Destiny Dominates

Chapter 274: apostle

"That's not their own strength, and they can't reach level 17."

Dai Nian shook her head, and she was indifferent: "Just able to contend with 17th level, like Alyssa who has not reached the level of extrajudicial, it would be good to have 15th level power. And Major Adams, he The master's profession is only at most fifteen. "

"But this is also very strong."

Eisenhower said, "The key is to experience the power of senior professionals, and the sense of battle of the Apostles of Disaster, which allows them to take a lot of detours."

"You have to think about the good, Mr. Eye of the Sky. BOSS has more powerful helpers, which means that the risks we face in the future will be greatly reduced, don't you think this is a good thing?"

Dyneen Streisie smiled: "Our BOSS is undoubtedly a potential stock, he is rapidly increasing in value. This is a demigod-level force, your eye of the sky has been ups and downs over the years Do n’t you just want to find a reliable host to help you hit the legend? Is n’t this far away from the horizon, close at hand? ”

"But I feel that in the future, this enemy of BOSS, I am afraid that it is also terrible."

Eisenhower murmured a complaint, but he didn't say anything afterwards, and he also felt that this 'stock' he accidentally stepped on was increasing in value.

It took Li Mochen two and a half hours to check all the details, and then carefully filled in the magic stone. Fortunately, the magic array they arranged did not collapse, nor did the magic overflow.


Thompson Adams looked at Li Mochen with admiring eyes: "BOSS, your talent in magic array is really rare in the world."

He only knows today that Li Mochen is the same person as Mr. Li who has top-level shooting. This made Adams very surprised, but it was no match for Li Mochen to tell them that the fact that Heir Wiltonstein was already a demigod had shocked him.

Thompson Adams, like everyone else, is mostly skeptical. A little girl, usurped the power of Adriana, the disaster dragon girl, how could this be done?

But he just saw Li Mochen's ability on the magic energy array, but he breeded some hopes-or is BOSS true?

Miss Herrell was sitting there, and her breath was indeed terrible. They also spent so much money and made so many preparations for it. His BOSS could never be joking with them.

"That's because you have never seen a real genius."

Li Mochen said lightly: "Everyone should be in place. Follow the steps I mentioned, and pay attention to the fact that the power of the Apostle of the Scourge must not be allowed to enter the body before these pill pills change color. If this thing appears damaged, then directly interrupt this ceremony."

"I look forward to it, BOSS."

Thompson Adams' eyes flashed hot, and then stepped into the seven-pointed star array, and sat down at the apex of the vacant seven-pointed star.

When he was like everyone else in the battle, he dripped his blood into the silver pill, and then poured the power into it. Makes the silver brilliance outside the Danmaru more conspicuous.

Also at this time, Li Mochen looked at Hairouer with a questioning look. The latter, who was hiding in his armor, nodded immediately: "I'm always ready."

"If you feel you can't hold it, you can stop immediately."

Li Mochen didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately launched the magic circle. Then in this warehouse, a huge vortex of magic energy gathered.

About ten minutes later, there was a force of attraction in the center of the seven-pointed star. Hai Rouer also groaned at this moment, and the girl was in extreme pain just from the sound.

Li Mochen looked at it with some concern, but Hairouer didn't mean to stop at all. Finally, he didn't make any sound at all. Only a slight grind of his teeth passed into Li Mochen's ear.

Three minutes later, Hairouer's body had seven groups of black mist slammed out, and each rushed to the seven people on the corner of the seven-pointed star.

However, before these black mists rushed into their bodies, all seven of them used the magic source in the body to lift the silver pill offering into the air, and at the same time, their hands were merged and a strange handprint was pinched out.

In the next moment, these black mists were quickly swallowed by the silver pill. Regardless of how much Heror guts out, the latter can be fully contained.

Li Mochen also looked dignified, watching carefully.

These silver pill are the "Waidan" variant he made by hand yesterday, used as a container for the power of the seven Apostles, and also as a protective wall to isolate the will of the apostle and pollute the hearts of people like Alyssa .

However, due to the short time, Li Mochen must design the artwork structure in a short time, and then use the magic words of this world to replace the runes of the original dome. Therefore, he did not have much confidence in these seven "Waidan" variants.

So much so that when refining, Li Mochen had to perform a wishing technique to ensure that the seven Waidan made by himself were foolproof.

However, although this Wai Dan has a wishing base, the actual effect is still variable. They can help Alyssa and others get the power of the Apostles of Disaster, but it is still unknown how much power they can get.

With the passage of time, Li Mochen's expression also became colder. The operation of the Magic Array is relatively smooth, and the seven Waidan also began to operate as he expected, except that the speed of absorbing the black mist was slightly slower. And this situation will only aggravate the pain of Hai Ruoer.

Li Mochen was very distressed and wanted to interrupt the ceremony directly. But his reason was telling him that such an outcome was nothing more than making Herre suffering again, and that the power of the seven Scourge Apostles could not be removed from Herrell's body.

Until three hours later, the time was close to two o'clock in the morning, and those black mists were finally swallowed up, and the original silver pill also turned into a dark color.

"Is this done?"

Eliza opened her eyes first, showing excitement and anxiety.

"you may try it!"

Li Mochen walked to Hairouer's side to check on her condition. Found that the girl's clothing inside the armor has been soaked in sweat. People are also faint, almost fainting.

He immediately frowned and picked up the girl with great distress, and gave it to Dyneen Streisie who was walking by.

"This is the power of the fifteenth level dragon vein master?"

Alyssa summoned a fierce dragon inflammation in her palm, but then found that Hairouer's situation was wrong, and immediately looked over with concern: "Hairore, is she okay?"

She likes this little girl, she is very sensible and strong enough to be almost inhuman.

"It doesn't matter ~ ~ need to be sent back to rest,"

Li Mochen suppressed the urgency in his chest and glanced at everyone: "How do you feel? Can you control this power?"

"Yes! This is a very strange feeling. When I let the Apostle's power absorb into my body, I instinctively know what to do. Is this the apostle's own consciousness?"

Sampson Blut took a gun and looked forward, and Zhou was already full of magical aura: "I need to find a place to try it, but these skills are indeed the magic shooter's right."

Adriana's seven Disaster Apostles are a total of seven magic class, mage, magician, archer, hunter, mad warrior, warrior, and shadow.

However, there are three magic hunters in their group, so Thompson Adams chose to strengthen his deputy magic mage, and he chose the magic shooter. This choice actually helps them more,

It is worth mentioning that Li Tailai, who is a druid, chose the soldier. This can also greatly strengthen his strength. In the form of a beast, the druid can contend with the melee profession.

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