Destiny Dominates

Chapter 236: con man

Just three seconds later, countless mineral water bottles, cans, fruit cores and other debris flew down from the four sides of the stands, and there were a lot of white paper strips-all bills issued by major gaming companies .

"Liar! You are all liar!"

"A group of bitches, give me money back!"

"Shit, this is simply blatantly manipulating the game!"

"Does this treat us like a fool? Both are hybrids!"

"Hey! Is this too fooling? Isn't the trace of ancient traces and Minotaur's remnants so gone?"

"Strong protest! Is that NHSAA referee a fool? They are cheating together, cheating!"

"Asshole, if today's NHSAA tournament committee doesn't give us a statement, I will kill them with a gun tomorrow."

"They're cheating! Hey! Does anyone want to join me in making a statement to the Gaming Regulatory Commission?"

"Yes, we can also go to the Gaming Regulatory Commission! We can join together to hire some lawyers, not let them be so unscrupulous!"

When the stands on all four sides boiled for the outcome of the defeat of Cardio Rod, Abraham Archibald in the number nine box stumbled a few steps and sat back in his seat.

He was a little unbelievable at first, and then clenched his fists, looking grim.

"Jacks! What about the gem of fate?"

"I don't know!" Cressie Jacks' face was dignified: "But obviously this gem cannot help Cardio Rod reverse his fate. It is our miscalculation, this lucky Andrea, he is very likely Has the ability to suppress spirits. Minotaur's remnant soul actually hurt him. "

"I don't care about these! I only know he lost. You violated the agreement we reached, Jacks!"

Abraham's eyes were red, like a defeated bull: "Accordingly, I will also withdraw my promise to you!"


Cressie Jacks couldn't help but sigh: "This is my fault, but Mr. Abraham, I suggest you take action as soon as possible. I guess those bookmakers will join forces to pressure the NHSAA tournament committee later, Let them check and evaluate the fairness of this event, which will help them deal with the gaming supervision committee. "


Abraham frowned, "You didn't promise me that the seven Cretan black bloodstones on Cardio Rhode can handle any investigation?"

"That was before."

Crecy Jacks ’s figure has disappeared from the glass window, but his voice is still left in the box: "The problem is that Andrea, he has the ability to suppress the soul body, it is likely to cause Cardio · Rod himself and Minotaunos's remnant soul repelled. This is not good, Mr. Abraham. He was found to be 100% probable! "

Hearing this, Abraham Archibald was already sweating and chilling. He knew that if Cardio Rhode was found to have problems, then their Arcadis sporting goods company would face catastrophic consequences.

——The current measures are either to prevent the NHSAA tournament committee or to find a way to cut with Cardio Rod.

At the same time, in box 45, Jennifer Wiltonstein sighed and stood up from the seat: "Oliver, you are going to the Cardinals Club to issue a commission. I need to hire two quasi-legendaries. For three years! The faster the better. "

"Yes, I will rush to the Cardinals later."

Oliver looked worried: "But miss, I must remind you that the financial pressure we are facing is already very heavy."

"How could I not be clear? We spread out the stall too much, and then we might not pay attention a little, and the funds may break."

Jennifer sighed softly: "But if I don't do this, I might be kicked out of the Wiltonstein group by those guys in a few months. There is a saying in the East called 'Drinking thirst to quench thirst', and I am in this state now. If If you do n’t drink this bottle of poison, you may lose it now. After drinking it, you can still live for at least two or three months. We have to fight for time, Oliver. "

When Oliver heard this, he stopped talking, but he finally withdrew his words and smiled bitterly: "I hope there will be a turnaround in the next few months."

"Relax, Oliver, if there is really no way, I will sell my pioneering base in the dark world, and will not let myself fall into the field of total bankruptcy."

At this time, Jennifer looked at the glass window again with a strange look, and Li Mochen, who was walking down the ring, glanced: "After you go to the Cardinals Club to issue a commission, please also invite a smarter magic hunter to pay attention. Christian Wiltonstein ’s trends. I do n’t want to know what he is doing, but at least I know where he is— "


At the same time, in the third box, Alec Blud was talking with people on the phone: "Yes, our penguin betting hopes that a third party will intervene. If possible, it is best to invite a professional media person to supervise the whole process. Yes, this is very troublesome. But is it also helpful for the NHSAA tournament committee to maintain its credibility and reputation? Is n’t it? I have foreseen the media storm tomorrow. If we do n’t do a comprehensive and thoughtful investigation, everyone will be in trouble. among."

"The whole process was indeed unexpected, even unbelievable. But I promise, we did nothing, did not intervene in this game, and could not bear this notoriety. Can you understand it? This is really good . I will ask you to drink coffee someday— "

When Alec hung up, he saw Dwight Payton carrying a glass of Bordeaux wine before him.

Alec immediately laughed, took the glass from Dwight's hand, and then held it high: "Let's drink! For the lucky Andrea! And for the Penguin Gaming and Nathan Sports Group."

In the whole box, all employees of Penguin Gaming Company and Nathan responded at the same time, making a loud noise. And Dwight Payton smiled bitterly: "Without such a big fanfare, Alec, I think the next step will be the inquiry and investigation of the Gaming Regulatory Committee. Let's keep a low profile?"

The bookmaker and the people of the Nathan Sports Group are mingled together, and this easily triggers everyone's association.

"It is precisely because we foresee this that we open the window and have video recordings all the way, don't we? We did not do anything. I think the Gaming Supervisory Committee will at most only use the name" deliberately guide public opinion " Give us a ticket. "

Alec smiled indifferently: "Be happy, Dwight! You are making a big profit this time. I think next week's sales of your Nathan Sports Group will surely start at one billion!"

"Hopefully! But this is still inferior to the profitability of your penguin gaming ~ ~ Did you make at least 1.3 billion gold shields this time? Most of them are pure profits."

Dwight Payton smiled and drank the red wine in the glass: "What's more, I now have a headache."


Alec Blud was stunned and then smiled plainly: "Yeah, Dwight, it's too fast. Andrei is really strong, and few high school students can stand in front of him. After a round. But in this way, for those TV stations and audiences who broadcast the game, it is too unfriendly. You have to persuade him, Dwight, he must at least have dozens of rounds with people. This is the only way to look at it. Is it good for everyone? EMM ~ How about starting with his next opponent? "

But after listening to it, Dwight couldn't help but stare sideways at Alec: "What a bad idea, you guys, right?"

He knew that Li Mochen's opponent in the quarter-finals was Bruder. It was a magical swordsman who had been defeated by James Lanster in about thirty rounds six months ago.

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