Destiny Dominates

Chapter 220: Magic Tower

PS: Four more requests for monthly tickets!


"If possible, I don't want the security situation in Atlanta to continue to deteriorate."

Li Mochen's voice contained a bit of helplessness: "But Uncle Franks, you should know the situation, I haven't found Hairouer yet, the trace of my poor cousin."

"Understood, so your war with Antonio will continue."

Franks said clearly: "But can the harassment against the entire range of **** factions stop? The employment commissions you issued at the Cardinals Club, although they did not cause any substantial casualties, caused public panic. I know Many people over there dare not even take to the streets right now. Of course, the fellows of the Blood Slayer will also make a commitment to be strictly neutral between you and Antonio. Neither they nor their men will be Antonio. Draw the gun. "

This was falling into Li Mochen's arms, but his words contained a bit of dissatisfaction, "Is this the only way? You should know how much I paid for this war?"

"They will help you find the whereabouts of Hai Ruoer, well ~ I doubt it, but at least it can help you rule out some suspicious locations. Also, if you open a store in the south of Dongcheng District in the future, they will be free of charge. Protection, you have earned their respect. "

Franks chuckled: "Never let them cut the ground to pay compensation? I believe you do n’t want to get involved in this quagmire. As for money, that is even more impossible. The Craig Community Bank you robbed has already let them lose money. A lot of money. "

"I'm really not interested in their territory."

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows: "But if it is just a truce and it feels too loss, Franks, what if I refuse?"

"Andrea! You are a very smart kid."

Franks sighed: "You should understand that the reason why those big families and business giants have not responded until now, one is Indwight Payton; the other is because your private army has never taken the initiative to ordinary people Starting, despite the great impact, there are not too many vicious deaths and injuries; the third is because it is not related to themselves, they are reluctant to circumvent the police and FBI interference. But if the situation in Dongcheng continues, it is not What they like. Andrea, you know, even now I do n’t have the capital to challenge them. If they want, they can easily destroy the private forces under your hands. The police and the FBI want to Talking about the rule of law, rules, and discipline, but those people, if they want to take action, they do n’t care about that. And— "

"Okay, I can probably guess the consequences."

Li Mochen sighed: "But I think there must be at least some changes on the side of the Blood Slayer? For example, drug trafficking will no longer be done, just like your Teutonic Cross?"

This is not because his thoughts are naive, but driven by interests. If it can be done, then his "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" will surely earn a lot of merit,

"Learn from our Teutonic Cross?"

Franks laughed: "But I now control the black market on Laurel Street, they don't. Andrei, I didn't expect you to have such naive thoughts now, which is interesting. But you have to know that even our Teutonic Cross The regiment is not a total ban on drugs. There are some small bosses who are secretly selling, I have nothing to do with it. Amo, Atlanta is not just a blood-handed family that is making drug addicts, and the large number of drug addicts will inevitably require considerable drug supply Channels. With this relationship of supply and demand, even if the **** party no longer commits drugs, there will be other gangs rising in Dongcheng, the situation at that time will only be more chaotic, is n’t it? Amo, our power is far from here The point of making and changing rules. "

"I probably understand, but I still don't want to let them go."

Li Mochen rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers: "Well, the **** hands collectively gathered money to donate 3 million gold shields to the Atlanta Police Disability Foundation and the Atlanta Student Assistance Foundation. I think this condition is not excessive, this is my bottom line. Franks. "


Franks agreed, "I will talk to them about the conditions. As the defeated party, they have drawn a piece of blood. I think those big figures will like your proposal very much. You are very smart, Andre."

"Besides this, the war between me and Antonio is not over."

Li Mochen's voice was embarrassed: "If I want to save people from his hands, then I must inevitably fight against them. This cannot be avoided. So this is only for the ceasefire of the Blood Slayer--"

"You don't need to worry about this."

Franks smiled and interrupted Li Mochen ’s words: “They have agreed that they can temporarily grant you the permission to use the dimensional division of Atlanta ’s Great Devil Array to divide the battlefield. However, this permission can only be used against Antonio if you If you are elsewhere, you have to understand the consequences. "

"Great Devil Tower Array?"

Li Mochen swept his eyes subconsciously to the floor-to-ceiling windows not far away, looking out at the moonlit night sky.

He knew that in the sky above Atlanta, there were actually 24 magic towers floating. They form a huge magic array, protecting the safety of this huge city.

It was a defensive facility built after World War II. The original intention was to fight against Soviet Union Magic Intercontinental Missiles during the Cold War. However, at present, the main role of this 'Great Devil Array' is to prevent the creatures of the dark world from invading the light world.

Because the consumption of the "Great Devil Array" is too huge, it can consume more than one billion gold shields in one hour under full operation. So these twenty-four magic towers are currently only maintaining a minimum level of magical energy circulation.

But even so, the gold shield consumed by the ‘Great Devil Array’ a day looks like over 50 million. Some of this is funded by the government, and some is self-raised by the City of Atlanta.

So Atlanta has set up a ‘Great Devil Tower Array Committee ~ ~ to manage the daily expenses and maintenance of 24 magic towers. A small part of the members come from the government, and the rest come from the famous and top consortia in Atlanta. This is because at least two-thirds of the maintenance funds of this ‘Great Devil Tower Array’ depend on taxes and donations paid by the latter.

Franks said that the dimensional division of authority to divide the battlefield, the situation is actually similar to the previous they robbed Craig Community Bank. The difference is that they must bury dark runestones in advance and arrange a 'dimension traction' array before proceeding with Craig Community Bank. And if he can have the dimensional division authority of the array of big magic towers, it is not necessary to be so troublesome, and only one instruction can be done. The place that needs to be used as a battlefield is temporarily separated from the interior of Atlanta City, which can effectively avoid the surrounding buildings and citizens from being involved.

The famous aristocrats in Atlanta have never been in dispute. But in recent decades, Atlanta has never experienced a major disaster caused by extrajudicial-level battles. This is due to the invention of the dark world runestones, and the second is the construction of the ‘Great Devil Array’.

"What should I say? Uncle Franks, they flattered me."

"This is a must. The strength in your hands has barely reached the point where it can cause damage to Atlanta."

Franks said in a disapproving tone: "But this is only a temporary authorization, there is no need to be too excited. They have not really recognized you, Andrea, you are not yet qualified as a member of the power of Atlanta, so continue to work hard, Lucky little guy! E ~, Andrea, if you have no objections, are we talking about it now? "

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