Destiny Dominates

Chapter 213: Backlash

PS: The first is to ask for monthly tickets!


Alyssa could not help being dumbfounded, thinking what logic is this? The previous male friend turned over because of Belinda Harris ’s charm, so he prepared to do nothing next, just wait and see if this woman started with her favorite object?

At this time, she suddenly moved slightly: "I guess Lina, do you like to see it in pairs?"

Lina Adrick smiled embarrassedly and didn't answer positively: "I'm sorry, I will pay you back later, whatever punishment you want."

At this time, Alyssa calmed down a little bit. She found Li Mochen's situation improved again. Her eyes were cold, and she looked at others with the gaze of looking at the grass mustard ants.

This situation is familiar to Alyssa. Whenever Li Mochen enters such a state, the combat power will become particularly powerful. Then he was particularly cold and indifferent, and looked down upon people particularly, and his mouth was poisonous.

In the dark world, they encountered magical creatures who were good at psychic illusions on several occasions, but Li Mochen was helpless in this situation. The magic of succubus should also be a kind of psychic illusion. Alyssa believes that the effect on Li Mochen should also be extremely limited.

Li Mochen at this moment has indeed entered the state of ‘Heavenly Heart Photograph’, making the tumultuous desire in the body gradually suppressed.

After all, this was not when he was so badly wounded that he had no resistance to the demon, nor was the girl in Li Mochen's arms holding Angela. So although the process was difficult, he still calmed down his anomalies.

Then, Li Mochen, the ‘Tianxin’, was very unhappy. This woman who did n’t know how to be so shamelessly dared to charm him with the technique of Xiao Xiao, what a big dog!

But just when Li Mochen of "Tianxin" was about to fight back, the director next to him suddenly said: "Very good! The cooperation between you is very smooth, very natural, and it is perfect. I don't think I need to practice anymore. It will start later, you just keep the same state as before. Let the makeup artist come over and help them make up. "

'Tianxin' Li Mochen can only give up temporarily, but at this time, he felt his palm was scratched by the other's green fingers, and when Li Mochen frowned and looked across, he saw Belinda. Harris was blinking at him playfully. The expression was in the eyes of others, but it was cute and cute.

Li Mochen was dissatisfied, frowning his eyebrows into a Sichuan word, and gave a sneering snorting full of anger and disdain. He shook Belinda Harris's hand directly and strode to the side.

This made the latter stunned for a while and looked puzzled, which seemed to irritate her. It was a look of sentimentality and sentimentality, and suddenly there was a hint of coldness in her eyes.

——This man cannot escape her control.

Li Mochen didn't let anyone make up for him. He felt that he was already handsome. There is no second person in this world who is more handsome than him. Those fat powders and the like only insulted his peerless elegance. Besides, what kind of makeup does he wear? A girly, goose bump on the body.

About three minutes later, with the director's order, Li Mochen and Belinda Harris came together again and danced gracefully on the dance floor.

At this time, Belinda not only showed abnormal pink colors in her eyes, but also a tear-shaped mark looming in her eyebrows.

"You surprised me, my charm technique can't help you. But I won't give up, Mr. Wiltonstein--"

Between the dance, Belinda whispered: "I don't want to do this, but you forced me!"

At this time, Belinda's body exuded a faint fragrance, an unusually good smell, which was intoxicating and unconsciously immersed in it.

Li Mochen was cold, his face was cold and proud, and he was still looking at the girl in his arms with his eyes looking at the weeds on the roadside.

He was now watching an ant performing a dance, but the latter didn't realize how ridiculous and sad she was in the eyes of this bystander.

"Look at me, my dear, now!"

Belinda Harris's corner of her lips has already evoked a beautiful arc. She looked up at Li Mochen dizzily, and the tear-shaped mark in her eyebrows has shown a lilac, very obvious.

But from Li Mochen's eyes, the girl could not see even a little obsession, love, or even lust, but only disdain and dissatisfaction.

She noticed that Andrea Lee Wiltonstein's whole body seemed to emit a faint golden light, just like the radiance of the ancient gods in the Greek murals.

The girl was disappointed and strange again, and then she suddenly felt, how could the man in front of him look so good? There should be no more beautiful face in this world, all angles are perfect, there are no flaws, so she wants to caress. Also, this figure looks very thin, but after the actual contact, it is unexpectedly unexpected. The muscles are bulging, but it is not the kind of toughness. It will be very comfortable to lean on.

-There was that cold and masculine breath, which made her almost melt, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, and her face was flushed. So that in the last part of the dance, she almost stuck to Li Mochen. It is only because the latter is forced to maintain the rhythm and pace of the dance.

Tianxin Li Mochen is very proud, he does not allow himself to make mistakes, even if it is caused by others.

And just twenty seconds later, the director on the sidelines was surprised to call the word 'ut': "Very good, very perfect, not just dancing, even the expressions of both people are in place. To alienate the indifference of the teenager In addition, the love and infatuation of young girls are all exposed. I do n’t think it is necessary to shoot a second time. It is estimated that this effect will not be achieved if I shoot a few more times in the future. "

‘Tianxin’ Li Mochen immediately released his hand, and even patted his shoulders and chest with a bit of disgust—they were touched by Belinda Harris.

But the **** the opposite side didn't care about his movements. At this time, her nose suddenly spouted a lot of blood, causing people around to wait for a moment of exclamation. Go to a room next door and rest.

Angela, not far away, first looked at Belinda with a confused face, and her group of assistants, and then walked to Li Mochen, looking at him strangely.

"what happened?"

End of shooting ~ ~ Li Mochen has returned to normal under his own psychological hint, and then he saw Angela's very strange expression.

"Why look like this? Am I weird now?"

"I see that woman, she seems to be emotional to you."

Angela thought deeply, a detective's expression: "Amo, wouldn't you have awakened the Titan bloodline? And it was the kind that was very advanced from the beginning? No, if that's not enough, You should now be a double bloodline, and the dragon blood of the Silent Dragon, right? "

"It's true that you guessed it." Li Mochen gave Angela a slightly surprised look: "I'm now a 7th-level dragon warlock, 7th-level Titan holy warrior, this was a few days ago."

"Sure enough--"

Angela's face realized her meaning, and then she laughed while holding her belly, ignoring the image of her lady. In the end, he even laughed weakly, holding Li Mochen's hand barely.

"You're crazy!" Li Mochen felt inexplicable, and his eyebrows began to knot: "What's so funny about this? My bloodline is shameful?"

"It's funny!"

Angela had laughed so much that she couldn't stop falling on the ground. She pressed her stomach with one hand and thumped with the other: "What should I say? According to the East, it is up to Shantou to meet a tiger and fight all day long. The eagle was pecked by the eagle? Or did he lose his wife and break the soldiers, stealing the chicken and not killing the rice? It ’s so funny, Amo, just wait and see, it will be very interesting— "

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