Destiny Dominates

Chapter 244: Go to war

"Relax, guys, if only the lucky Andrea, I think we still have the ability to cope."

Cressy Jacks was talking about here, and then looked slightly, and looked up: "Look, they have come--"

At this moment, all the dragon face masks present were suffocating and their pupils contracted.

Even more changed is Edwin Antonio, whose already green face became more gloomy.

"Relax everyone! I think our place can at least withstand a standard Marine Corps, which is enough to support until twelve o'clock in the worst of the situation."

Crecy's face showed a sneering smile: "Your few should be the clearest, the youngster of the Wiltonstein family is just a knife in the hands of those big men. These family names, They did not have the courage to face the Enraged Dragon Girl. Our Highness is an immortal existence. There are countless noble lineages that have destroyed her in the past three thousand years. But if it is only the private army in the hands of the little guy, and How about taking this place? Our base, with a total of three hundred magical professionals, has nearly thirty out-of-laws. "

Waiting for the emotions of many ‘noble guests’ to be calmed down by him, Crecy Jacks turned his head and looked at Edwin Antonio, and the **** Aangzo behind him.

"I'm sorry, Antonio. In the afternoon, I failed to live up to my promise to solve the kid. But now, you have the opportunity to personally take revenge. I now authorize you and give you the authority to command all the 'Disaster Apostles'. If they really come in at will, then kill them all here. Can you do it, Antonio? "

"Extremely happy!"

Antonio's face immediately appeared with a grin. And just when he turned around and walked outside the door again, Cressy Jacks also slightly picked his lips: "Watch the time, Antonio, don't miss the blood feast at twelve o'clock."


At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, the array of magic towers hidden in the sky in Atlanta suddenly shone brightly, forcibly ‘excluded’ the Gerard Fine Factory and the Fire Club, and even part of the ground under them. Outside the bright world, a separate boundary space is formed.

Li Mochen glanced around and found that the dozens of houses between Gerald Fine Factory and the Fire Club were not involved in this area.

But in the underground part of these buildings, from the underground meters, they are all brought over. That's because this land has formed a whole under the influence of the magic array underground.

The wizards who preside over the magic tower array are superb and make very precise cuts to ensure that this battle will not involve innocent citizens and will not cause any additional property damage.

Li Mochen is quite new, he is also the first time to see a large space spell like dividing the boundary.

In the realm of the original dome, they are not unable to do it, just unwilling to do so. This requires too much spiritual power to be consumed. The practice resources of the original dome are really unaffordable.

This is not only due to the scarcity of various spirit stones, but the thin spiritual power of that world also increases the difficulty of dividing the realm. Here is much better, the ubiquitous magic energy, so that their cost when dividing the boundary is reduced to a minimum.

If there is time, Li Mochen still wants to study the structure of the magic tower array above. But now, he has no such leisure and time.

"Let's go! If they want to use Halloween to speed up the rebirth process of the scorching dragon girl, that means our time is only one hour."

The so-called Halloween is a festival set by the Bright Church more than three thousand years ago. They designated November 1 as "Day of the Saints of the World" (ows \ 'Day), also known as "All Saints' Tribute." On that day, all the light churches will hold Mass ceremonies (Mass) to celebrate all the saints (Hallow) in heaven.

And this whole denominational mass and festivals have their reasons.

Only from midnight of the day to November 1 of the next day, due to some regular changes in this light world, those creatures from the dark world, those demons from the abyss of hell, and even the ghost The ghosts of the capital will enter the world on a large scale.

So long ago, the Druid priests of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland called on the people on this day to light up a bonfire and perform sacrifices. Those Greeks and Romans will also sacrifice on a large scale to the gods on November 1st to pray for refuge.

Afterwards, the light gods will also on this day, pray for the power of the saints of all generations to suppress the demon ghost that has violated the light world.

Accordingly, if someone holds any magical ceremonies related to the undead and the devil on this day, they often gain extra power.

This is also the reason why Li Mochen was eager to rescue Hairouer before this day. He was worried that the dragon and witch priests might take the risk.

"Observe, my boss."

As the general commander, Sampson Brut knew the true identity of Li Mochen.

"Although I personally think that it is better to wait for the signals of those church knights to act together in both directions. But since you insist, then I reserve my opinion."

As he spoke, he waved to a man in military uniform at the rear, who immediately raised an automatic rifle loaded with a grenade launcher and went to the interior of the Gerard Fine Factory. All the scenes under the night sky became faintly visible.

In the next moment, twelve rockets were fired from all directions and bombarded one after another on the outer wall of the fine factory. It's easy to destroy the magic array outside, as well as the high wall ~ ~ and at the same time, there are seven bright and dark whistle behind the high wall.

However, the defensive array on the ground of the Gerard Fine Factory was only disguised. The members of the 16 combat teams entered the factory like a bamboo, but when they were about to burst into the No. 2 factory located in the center of the factory, they encountered tenacious Sniper.

This building, which has only four floors and looks very old, actually carried the impact of a full of 17 rockets intact. The dense and magnificent magic array spread outside the factory building, blocking all the bullets outside. The intensive bomb rain fired from inside suppressed nearly 100 people under Sampson's command and dared not raise their heads tens of meters away.

"---- Sure enough, this is the 17th level, close to the legendary defense array."

Dainian Streisie lies 70 meters away, relying on a broken wall reinforced by magic and steel plates to avoid the dense bullets spilled from the opposite side. At the same time use the telescope to observe the enemy opposite.

The next moment, her pupils contracted slightly. She saw a gun barrel pushed out from the window on the second floor of the warehouse-the cultists of the Dragon and Witch religion actually concealed four 106 mm recoilless guns inside!

-This is just the south of their main attack. According to the information of Jamiri Burt, the total number of recoilless guns inside this plant is as high as nine.

But in the next moment, a gunshot sounded around her. And within a certain window 70 meters away, a 106 mm recoilless gun exploded in response to the sound and overturned in a bang.

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