Destiny Dominates

Chapter 257: Demi god

"Look, the host here is angry and angry?"

Li Mochen learned the tone of Cressy Jacks, and looked at the three people on the stage with a smile: "Relax, I will thank you and give you painless death as much as possible."

Edwin Antonio's face twitched, and then he also raised his hand and shot. A magic revolver in his hand continuously fired six bullets at Li Mochen.

But Li Mochen didn't even evade. These bullets were stopped by the translucent blood curtain outside the Pentagram.

The secret method they used to isolate the inside and outside, originally to ensure their own safety, was not threatened before the disaster dragon Adriana was resurrected, but they also made these three people helpless to Li Mochen in front of them.

"Meaningless catharsis."

Li Mochen stepped forward and came to the blood curtain.

"But I understand you, you are angry, unwilling, helpless, fearful, afraid, right? Just like this little **** the cross. I think she also needs to vent, and may wish to tear you apart and experience her Everything you have done is imposed on you. But you are very lucky. I do n’t want her to be controlled by her own emotions after waking up. Your death will be my responsibility. "

It was at this time that the translucent blood curtain gradually thinned.

And the smile on Li Mochen's lips and lips became more and more joyful: "Remember the three, at 57 o'clock on the 31st of October, Haier Wiltonstein became a demigod! This is all thanks to you Wait for it! "

"Don't be too proud, you shit!"

Edwin Antonio, while holding the ring on his hand with his hand, closely watched Li Mochen, his eyes gloomy and unpredictable. He didn't understand where this little kid of less than seventeen came from so capable. Not only killed the Apostle of Disaster, but also helped the little girl Heirou steal the power of the Disaster Dragon.

Is he also a certain body of the god? But why didn't Wilton Stein notice?

Only these questions, he is destined to be difficult to answer today, and their fiasco is already a set fact today, and he is about to face his life.

"You think we have no choice, right? That's not necessarily!"

"It is nothing more than teleportation or scrolls, and then dark runestones and the like--"

Li Mochen's lips widened, revealing a gruesome smile: "Three, if I am not sure, how can I say such confident words out."

When the three people on the stage were palpitated, the red blood curtain disappeared completely, and they used their magic equipment and scrolls for the first time.

But at this moment, the three hundred and sixty ‘Star Fighting Swords’ hit the condensed starlight at the same time against Antonio and Crecy Jacks.

The teleportation circle was terminated instantaneously, and the Dark Runestones also stopped changing.

Li Mochen himself fired coldly with a "death announcement", a magazine with twenty rounds of bullets, and instantly hit at least seven holes in Cressy Jacks' body, completely destroying the vitality of this person.

His body walked away from the place at a mysterious pace, walking around the blood pool in the shape of a five-pointed star array with a light posture, avoiding the bullets bombarded on the high platform.

Li Mochen did not change the magazine, but threw away the ‘death declaration’, picked up the ‘Long Wei’ hanging behind him, and aimed at him.


As Li Mochen pulled the trigger, a senior armor-piercing blaster easily lifted Edwin Antonio ’s skull.

Then when Li Mochen pointed his muzzle at the vampire Count, the immediate look was desperate, his face pale and his hands were raised,

"Do n’t kill me! Mr. Wiltonstein, I can do it for you! I have profound knowledge and combat effectiveness. I can make blood vows and become your servant. You can be 100% trusted--"

"Boom! Boom! Boom--"

Li Mochen fired six shots in a row, emptying Longwei's magazine and opening six blood holes in the vampire count. The latter changed into countless bats, trying to avoid Li Mochen's bullets.

But Li Mochen's wish to the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" is an accurate hit!

All of this person's ability to change is useless. Li Mochen's bullets hit the six most important of those bats, which made the vampire Count had to condense his body, and at the same time issued a painful wailing.

Followed by, Li Mochen took another move, took the yin-yang life and death mirror he had not used for a long time, and directly shone on the other side with a shadow mirror representing ‘death.’

He doesn't have many sacred and bright bullets. Compared with firearms, his "yin and yang life and death mirror" is an excellent weapon against dead creatures such as Earl Vampire.

And then, Li Mochen never looked at the man again, his eyes focused on the counter-cross on the platform again.

At this time, the huge dragon soul was already very weak. She did not try to enter Hairou's body, but looked at a pair of scarlet longan eyes to Li Mochen, and then issued a loud sound of ang on the eardrums. Long roar, this gradually dispersed.

Li Mochen heard the resentment and murder in the roar, but he was too lazy to care.

Adriana, the scorching dragon dragon, and her seven scorching apostles have not completely died, they still have a chance to resurrect in this world. What Dragon Soul said to Li Mochen is that she will return from nothing sooner or later, which will definitely make him pay the price.

In the case where Heirl has stolen most of this power, this possibility is minimal.

Therefore, at the moment, Li Mochen is fully concerned about only the **** the cross. The latter has opened his eyes, and the spikes on his body bounced out one by one, and the chain wrapped around her also broke down inch by inch ~ ~ But at the same time, Herol's face There is also the meaning of pain and madness. The huge magic source scattered around her body is almost frantic, making a magic storm of energy around her body, which has a tendency to grow larger and larger.

And the layer of Hairouer's body that couldn't be opened even by the sixteenth grade bullets, a large number of cracks appeared at this moment.

Li Mochen sighed slightly, knowing that this was the price to gain strength. The soul of a little girl cannot bear the power of a demigod, which is much more serious than the consequence of a three-year-old kid holding a giant axe.

So if no action is taken next, then Herrell will be destroyed and torn by the demon source in her body, and her soul will be annihilated accordingly.

So it must be sealed! He did everything he could to seal up most of Herrell's strength, keeping only what she could afford.

At this time, Li Mochen sensed the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" again, and found that the colorful aura surrounded by this tower had increased to 467 strands. It is worth mentioning that these are from the moment when he helped Haier and usurped the power of the Scourge Dragon Girl, and the previous ones have been worn out.

Li Mochen thought that it was barely enough, but it was a pity that he had collected all the virtue of virtue he had collected tonight before he could cover it with his hands, so he had to spend all of it.

He sighed first, and then stepped forward without hesitation, and came to the front of Hairou. The latter's eyes showed a sense of fierceness, and the pair of dragon wings also spread out horribly, but when it was clearly seen that it was Li Mochen, he converged this hostile move again. Li Mochen's fingers also caught her eyebrows at this moment, and at the same time his Wai Dan also radiated a strong light at this moment.

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