Destiny Dominates

Chapter 255: reverse

PS: Only these two changes today, five consecutive changes tomorrow at 5 pm,


The passage on the second floor soon opened. Although the remnants of the Dragon and Witch Church were tenacious and intrepid, they organized the final force to try to block the corridor. Under the attack, the resistance was as weak as tissue.

Sampson Blut had taken people to clean up all the loot in the base of the first floor, while Thompson Adams commanded thirty combatants, accompanied Li Mochen into the second floor.

As they expected, they did not encounter any decent resistance on the second floor. The bullets occasionally shot from the corners were not from real combatants, but only some handyman and professional levels of the base. Magic mage below level 5. These people are also believers in the Dragon and Witch religion, but they are only responsible for the maintenance of magic energy arrays and pipelines, and the combat power is not worth mentioning.

At 11:35, Li Mochen came to a huge black iron gate. Major Adams personally took charge of the blasting, forcibly exploding the iron gate reinforced with a heavy magic array with two explosive crystals.

But the scene inside left all the people present stunned.

In the space as wide as seven thousand square meters, there is a huge, complicated, and weird array covering all corners of this underground space.

Attracts everyone's attention, but it is the high platform in the center, and there is a blood pool in the shape of a pentagram.

At this time, nearly 400 corpses fell to the side of the pool, without exception, the head fell off, and the blood flow overflowed from the neck and poured into the blood pool.

And above the high platform, there is Hairouer, who is tied to the counter-cross, and three figures wearing red robes. Li Mochen recognized two of them, one was Edwin Antonio, and the other was Cresie Jacks. The former had a gloomy face and a murderous overflow, while the latter had a slightly picky lips and a smile, and there was another person , With fangs on the corners of his lips, seems to be a vampire with an earl status.

Next, including Li Mochen, everyone's eyes were focused on Hairouer. I saw the latter's body, already covered with a layer of **** scales, and a pair of huge dragon wings, slowly opening behind her.

"Look, our guests are here."

Cressie Jacks on the high platform laughed: "I admit that your combat effectiveness is much stronger than I thought. But you are still late, please remember this time, October 31st is late At 32, His Royal Highness Adriana came to the world again. Guys, what are you waiting for? Do n’t you kneel down and pay a visit to the great Princess of Disaster? "

At this moment, Hai Ruoer opened his eyes, which was actually a gold-colored vertical pupil, and a wave of magnificent and incredible waves of energy and magic energy swept across all directions.

And everyone outside the door felt his heart was squeezed at this moment, and he was under mountain-like pressure in his mind, as if to crush and crush their souls!

In addition to a few outsiders, he still managed to support the body, still standing still. The rest of the people involuntarily knelt on the ground, cold and sweating on the face.

At this time, even the seventeenth-level strongmen like Dai Nian Streissey, the situation is equally poor. Her face was pale, and she looked at the platform with a slight loss.

She knew what would happen to the resurrection of Princess Scourge — it would be the misfortune of the whole world.


"Eye of the Sky" Howard Eisenhower couldn't help but cursed and said in a desperate tone: "I feel like we are dead!"

Since the demigod-level dragon princess has awakened, then all of them here will usher in the fate of death.

Only Li Mochen, after carefully observing for a while, suddenly made a weird chuckle: "The situation is not so serious, Mr. Eye of the Sky, but the will is awake. Hairouer, she also Alive. "

Dai Nien slightly stunned, stared at once again, and found that it was so. Although the consciousness of the dragon princess has been awakened, it is clear that she cannot fully control this specific body, and her power has not yet fully integrated into the advent.

This made Dai Nien's mood loose, but then she frowned again. Even so, the situation is not optimistic. This can't change the fact that the resurrected egg of Herrell has fully hatched and has already obtained the demigod body. And mortals like them can't cause damage to demigods like Princess Yanyan-this is the gap between the two power levels after all!

It is estimated that among so many people present, only she holding the Holy Sword Emperor Moss may pose a little threat to Adriana.

As for Herrell--she couldn't see the meaning of this.

"Well, it seems that, as you said, she has not been fully resurrected."

Eisenhower made a slap and tried to suppress the fear in his heart: "But this is only the difference between dying earlier and dying later, isn't it?"

Li Mochen was too lazy to take care of him. It seems that when this guy was attacking this base, he did indeed exert a lot of energy, and he was too lazy to punish him.

"Major Adams, please take your people away. I don't think you will be needed here anymore. And Ms. Streisie, Mr. Eye of the Sky, could you please help me see the door? I need your assurance next, No one can bother me. "

After saying this, Li Mochen walked in calmly. He was completely unaffected by the majestic dragon power and walked directly in front of the blood pool in the shape of a five-pointed star. As he brushed his sleeves, the three hundred and sixty star fighting swords all spread out and began to destroy the surrounding Part of the structure of a huge magic array.

About twenty seconds later, this set of 'Sun Moon Star Week Star Fighting Excalibur' floated up again, just like the orientation of the stars, suspended at a height of six meters ~ ~ It seems to be unbelievable Its thing! "

Above the altar, Cressy Jacks's eyes were coldly expressed: "How are you going to stop the arrival of His Royal Highness Adriana? Little boy? I think at this time, no one can stop His Highness from returning to the world. . "

"That's just because of your ignorance. On the contrary, after today, I'm afraid I have to thank you for this generous gift from Hairou."

Li Mochen took away the face shield from his face, then squeezed in Edwin Antonio's stunned and unbelievable gaze, and gave a roar like a lion.


As the word "Zhe" in the nine-character mantra said, Hairouer's mind seemed to be shocked. The pale golden luster in her pupils quickly dimmed. The original vertical pupil first contracted slightly and then expanded suddenly, paying attention The figure of Li Mochen. At the same time, there was a hoarse voice in her throat: "Andrea ~"

"It's me, to save you."

Li Mochen's lips slightly raised: "Will you try to stay awake next? Hairouer, this is very important to you."

Seeing Hai Ruoer's eyes, there has already been a little bit of condensed meaning. Li Mochen squeezed again and decided, manipulating the three hundred and sixty star fighting swords, following the changes in the direction of stars.

"Zhou Tianshen machine, fight to star shift!"

Along with those swords, a bunch of star forces gathered together hitting Hairouer, and Li Mochen's eyes also shone indifferently.

"Make a wish! Today will be the reversal of heaven and earth, and the things will move to the stars! Hairouer, now, you can take everything that belongs to you, and you will be able to-"

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