought that from the beginning, you wouldn't think that Craig Community Bank was his hand? A hairy kid? Dwight Payton behind him really needs to pay attention."

"I have done some investigations on this matter, and I think that if the forces employed by Andre Lee Wiltonstein at the Cardinals are all added up, they will be able to capture the Craig Building. But the problem is that Zhang Both Wei and Sampson Blut are at the headquarters of the Rising Sun company, and they also have a warehouse. They are recruiting staff for the kid, and they cannot be separated. "

"This matter no longer needs to be discussed. The Craig Community Bank robbery is so foggy that even the FBI's top magic hunters have not yet figured out the situation. Our current target is only Long Wei."

The elder is now seeing Rui Ze: "From now on, we have to tilt the next search focus to the dark world. Field, you will take people to the dark world today to construct a magic induction array. And Charlie, it ’s up to you to do Andre Lee Wiltonstein. Choose the right person next to him and stare him to death. Do you know what to do? "


It was the youngest of the people in the room, and he stood up on the sofa with a smile: "If you just arrange for someone to come under him, it's quite simple. But if you want to get in with him, this is nothing. Easy things, you have to give me some time. "

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