Destiny Dominates

Chapter 249: Valkyrie

When Consul Wiltonstein walked into his office on the 87th floor of the Wiltonstein Building, his assistant Diamond also walked in.

"Chairman, Philip is already convening people. He has about twelve extrajudicial persons who are gathering towards the east of the city."

"He is a good boy."

Kang Xiuli sat down behind the desk: "Rodrio will stop him. I know that among those people, there are few who are truly loyal to him. However, you can give people a little attention, try not to let that The child suffered too much. "

Then he whispered a little: "How is the situation over there? Diamond. Andrea, has he already done anything with the Dragon Witch?"

"Yes, chairman. According to the information I have learned, the fine factory has been razed by Master Andre and his people. They are very fast, and they only took the surface part in just 12 minutes."

Diamond's voice turned: "The Seven Apostles under the Disaster Dragon Girl seem to have been awakened by the Dragon Sorcerer in advance, and they also provide them with a very good body."

"So don't you look good?" Kang Xiuli frowned.

"This private army formed by Master Andre is surprisingly powerful, and I think the person who leaked the information of the Dragon and the Witch Church to him would also be very surprised. If there were not the seven Apostles, they would obviously be It has the ability to capture the underground base. But the result is difficult to predict. Even the Seven Apostles who have not yet merged into a complete body are also very powerful, and they can compete with the 17th-level magic professional. Even There is the natural punisher Dai Nian Streixi, and they are also difficult to fight against it. Although this will interrupt the Seven Apostles' awakening, the Dragon Witch will not allow the resurrection of the Disaster Flame Dragon Girl to be interfered with. Break. In addition, there is time, which is the most critical, they only have 40 minutes to the chairman. "

Diamond said calmly: "I think once the twelve o'clock is over, the Dragon Witch religion must have a way to wake up Adriana, the disaster-stricken dragon girl, in Herhor's body."

Kang Xiuli couldn't help but turned his office chair and looked in the direction of Dongcheng District, his face changing unceasingly.

"Mr. Chairman, if you must intervene, I suggest you can borrow the name of Master Philip."

Diamond made his suggestion: "Master Philip has just given us a good opportunity just now, although this may be a bit irritating to him."

"But if I did this, wouldn't it be the dirty person in his eyes?"

Consul Wiltonstein laughed, and then his eyes were frozen: "According to the planned plan, let the Gemini be dispatched and solve the problem as soon as possible before twelve, are they ready?"

"Understood! This may be a big problem. Whether it is for you or Master Andre, it is not a good thing. Although this is the strength that you have cultivated in secret, you may not be able to hide their eyes and ears But have you decided, Mr. Chairman, right? "

As Diamond said, the internal phone at the corner of the desk suddenly rang. He temporarily stopped talking and helped Kang Xiuli press the hands-free key.

Then a nice female voice came from the speaker: "Mr. Chairman, I am the front desk manager Ines. Now there is a lady here on the first floor lobby. She insists on meeting with you. She said her name is Judith. · Brown, your friend. "

"Judith Brown? Mrs. Brown? One of the most famous astrologers on the east coast of America."

Diamond quickly recognized the person's identity, and then he was puzzled: "What is it for you to ask her?"

He knew his BOSS relationship with the Mrs. Brown was far from being a friend.

"I am guided by fate."

At this time, the voice of the phone speaker was the voice of another woman, soft and charming: "Kang Xiuli, the stars are telling me that I must stop you from doing stupid things."


Consul Wiltonstein's eyes were cold: "Can you explain your words? Mrs. Brown? You displease me."

"No matter how annoying you are, I have to come."

Mrs. Brown sighed: "I know you can understand, Kang Xiuli. I understand you, you are accumulating strength, you want them to pay, you never give up revenge, right? You tried to pretend to be forgotten Everything, treat everyone with a cruel attitude. But everyone who knows you knows that she and her children are still your weaknesses. But Concierge, your opponent is not just them. Concierge Wiltonstein Now both inside and outside, he is watching you, and Krisa ’s children are also eyeing the person you care about, they are waiting for your action Kang Xiuli. "

Kang Xiuli was unimpressed, and still used a tone that did not fluctuate: "Mrs. Brown, if you only want to say these inexplicable words, then I have to hang up. This is already 11 o'clock on Thursday. Madam, if you must meet me, I can ask the assistant to arrange a time for you next Monday morning. "

"It's not necessary to meet. I know you are busy now. But Kang Xiuli, I will bring you some good news this time. I have seen the line of destiny violently disturbed in Atlanta's starry sky these two days."


"Kang Xiuli, the future is changing, and some stars have deviated from their intended trajectory."

At this moment, Mrs. Brown's voice, with some incredible and secluded: "Last night, I dreamed of you and her descendants, he took the golden scepter in the blazing fire, and behind this teenager , Standing is a girl with black dragon wings in her back. She is wearing a battle armor and is surrounded by flames, like a goddess of mythology. I have seen her appearance, it must be beyond your imagination. Happening."

"A dream of foresight?"

At this time Kang Xiuli's look finally changed.

"Do you mean the Valkyrie, refers to Herrell?"

"I can't explain to you in detail, this will affect my lifespan and interfere with the future. But it is obvious that your descendant has a great future, and his future will not end today. Kang Xiuli, I hate you You must be the same, but if it is for her, our position is now the same. So please Kang Xiuli, please do n’t be restless? Of course, if you must insist, I will not stop you. "

When Mrs. Brown said this, she hung up the phone directly ~ ~ Then she looked at a woman in a professional dress with a smile on her face, and a blue aura flashed in her eyes: "Ines is Do you think you will forget me? No one has been here between 11:20 and 11:30, right? "

With her voice, the front desk manager named Ines, as well as many colleagues around her, suddenly looked confused.

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the Wiltonstein Building, the security personnel eating here frowned, looking at the monitors in front of them. The screen on the first floor of the building was supposed to be a snowflake.


Kang Xiuli, who is located in the chairman's office, fell into meditation at this time.

"The chairman, Mrs. Brown is an excellent astrologer, and her dreams of foresight are very effective. As she said, she now has no reason to deceive you, whether it is for revenge or for the sake of his wife, he is consistent with your position."

Diamond suggested again: "I think we can consider suspending our hands and observing first."

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