Destiny Dominates

Chapter 264: return

"——You should know that all the swordsmanship and source skills in this world are based on personal constitution and source strength and strength. If you have great strength, many source forces, and fast speed, even if you are casual A sword can pose a lethal threat to others. But if you do n’t even have the strength to wield a sword, then even if you have the cleverest skills, the best weapons will not help. "

Li Mochen was worried that these women were impatient, and added the magic sounds derived from the magic gate to his voice.

"So the content of my lecture today is not the skill of swordsmanship, but a swordsmanship from the East named" Green Temple Red Face Sword "."

"Green ~ temple ~ red ~ face ~ sword? Watt?"

The vast majority of the students in the classroom are dazed, Li Mochen does not use British language, and uses Oriental pronunciation, so all but a few are confused.

"I know that the" green temple "in the Eastern script refers to the dark and shiny temple hair, which describes the young and beautiful appearance; the red face refers to the woman with beautiful appearance."

Angela is familiar with oriental culture, but her face also shows a confused look: "How come there is such a strange name?"

"Literally, it means that after practicing this set of swordsmanship, you can maintain a long-term green temple, greatly delay aging and improve the vitality of the skin. The premise is that you have mastered its essence."

Li Mochen's expression is calm, and the appearance of a worldly master: "Of course, the main function of this swordsmanship is still used to exercise personal physique and strengthen its own magic source."

He didn't finish the conversation, and everyone in the classroom couldn't help but be refreshed. Even Angela, who has a top-notch heritage, always taught Belmonda a bit of disdain for Li Mochen, and she also raised her ears.

Li Mochen couldn't help but chuckle secretly, thinking that these American women were no different from the female disciples of Shen Xiaozong.

When it comes to Taoist swordsmanship, most of the women are not interested, but when it comes to staying in beauty, they must listen the most seriously.


Someone raised their hands: "Since it is a swordsmanship from the East, is it useful for us magic professionals?"

Li Mochen wanted to wave the dust subconsciously, but then found that he didn't have this thing in his hand. He only coughed a little: "Of course it is useful, the source power is the same as the so-called true energy of the East, and there is no difference in essence."

"Teacher, I doubt it. This set of swordsmanship called Green Temple and Red Face Sword. I have never heard of it before. It should be famous."

Angela also raised her hand, full of doubts: "And, can it really delay the aging and improve the skin through sword surgery?"

"You haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean you don't, you should know that my father is from the East? This is my family's secret swordsmanship, and I am going to teach you the first half of this secret swordsmanship."

Li Mochen flicked the pot on Li Chunchu's body casually, while frowning slightly, and said seriously: "It must be mentioned that the essence of the green temple and red face sword is only a guide technique, and there is no ability to attack. Delaying aging and improving the skin are only the side effects of this set of swordsmanship. Shaping and strengthening the body is the root of it. If you doubt it, you can practice hard in the next few days. As long as you master the correct method, then I believe that after three days at most, you can see the effect. EMM ~ the physical aspect is not so fast, mainly the skin, it will become healthier, radiant, elastic, and the color will become darker. So next, please be sure Listen carefully. "

He knows that American women are different from the East. The latter takes white as the beauty, while the former prefers wheat-colored skin. Therefore, Li Mochen took measures according to local conditions. Anyway, he always made a fuss about melanin, but only reverse operations.


At the same time, at the Dabins Air Force Base in Atlanta, a 30-year-old man dressed in a major general's uniform, with a broad back like a tiger and a thick waist like a bear, walked down from a military aircraft accompanied by many entourage.

And when this man walked into a limousine that was ready here long ago, the mobile phone in his assistant's hand suddenly rang.

The man in Twenty raised his eyebrows and then took the mobile phone in his hand.

"Is it Margaret?"

"It's a good guess, my dear brother."

There was a laugh on the phone: "So let me guess, you have returned to Atlanta now, right?"

"Yes! Just at Dobbins Air Force Base, returning to the city."

The men of thirty years made no denunciations: "Several of you are too incompetent, so I had to rush back to deal with the problem myself."

"Incompetent? Christian, this is a very serious accusation."

Margaret Wiltonstein's tone is leisurely: "So you are going to shoot in person and kill Andrea, our nephew, right?"

The men in Fence could not help frowning, he heard the ridicule and ridicule hidden in the voice.

"I know you have this ability, but you should know the consequences better, Christian, you are driving him crazy. That **** should be the last thing he cares about, and the only thing that can catch him."

Margaret sneered: "It's easy to kill him, but then all of us, including you Christian, won't survive. He will have no more scruples. After the Chrisa thing, this ruthless Guy, he no longer regards us as children. He already knew that we did it. So you should understand? Do n’t think that blood and family can limit him. Our nephew can die in the hands of anyone, only Can't be us alone. "

"Margaret, in your eyes, am I such a stupid person?"

Christian Wiltonstein opened the collar and breathed heavily: "Of course I do n’t want Andre ’s death to be related to us, but you should n’t let him cultivate wings. Devin Antonio, has he been removed, right? "

"It's more than just removing ~ ~ the 300 fighters of Dragon Witchism in Atlanta, plus an underground military base capable of catching up with the semi-permanent stronghold, was also destroyed by his men. So— — ”

Margaret's emotions seem to be extraordinarily complicated: "At present, the city of Atlanta looks calm on the surface. But almost everyone is shocked by the power he shows, including me and your two brothers."

"This is because you have been watching and watching."

Christian looked cold: "Too indecisive, my sister! Even if you can't start with Andrei himself, you shouldn't let his subordinates wantonly act in Atlanta. Has he now stiffened his wings, right?"

"The problem is that the time is too short, only two weeks. Who can think of it? He can have such a powerful armed force in two weeks, so fast that we didn't think about how to deal with it. "

Margaret was helpless: "He's staring at us, Christian. Our father has accumulated patience for more than two decades, and now no one knows what kind of power he has in his hands. We It is indeed possible to pinch the ant, but he can also sweep everything we have to the trash can. "

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