Destiny Dominates

Chapter 211: Donate

PS: The third is for monthly pass!


On the morning of Wednesday, Li Mochen received a call from Cadillan Jebson. Rising Sun employees quit in large numbers. At least one-third of the staff who were recruited and still training were lost, and even two of his fathers left. Veteran. There are also two decoration companies that have terminated their contracts.

Li Mochen had no choice but to do nothing about it, and he could only order Cadellen to continue to recruit people to fill the gap and hire a new decoration company.

The war between him and the **** hands is on the rise, in full swing. Although he is attacking all the properties of the Blood Slayer as much as he can, Antonio has spared no effort to attack him.

Only in the three days after the war, six of their stores were set ablaze, and the company headquarters and dormitory were also fired with machine guns. If it was not for the initial formation of the security forces chaired by Zhang Wei, and with the help of Dwight Payton, patrol officers would be invited to stay around these stores. Maybe two stores are now burned and the headquarters will also be washed.

The people of Antonio even tried to pay back their teeth and set fire to the dormitory in the north of the city on Monday night. Fortunately, Jamie Burt was aware of it in advance, and Sampson Blut, who was informed of the news for the first time, decisively went to support , Smashing the plot of the Blood Slayer.

Thanks to Randall Cadillac of the North District Police, Mr. Li Mochen, the chief inspector who met at the Angela reception, personally led a squadron of Tactics special weapons and tactics) to rush to the reinforcements and drive the gangsters back. .

But even so, Sampson Blut's men also suffered as many as seven casualties. The other party also has the conspiracy to rescue the enemy, and the siege to rescue, but missed the new inspector general of the North District Police. With the friendship of the reception, Dwight Payton's caress, this person's support for Li Mochen can be described as spared no effort.

Li Mochen was also unambiguous. On the same day, accompanied by Alyssa Tangerian, he donated 1.5 million golden shields to the North District Police Mutual Assistance Foundation of the North District Police Station, and then the campaign office of Inspector Richard Clare 3000 Golden Shield, 400,000 Golden Shield for the Atlanta North District Public Security Action Committee. Finally, the East District Police Department also invested 1.6 million gold shields, only slightly inferior to the North District.

In addition, under the guidance of Dwight Payton, Li Mochen also donated 115,000 gold shields to at least seven city councillors.

According to Amerika ’s Constitution, the amount of personal political cash in government elections like prosecutors has an upper limit. The limit for a prosecutor like Richard Clare is 3,000, and then the party is 15,000.

However, this system has long existed in name only, and voters can use the ‘political action committee’ to bypass this restriction.

Although the 'Political Action Committee' can't directly hand over money to the candidates, they can buy advertisements on TV stations and newspapers, publish preferential political opinions, or hold receptions, fund-raising meetings for the candidates, or even to major charities , Libraries, schools and other institutions donated money to do everything to enhance the reputation of the candidates.

Later, Li Mochen personally visited Ms. Isorte, Atlanta's 'counter general'. This man was very dissatisfied with the war between Li Mochen and Antonio. He thought his actions were ridiculous and destroyed the long history of Atlanta. peaceful.

Then, when Li Mochen was disappointed and left, the lady loosened her tone, thinking that it was necessary to audit the financial situation of the Eastern District Police in the near future to see if FǔBài and embezzled funds occurred.

"Do you know? Andrea, you are really ridiculous. It is like a lion cub with no teeth growing up, provoking the jackal."

Ms. Isalt, after sending Li Mochen out, sighed slightly: "However, your character reminds me of your father. For some things he believes, he often spares no effort."

Li Mochen can only smile embarrassingly, thinking that this has nothing to do with Li Chunchu, and the original sword boundary Tao Wenran will do the same. No one could finally retreat after moving the people and things he valued.

"But since you have already done this, then win the war as much as possible, knock down that Antonio, you have not retreated Andrea."

At this point, Ms. Isolt pointed to Alyssa Tangerian who was not far behind Li Mochen: "I have to remind you to make good use of the power of this girl. I know Angela Medici treats you She has very special feelings, but in Atlanta, her help is actually limited. Medici is high in the cloud, and has a gap with the bottom of the society. Instead, it is this Tangerian girl, many of her cousins. There are about sixty or seventy positions in the police station. I ca n’t count them. Although not many of them really serve as high-level officials, they occupy a large number of middle-level functions and are the backbone and backbone of the Atlanta Police Department. If you can get them Support, then even if Antonio bribed the entire police station, he could not help you, understand? You need to know that no matter what kind of decision, it needs someone to implement it. "

"I know."

Li Mochen's expression was solemn: "This is what I am doing now."

In fact, his purpose of bringing Alyssa Tangerian over to help is precisely this. In the past few days, he has participated in two banquets of Tangerian ’s family. four million. They all use cash to see the position of 30,000.

This doesn't seem necessary. The Rising Sun store hasn't opened yet, and they don't need the police to help them attack the properties of the Blood Brothers, but Li Mochen has to consider that he doesn't want to mess up his relationship with Tangerian's family.

The endless wars of the past few days have caused the police to complain. The frequent attendance rate and the endless vicious public order have put a lot of pressure on the Eastern District Police Station.

When Li Mochen appeared at these two banquets in the Greian family ~ ~ Many people's faces turned blue. But after Li Mochen generously sprinkled money, the situation was much better.

An old man who was a Tangerian ’s family chief inspector, even mentioned Li Mochen in a semi-drunken situation: “Go on! Do n’t stop, kid, I ’m optimistic about you. Sampson Blut you invited, also There is that Thompson Adams, who is a genius commander in the special forces. They have n’t let the FBI and the heavy crime team get the handle until now. Even if you remove Craig Community Bank, you have killed him at least nine. Extrajudicial people, let them not be able to do any business for five consecutive days, right? Do you know that our current director Mr. Yves Ryder has burnt his head? "

"You have to let the above realize that if Antonio does not fall, then the Blood Brothers don't want to do business anymore, and this war that affects the entire Eastern District doesn't want to stop. By that time, you will win and everyone will On your side. You know? The election season is about to begin. The Ombudsman in the Eastern District, as well as those incumbent parliamentarians, will never sit by and watch this chaos continue. They can only do it between you two. Choose. But they can't help you, Andrea. "

"Shit, since Antonio's position in the east of the city has become more and more stable, they have given less and less money. To be honest, many people in the Eastern District still want to see the guy fall. All the triad leaders in the Eastern District Among them, only this guy is the most unscrupulous and the most inhuman. Sometimes there are many vicious cases that we can't bear to look at, but he can't help him. "

"Relax, whether it is your headquarters or the dormitory in Dongcheng District, it is all wrapped up in our Tangerian, he do n’t want to take these two places."

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