Destiny Dominates

Chapter 224: Dough

? ps: Fourth is to guarantee the end of the monthly pass!


Ten minutes after Karl walked away, Li Mochen, under the guidance of Angela, made a call to Belinda Harris: "Miss Harris, this is Li Mochen."

"I know it is you!"

Belinda Harris's voice was trembling somehow, and she seemed to be trying to maintain a cold and unwelcome tone: "Andrea, what are you doing with me early in the morning? I have an announcement here Is busy now. "

Li Mochen was hesitant, wondering if it would be appropriate for him to say such a thing to a young girl? Does it need to be euphemistic? But his skin thickness finally caught up with the city wall, and finally urged by Angela's eyes: "Miss Harris, I want some pictures of you now."

"Photo? What do you want my photo to do?"

Belinda Harris was puzzled and seemed to be ecstatic: "Should my photos be easy to find? There are many in the magazine, and I have published photo albums before."

"I don't want those that are available on the market, I need to be a little more private. Emmm ~, the kind I saw before in Amerika Fashion Magazine is not bad. This is the latest issue, but I hope to go further."

Li Mochen flipped through a magazine in front of him. It was a picture of Belinda Harris wearing a bikini and enjoying the sun on the beach.

"A little more private? You, you, how dare you say such a thing?"

Belinda Harris has been incoherent: "America Fashion Magazine? Are you asking for my luo photo? It's too much, it's so simple--"

"Can't it? Actually, I feel too much too." Li Mochen sighed. When Angela gave him an idea just now, he felt it was bad.

"It's not impossible, I'll send it to you."

Belinda seemed to be crying; "You bastard! Remember for me, there won't be another time."

"Really? That's really grateful to you! Can it be delivered within a day? Need your signature on the back, emmm ~ If possible, can the clothes used in the photos be delivered by the way?"

When talking about this, Li Mochen found that he had lost such a thing as "face", and after saying such words, he didn't respond at all.

After that, Li Mochen dialed another call: "Is Ms. Dean Streisie right? I'm Andre Lee Wiltonstein, yes! That's the high school fighting sports star. Okay, Long story short, I want to hire you— "

"It's a bit arrogant, but don't you listen to my conditions? A set of Miss Harris's most private life photos, yes, of course, Belinda Harris, and her signature, emm ~ two to three Bikini. Make sure you have at least three opportunities to get in close contact with Miss Harris every year until I ca n’t fulfill the contract. "

"You agreed? As long as I fulfill the agreement, of course, all the contents of the contract can be written in the Stygian Treaty."

"I can only provide you with an annual salary of 4.5 million gold shields according to the current market. Is it okay? You can come over to meet me tomorrow. Certainly, I will definitely prepare what you want. "

When Li Mochen finished the call, there was still an unreal feeling in his heart. I thought this was done? A Templar up to level 17?

"Simple, right?"

Angela put her hands on her chin and smiled like a little fox: "Ms. Dyneen Streisie is also a lesbian. She likes Belinda very much. No, it should be said to be obsessed, just all the time. There is no chance to contact Belinda. But there are other reasons besides, Dai Nian believed in the goddess of nature, Artemis. In the Roman period of the old continent, Artemis had a relationship with the dragon cult. In the fierce conflict, Artemis, the virgin goddess, was almost defiled by them, and the dragon cult was related to the dusk of the gods. Therefore, Artemis and her followers have always hated the dragon cult. In the tireless pursuit of everything about dragon and witchcraft. "

"The reason why Dineen came to Atlanta this time is on the one hand to chase Belinda's footsteps, on the one hand is to hear what the Dragon Witch is going to do here, come and see the situation. She knows you and Antonio The conflict, you know that you must have conflicts with the Dragon and Witch Church in the future. Dragon and Witch Church has many enemies in Amerika, and this strong enemy you have offended is really terrible. But if you show the qualifications and ability to fight the Dragon Witch Church Ability, will definitely get help from all aspects. For example, Ms. Dyneen Streisie, who can get double salaries in the Church of Natural Goddess and you, and can fight against the forces of Dragon and Witchism, and get gods from her gods. Well, why not do it! "

Li Mochen couldn't help laughing: "So the photos are good, the underwear is not important, actually?"

"It's extremely important!"

Angela concealed her lips with her small hands, her voice melodiously: "How to say, Belinda's status in Dai Nin's mind is almost equivalent to the goddess Artemis she believes in. I suggest Amo you let Belinda Send it a little more. If there is anything she wants to do in the future, just use those things as chips, and she will be very obedient. "

"It turns out so!"

Li Mochen knew what was going on, and then called Belinda Harris again.

Behind Angela, Lena Adrick, who has been watching quietly, has been unable to help but speechlessly choking, thinking these two people, is it a demon possess?


Since there was a match in the afternoon ~ ~ Li Mochen didn't need to go to class as usual after he came to the school. He went directly to the gymnasium of the school and used various auxiliary devices here to practice the "Zhou Tianxuan Ling Lei Qiong Man".

He has used this world's biological knowledge to make some improvements to this exercise method, which has greatly increased the effect of lightning forging.

In the realm of the original dome, the consciousness has been able to observe the subtle question of Tao Ran, knowing that there are cells, nuclei, cell walls, neurons and other structures in the human body, but he only knows the role of some of the structures.

But the components in the cell nucleus, such as nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus, nuclear matrix, etc., are beyond his ability to perceive. Asking Jian Taoran also does not know what their role is. But in this world, those biologists have clearly analyzed the structure and function of these human bodies, and opened his eyes. The lightning forging body of the "Zhou Tianxuan Ling Thunder Mantra" is also more targeted.

But just after Li Mochen step by step, just after finishing the hardening of the heart, he suddenly moved slightly and stopped the physical exercise, and looked at the door in a puzzled way: "Is Lina? Please come in."

It was Lina Adrick who pushed in the door, and this man with two training swords looked very dignified.

This made Li Mochen quite strange that after entering October, their cold weapon fighting club was already preparing for the upcoming nhsaa group battle. Lina Adrick as the main force, this time should be in the first layer to participate in group coordination exercises.

"I'm here to persuade you to stay away from Miss."

In Lena Adrick ’s eyes, the steely tyrannical will burned: "Mr. Wiltonstein, you are in such a dangerous state now."

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